Text staying after showing up party screen.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I few times was at Gwen Farm and my party slept there. But I used sleep option while been at party screen and first party screen vanished and sleep text showed up. Then followed sleep text. But next what suprised me wasn't that text describign what happenede while sleep vanished and been replaced by party screen. It stayed after that with party screen shown below it. Attatched SS of this bug in case I as usualy too mudy explained bug ^^

And for get it I was at Party screen then went to sleep at Gwen Farm. Switching to any other screen and back to Party fixing it luckly.

EDIT: Checked Nomads Camp, Outlaws camp, Glade, Twins location at Inn, Jeanne tower, Ophelia Lab. All of those location that allows for sleep not causing this bug only sleeping at Gwendy Farm trigger it.

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