Tessa Possible Bug? [0.9.098 Backer]


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2020
Hello, been stuck on Tessa quest.

I basically found a guide online that said to pick up the plastic keycard from the man in the toilet (by giving him the TP) and then using that in the bar's keycard reader.

I've done so, but the keycard reader ain't reading. To be clear, this same keycard opens the supply closet so I can get the bioscanner.

Is the online guide I got wrong? If so, what do I do to bypass the scanner? Honestly tried everything, not working :(


New Member
Feb 5, 2023
The keycard from the TP guy isn't what opens the bar scanner. You need to run around and collect some scans, then use the bioscanner to open one of the lockers. Inside a locker there will be a Weapon Pass. Ahsha will steal it, but give you a Kitchen Pass instead. The Kitchen Pass opens the bar scanner and lets you access the area behind the bar, which includes the supply elevator.