Terry neutering


Active Member
Oct 17, 2015
An attempt to remove Terry's penis and make him sexless went to failure earlier as the TF automatically gave him a new vagina afterwards; a bit of a disappointing result.

Now I understand that's how sex works in the game in general, but I was hoping that I'd have a little more control than that considering the whole technically a slave aspect.

Are there any plans to support such an option in the future?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
As for Terry I think QB/LD planned it that whenever PC make him/her loose one gender bits will gain an opossite gender ones instantly without chance to stay neuter.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
Exactly. Neuter is a gender that Terry does not and will never support. We made it a conscious decision that sexless Terry will not be a thing, and none of our other projects will ever support it either.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2015
That's disappointing. But on the subject of Terry, I'd like to just make a small complaint over how little control over him as a companion.

First of all, I can choose to reject the other two companions outright: Kiai at start and Layla after defeating her. Terry is a bit of a bombshell that you're forced onto, and although you could simply choose not to take the route, it's literally part of a questline with no way of knowing its outcomes until the very end. The only conscious decision I make there regarding his recruitment is delivering the letter, and while I could simply choose not to, it would also feel really shitty on a roleplaying standpoint, considering the affair is a favour I requested in the first place.

Not only that, despite the above point as well as the whole slave/prisoner relationship, the interactions I do with him are for the most part limited to being positive. And with no real way of ditching him other than just leaving him in the Nomad's camp, it makes me wonder as to just who is the one really stuck with another in this relationship and feels really frustrating overall.

Sorry if I seemed a bit whiny there; I still feel this is an excellent game and enjoyed it greatly, just had some issues regarding that specific aspect, that's all.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
First of all, I can choose to reject the other two companions outright: Kiai at start and Layla after defeating her. Terry is a bit of a bombshell that you're forced onto, and although you could simply choose not to take the route, it's literally part of a questline with no way of knowing its outcomes until the very end.

And with no real way of ditching him other than just leaving him in the Nomad's camp, it makes me wonder as to just who is the one really stuck with another in this relationship and feels really frustrating overall.

Wow am I not mean but why you contradicted yourself in just one post? o_O What you done to Kiai and Layla was well not taking them aka as same as leaving them at Nomad's camp later and never picking them up. And as you said you can dump Terry there too so...your point of not able do anything with him/her aside keep all the time in party became moot now.

Also well as much I not mind you try play solo mode without any party I feel FoE may not been to your preffered game type - CoC/TiTS suits more to your love of been one (wo)man army than FoE, which well makes all way more hard if you going alone (not to meantion some future jobs and even now some of master skills (think Rogue or Ranger one mastery skill) req you to have party to work at all).


Aug 27, 2015
Terry is not a slave, he's a pet. There's a reason the collar also protects him to a certain extent.

The drop-off point is before getting to talk to the twins. If you don't feel sorry for him, never ask for the favor. You don't have much of a choice because the twins themselves are a WIP and they've been jury-rigged to let you get Terry without needing to wait until they are properly written.

You get Terry because you feel sorry for him or guilty about having pinned your own crimes on him, hence most interactions are positive. An uncaring PC wouldn't even pick him up.

Despite how the collar works, Terry is not and will never be a slave. He's a pet, and there's a lot of difference between a slave and a pet.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
On the topic of Terry, will there be anything content wise with taking the collar of him/her in Act 2? I mean in my playthrough she's at my personal Foxy Wife status, might as well trade that collar in for a diamond ring.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Not know if it in Act 2 or still 1 but Terry someday will get quest to remove need to wear by him/her collar, but will still wear it due to get used to it/fondness of it.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2015
Wow am I not mean but why you contradicted yourself in just one post? o_O What you done to Kiai and Layla was well not taking them aka as same as leaving them at Nomad's camp later and never picking them up. And as you said you can dump Terry there too so...your point of not able do anything with him/her aside keep all the time in party became moot now.

Also well as much I not mind you try play solo mode without any party I feel FoE may not been to your preffered game type - CoC/TiTS suits more to your love of been one (wo)man army than FoE, which well makes all way more hard if you going alone (not to meantion some future jobs and even now some of master skills (think Rogue or Ranger one mastery skill) req you to have party to work at all).

Hardly. I suppose it makes little difference in terms of gameplay but it still is frustrating in terms of roleplaying. Nor do I mind the whole necessitating a party thing, but once again, same reasons come into play here.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hardly. I suppose it makes little difference in terms of gameplay but it still is frustrating in terms of roleplaying. Nor do I mind the whole necessitating a party thing, but once again, same reasons come into play here.

Well on old forum I remember someone complain about Lagon final fight been so hard even if he was like some said around 20-22 lvl. Well turns out he wanted beat Lagon ALONE with MC at this lvl's while party of similar lvl was like walk in a park to beat Lagon :D Still anyone can play game as they see fit...just let not later commin and demanding make enemies easier to fight cuz their MC alone can beat them in normal lvl range meant for it. Since that is party based game all encouter is balanced toward having at least partial if not full party.
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Aug 27, 2015
On the topic of Terry, will there be anything content wise with taking the collar of him/her in Act 2? I mean in my playthrough she's at my personal Foxy Wife status, might as well trade that collar in for a diamond ring.

That will likely come about in Act 2 and during Terry's personal quest. He won't get rid of it though, he has his reasons for keeping the collar on past that point.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2015
Despite how the collar works, Terry is not and will never be a slave. He's a pet, and there's a lot of difference between a slave and a pet.

Actually, just curious here but is that supposed to be the actual relationship or is that from a design/thematic standpoint? It was to my understanding that Terry's status was something like being on indefinite parole, except with the PC as the officer instead. Albeit with some added "conditions" which draws many parellels into a slave/pet relationship as well.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
That will likely come about in Act 2 and during Terry's personal quest. He won't get rid of it though, he has his reasons for keeping the collar on past that point.

But will the collar have it's magic removed so he can become yet another dress up doll for TFs like PC and Kiai?

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
But will the collar have it's magic removed so he can become yet another dress up doll for TFs like PC and Kiai?

Probably not. We've agreed that a lot of followers' physical forms are quite defining of who they are, so while I'm not LD or QB it's likely that Terry will remain a fox.

Someone like Kiai or Rosalin is likely to be the exception rather than rule.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Probably not. We've agreed that a lot of followers' physical forms are quite defining of who they are, so while I'm not LD or QB it's likely that Terry will remain a fox.

Someone like Kiai or Rosalin is likely to be the exception rather than rule.

If you want to keep Terry fox doesn't have to be from magic collar. Just have them not want to change after seeing/knowing what they do. Under the collar's magic giving them a pot to unlock Jeanne(?) options was more compulsive because of the whole 'orders' thing, no?


Aug 27, 2015
The general theme is femboy pet rogue. It evolves yes, but Terry himself also acquires a kink to being your pet.

Terry is more or less in indefinite parole. Truth is, no one cares about him in Rigard. They just wanted someone to blame so they could say: "See? We protect the nobles. Even scum like Krawitz."

Twins pulled a few strings and it was determined that a life of slavery was an okay replacement for the death penalty. It just so happens that the twins named you as the "owner".

Now it's important to note that Jeanne, for all intents and purposes, doesn't actually serve the crown. She more or less coexists with them. So they demanded magical means to make the fox obey his guardian, and she did, just not with the effects or restrictions they'd wanted. You'll see she oftenly suggests you remove the collar yourself.

Now, we could give the PC the option to do that, but if you did, you'd be putting you, the twins, Jeanne, and Miranda (she's likely to get roped in) in a tight spot. That is way too complicated and gamebreaking to be accounted for properly, so the option doesn't exist.

In regards to the collar's magic, its magic won't run out, ever. But if Terry is not wearing the collar, then the magic can't affect him, hence total freedom. The time when he does this will be during his personal quest. Never forget that he was mentored by a very good thief, and he himself is pretty crafty. While Terry's knowledge of the magical doesn't come close to a mage's, being a thief in a world where magic traps are a thing, he's learned a thing or two about giving those the slip.

Given time and some trial and error, Terry can probably escape from any situation. Maybe not unscathed, but definitely alive. He's just like Batman in that way.
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