Temporary transformations?


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2015
maybe have pills that would give you the standard appearance of a race for a little while, think of it like some sort of cosplay, or alter ego idk.
Humanize Male Pill:
temporarily transforms you into a 6 ft tan, brown haired human male with a 6 inch dong, for, say 24 hrs.

this could be useful if you need certain requirements for some sex scenes, but dontwant to risk tampering your perfect body(lol).


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"The Ideas Subforum exists as a place to pitch concepts you intend to work on to the community, receive feedback and criticism on them, and then refine your ideas into a workable outline for the content you're going to be making.

This is not a place to pitch ideas for characters/items/etc. you want, but will not create yourself."


Feb 25, 2019
Someone didn't read the "I have an Idea" thread!

But seriously though; If you have an idea you think would be great for the game then, why not be the one to work on it. Get the ball rolling by start a Google Doc, writing the descriptions or transformation tables, then give strange internet people the option to join in and edit. That way your idea actually exists in a tangible, presentable state, not just the standard "Hay I have an idea for someone to work on" thread.

People love helping out, people hate being told they should do something.
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