Tech's Guide to Defeating Dr. Lash


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
This is the current version of the guide, that i am likely to edit further as Lash gets nerfed (unnerfed?) and more options become available.


Since Lustpocolypse of 6.87, my previous strategy would not work. So... Time to work out beating him through HP. There is not anything fancy to this, just gear up and spam volley until he gives. And be prepared to attempt several times until you get it.

Equipment: Sal. Shield, Void Plates, Thermal Undies, Any meele that grants 3+ evasion, Modded Arc Caster/Black Light Rifle, Sal. Longcoat

Buffs: Ania Tea, Fyn Dancing Lessons, Crystal Shard, Focus pill if Int =/= cap

Consumables: Fungal Extract, Palixia Saliva

Stats: As high as possible.

Previous Strategy: NO LONGER VIABLE AS OF VERSION 6.87

What started as a half assed attempt to mess with the good doctor yielded pretty good restults. So, i've refined the strategy until i could beat him. Here is the Zevos guide to beating Dr. Lash (or, how to use the random oddities of your grand adventure to make an instant fortune)

What is needed


Reflex, Aim, Intelligence late 30s


Shield Booster (not mandatory, but if you take drone you'll need more luck to do dis)


Second Shot


Crystal Shard (before fight)

Focus Pill (Before fight, if int =/= 40)

Pilixia Saliva

Fungal Extract




Black Void Armor Plates (Use goovolver/volley to get past Amara)

Sal. Longcoat

Sal. Shield (Reaper works if you want to be cheap, the difference is only one to three hits)

Thermal Undies

The Fight!

Make sure you have low lust (fungal extract causes 50 on use), full energy going in. Pop the focus pill and crystal shard.

The fight itself? Spam volley. each hit of the goovolver will deal 4-6 lust, so you'll need about 20 hits to beat Lash. Keeping mind mind that your overall accuracy will be low, so you'll need well more then 20 hits to defeat him. However, since your fire resistance (after shield is dead) is 100%. the only damage he can deal to you is 1/attack plus his aim mod, which you'll resist 20% off. Expect 3 damage per hit, 6 hits minus dodge per round. Use fungal extract for 50 hp when hp dips bellow 30, palixia saliva for getting back some energy after it runs out. Expect a rng fest. And, RNG being what it is, you might or might not win the first/second/third time. I beat lash 2 out of my first three attempts with this setup, so i can say with general confidence it works. Good luck,
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Active Member
Apr 26, 2016
With those gear, I swapped Sal. Longcoat with an arctic warfare heat belt. Doesn't lose out the electric resist otherwise (which I think is part of Lash's damages?). You can pretty much just muscle down Lash with any class at this point but lust is always the fastest/safer method. (I don't even save before Lash fights anymore!!) 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Sounds like it's time for a lash buff!

As long he will get buff for credits reward it's a fair game ;)

Anyway won't just nerfing quite much credit reward makes him also...more balanced? Or you want just keep him as Drake of TiTS due to buffing when it becoming too easy to beat?


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
In all honesty, i feel like the thermal underwear are the problem.  A undergarment should not provide 25% immunity to one of the main damage types.   It puts pressure to use it over other undergarments, which are usually left for the PC to use or ignore at their own discretion.  Freezing resist would be fine, as it would be more or less situational to Utevo.  (unless freezing joins elec/burn as a new recurring energy weapon element, which would actually be vary awesome)

As for balancing Lash...  methinks making him more powerful would kill the whole point of even unbalancing him.  Shifting his damage and resists around might make things more fair.  This strategy works because a absurd amount of his damage is thermal, so with thermal immunity your only taking 1/30 damage.  I think 15 elec / 15 thermal would make tactics like this unusable until the time comes when you could gain complete immunity to both burning and elec at the same time (and i hope for the sake of Tech Specialists the galaxy over that day never comes).  Although i suppose this leads back to the point that at the current time, its a bit too easy to setup to resist energy weapons, which makes it near impossible for techs to get past well prepared foes(Amara) without resorting to lust tactics.  Perhaps techs need a skill or energy weapon tag to lower resistances? 


Another thing i would advise, to make Lash hard but not unbeatable, is to replace his stun immunity with a contingency that will cause him to start using stun/blind instaid of regular attacks occasionally after he has been stunned/blinded.  Maybe something about playing dirty if his opponent doesn't like playing fair.  Perhaps after recovering from stun, he could get a stun immunity buff that enables stun attacks?  Somehow i think thats a lot easier said then done, Gedan might need to put an unreasonable amount of time to get it to work, in which case its probably better to leave as is. 

Also, i think its time to give Lash some psi resistance.  I feel like psi lust weapons are going to be coming along soon.

Finally, what does grounded tag do?  I've seen it pop up now and again but i can't find any explanation for what it actually does. 

Edit: Or maybe you could leave Lash alone and turn Badger into the neigh invincible superboss.  Methinks it would be rather funny to see, as a lot of us have really come to spite her.  Or, at least i have.  Perhaps a new bimbo transformation could be gated behind loosing to her?  Meh.  Thus are my rambling thoughts on the topic, think of them what you will. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Finally, what does grounded tag do?  I've seen it pop up now and again but i can't find any explanation for what it actually does. 

Grounded is a term for removing chance for electricity to build up and do damage, so a grounded tag would eliminate or reduce electricity damage


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Grounded is a term for removing chance for electricity to build up and do damage, so a grounded tag would eliminate or reduce electricity damage

I thought as much.  It sucks the DETERMINATION out of my lovely modded arc caster (that might or might not have previously belonged to Dr. Khan). 


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Its Dr.Lash "supposed" to be invencible?
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Its Dr.Lash "supposed" to be invencible?


Well, kinda

Lash is the superboss.  If we could defeat the superboss without direct divine intervention of the RNG gods, then it would just be a regular, non super optional boss. 

He also drops a million credits if you can defeat him.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Hmm, then why dont just make it to intakill you after a few turns intead of a normal though fight?


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Hmm, then why dont just make it to intakill you after a few turns intead of a normal though fight?

Because he can easily deal several hundred damage in a single attack phase.  Unless you are at level cap and vary vary prepared, you won't survive the first volley of attacks.  

Fall of Eden has a boss like this that Lash is compared to, the Drake.  He has godlike power, but if you grind for an ungodly amount of time and spam T. Illusion as needed, you could conceivably beat him.  Maybe.  Its like that greek story about a guy that was sentenced to be surrounded by a lake of water, and a tree of fruit, but everything would always slide out of his reach.  Same principles apply.  Its possible, but its not really supposed to happen.  I think the devs put him in as a joke in the min/maxers that have to completely dominate the game. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
yeah, but that would solve the "Unless you" part

If Fen wanted to make Lash truly unbeatable he would have. Lash wasn't even meant as a boss character in the first place, it started as a joke about what would happen if a player masturbated in his room. He's not meant to be unbeatable, just super fucking hard.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Give Lash the ability to thornmail lust,. 

Heh Lust Thormail armor? Sounds quite LoL-ish.

Also Lash is a lil beat "easier" super-ultra-final form boss than FoE Drake as here PC can't grind ad infinitum to be finaly beat him with a walk in a park style.

Making him kill PC in few turns will make it much like... that mirror's demon from CoC D3.

Yet Lash is now with few new toys much easier to beat too than say...4-6 months ago. And with soon(ish) lvl cap rising to 9 would be the more easy even for Techs. In like 12-18 months it would probably just be seen as typical endgame boss.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Was the whole fight implemented just for kicks or is there a future plan for his character?
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Was the whole fight implemented just for kicks or is there a future plan for his character?

Its a bit of everything.  He was originally a joke but its implied that eventually he will have a more purposeful combat encounter.   The devs want him to be unbeatable but at the same time his difficulty is vaguely within our reach.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
He is level 15, and it is mentioned that final max level for pc is planned to be 20. So he should be beatable when player is on 5th plot planet or something.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Why can't we rat the bastard out to the authority anyway? One that could have potentially carted off someone from next door already? Lash is a much more prominent and focused threat to U.G.C. than Doc. Badger.

Plus, since someone has mentioned the possibility of his involvement in Shekka's quest to un-fuck the Ruskvel tribes of Novahomd I became slightly paranoid about that. Getting rid of him for good can't happen soon enough as far as I'm concerned. Preferably after adding Mighty Tight to another shop somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Why can't we rat the bastard out to the authority anyway? One that could have potentially carted off someone from next door already? Lash is a much more prominent and focused threat to U.G.C. than Doc. Badger.

Plus, since someone has mentioned the possibility of his involvement in Shekka's quest to un-fuck the Ruskvel tribes of Novahomd I became slightly paranoid about that. Getting rid of him for good can't happen soon enough as far as I'm concerned. Preferably after adding Mighty Tight to another shop somewhere.

He also offers unique surgery services.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
All of are ridiculously extreme and seemingly unnessesary in a world of readily avaliwble TFs AND can be provided by other, saner people (or robots). #fixUGCjustice #notonmyTarkus

But haven't you listened to him? Everyone in the galaxy is too busy being slaves to their libidos! Their organs control their brains and thus they won't get rid of them! He's doing the galaxy a service!

Not literally his words but you get the gist.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
But haven't you listened to him? Everyone in the galaxy is too busy being slaves to their libidos! Their organs control their brains and thus they won't get rid of them! He's doing the galaxy a service!

Not literally his words but you get the gist.

And, actually, he is right... Maybe a bit overly radical, though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
But haven't you listened to him? Everyone in the galaxy is too busy being slaves to their libidos! Their organs control their brains and thus they won't get rid of them! He's doing the galaxy a service!

I think it also connected how almost ANY enemy can be beaten by lust so they all too lust(full) to notice someone so lust(less). Plus he actualy not like Dr. Badger asking everyone question and if answer is wrong forcefully TF or doing anything other harmfull. HE only lash ut when PC will push him too hard.

Why can't we rat the bastard out to the authority anyway? One that could have potentially carted off someone from next door already? Lash is a much more prominent and focused threat to U.G.C. than Doc. Badger.

You forgetting Dr. Badger is more of obvious threat. I eman does Lash try 'sterilize' you after you walk in and give ONE single wrong answer even if it was answer given for fun? He indeed wish to see whole galaxy/universe sterlized and procreation been strictly controled and planned but for now he just talk about his wishes/dreams with PC nothing more.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
You forgetting Dr. Badger is more of obvious threat. I eman does Lash try 'sterilize' you after you walk in and give ONE single wrong answer even if it was answer given for fun? He indeed wish to see whole galaxy/universe sterlized and procreation been strictly controled and planned but for now he just talk about his wishes/dreams with PC nothing more.

Lash confesses to you (on record, since Steele's Codex apparently has such functionality in canon) about one of the major crimes he commited. He certainly is up there in some of the most wanted lists of UGC and its member planets. So if PC was to come up to any Peacekeeper and point towards his whereabouts and bring up evidence, they would send in Space SWAT immediately. Or at least as quickly as the bloated space beuracracy would allow them to.

I get that a lot less people bitched and whined about Lash than about Badger, but it won't take much effort to get the 'Snitch' route in.  If only to provide us more options to cut off content we really don't want to be there in our run, in a lore friendly way.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I get that a lot less people bitched and whined about Lash than about Badger, but it won't take much effort to get the 'Snitch' route in.  If only to provide us more options to cut off content we really don't want to be there in our run, in a lore friendly way.

I think one of bigger troubles of simple adding 'Snitch' roue is that he actualy provide his removing of certains bodyparts. So then some people could start bitchering that they want another npc to provide thsi services to them. With Badger some things she sells to pc can be bought already form other npc's. And with rest of them you can jsut buy them then cause her to be arrested. Plus I think this initial shock for people of they belowed PC been forcefully TF'd was factoring much to make today situation tht despite she's not less "evil" than him but already have otpion to remove her from game world.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I think one of bigger troubles of simple adding 'Snitch' roue is that he actualy provide his removing of certains bodyparts. So then some people could start bitchering that they want another npc to provide thsi services to them. With Badger some things she sells to pc can be bought already form other npc's. And with rest of them you can jsut buy them then cause her to be arrested. Plus I think this initial shock for people of they belowed PC been forcefully TF'd was factoring much to make today situation tht despite she's not less "evil" than him but already have otpion to remove her from game world.

Eh, they're both the same threat level imo, and Lash's services and be acquired still, just not as clean cut. In the form of Minocharge/Bonivium TF, and Sterilix.