Tech Bimbo Build?


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
This is literally my first time planning a full bimbo run and wanted to try my hand at the tech bimbo.
Any optimal pick of perks and perks i should be on the lookout for?

I plan to mainly tease and use sex as my weapon of choice and using actual force only when absolutely necessary.

Oh and I got the treatment for this.

I want to build her to be a bimbo space girl with a beam gun type of deal.
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The various pheromone perks are useful (pheromones allow you to deal some additional Pheromone damage whenever you use a Tease attack), but since you're going pure female, that'll restrict you to Alpha Scent (from Lupinol) and Jungle Queen Scent (from Amazona variants). Energizing Libido/Snu-Snu Queen (also from Amazona), while having no direct effect on combat, is also a good perk, since it negates Energy loss upon orgasm and has a chance to restore Energy whenever you orgasm.
To maximise Tease damage, you'll want as much Sexiness from your gear as you can get; this means, at minimum, +11 from your clothes. You can get a further +3 from Widow's Kiss (melee), +1 from the Rudimentary Revolver (ranged) and +7 from Allure (accessory, also gives +1 to pheromone score), but since Tease damage from Tease attacks is capped, these boosts might not be necessary. You'll also want a base Libido of at least 95 to guarantee Energizing Libido's Energy recovery effect and to maximise your Tease Skill (which is equal to Libido but caps at 100; having at least 10 Sexiness gives the remaining 5 points).

Note that this advice holds true regardless of your class; there aren't really any class talents or perks that directly lend themselves to Tease attacks*. The classic bimbo-tech is actually based around the fact that Dumb4Cum increases max Intelligence and provides a way to have it maximised without any real effort, and most Tech Specialist abilities are improved by higher Intelligence; the 'bimbo' part of the name comes from the fact that Dumb4Cum can't be obtained without becoming a bimbo in the process^, not from anything related to lust-based combat.
*However, ranged mercs can fire lust-based weapons (which normally ignore Second Shot) four times per round with Rapid Fire + Second Shot. I don't know if bimbo/bimbo-domme Siegwulfe's Tease damage output is affected by Drone Control.
^though the Intelligence-maximising effect of Dumb4Cum actually temporarily negates Ditz Speech, so you're not a bimbo when you're in a combat-ready state.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
I read that intelligence based attacks work off of libido after becoming a bimbo, was that changed or just a rumor?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Note that this advice holds true regardless of your class; there aren't really any class talents or perks that directly lend themselves to Tease attacks*.
There is that proposed level 11 Smuggler bonus Sexiness perk. Subject to change, obviously, and we're not seeing level 11 until the move to Java is finished.

The classic bimbo-tech is actually based around the fact that Dumb4Cum increases max Intelligence and provides a way to have it maximised without any real effort, and most Tech Specialist abilities are improved by higher Intelligence; the 'bimbo' part of the name comes from the fact that Dumb4Cum can't be obtained without becoming a bimbo in the process^, not from anything related to lust-based combat.
I read that intelligence based attacks work off of libido after becoming a bimbo, was that changed or just a rumor?
Most Intelligence checks use a function called bimboIntelligence, which checks for Fuck Sense. It's supposed to substitute Libido if it's higher, but I don't know if it actually works. However, Libido substitution is capped at 5x Level as usual, even if you have Dumb4Cum. You'll also not benefit from Cybernetic Subprocessor.

*However, ranged mercs can fire lust-based weapons (which normally ignore Second Shot) four times per round with Rapid Fire + Second Shot.
Tech Specialists can get 1.5x to 2x damage + a Stun rider with Slut Ray, et al. Which isn't bad. That said, normal fire with a Heavy Slut Ray and maxed Aim seems to Stun about every other shot.

I don't know if bimbo/bimbo-domme Siegwulfe's Tease damage output is affected by Drone Control.
As far as I know, it isn't. Bimbo Siegwulfe makes early enemies much easier, but her effectiveness drops off in later areas.

As a Tech Specialist, you have the worst Energy recovery. I'd recommend thinking about optimizing Milk output for Energy regen via Hand Milk.
mLs = (400 + 50x Breast Rating) x Storage Multiplier
Anything over 20000 mLs gives no Energy Regen.
Mega Milk ensures you always have 40% of max fullness, so you can restore Energy effectively at will. It also permanently enables Milk Squirt, a Drug based Tease attack, for an alternate damage type.

You can get another +15 to Maximum Lust if you get Inhuman Desire from the Doll Maker before any other instances. +20 from the VR adventure while rescuing Kiro. It also gives you Amazonian Needs (+20 minimum Lust), so it's probably not worth it unless you went Treatment: Cow. Treated Readiness does not stack with Amazonian needs, so you still have 33 minimum Lust.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
There is that proposed level 11 Smuggler bonus Sexiness perk. Subject to change, obviously, and we're not seeing level 11 until the move to Java is finished.

Most Intelligence checks use a function called bimboIntelligence, which checks for Fuck Sense. It's supposed to substitute Libido if it's higher, but I don't know if it actually works. However, Libido substitution is capped at 5x Level as usual, even if you have Dumb4Cum. You'll also not benefit from Cybernetic Subprocessor.

Tech Specialists can get 1.5x to 2x damage + a Stun rider with Slut Ray, et al. Which isn't bad. That said, normal fire with a Heavy Slut Ray and maxed Aim seems to Stun about every other shot.

As far as I know, it isn't. Bimbo Siegwulfe makes early enemies much easier, but her effectiveness drops off in later areas.

As a Tech Specialist, you have the worst Energy recovery. I'd recommend thinking about optimizing Milk output for Energy regen via Hand Milk.
mLs = (400 + 50x Breast Rating) x Storage Multiplier
Anything over 20000 mLs gives no Energy Regen.
Mega Milk ensures you always have 40% of max fullness, so you can restore Energy effectively at will. It also permanently enables Milk Squirt, a Drug based Tease attack, for an alternate damage type.

You can get another +15 to Maximum Lust if you get Inhuman Desire from the Doll Maker before any other instances. +20 from the VR adventure while rescuing Kiro. It also gives you Amazonian Needs (+20 minimum Lust), so it's probably not worth it unless you went Treatment: Cow. Treated Readiness does not stack with Amazonian needs, so you still have 33 minimum Lust.

I did go treated cow yeah, it was the faster way i could find to go full bimbo, if i use dumb fuck will i get another upgrade to inhuman desire on top of the one from dollmaker?
(For reference i have Milky + Mega Milk + Treated Milk and i also got Cum Highs)

What's a cybernetic subprocessor?
Does anyone know if bimbo intelligence from having fuck sense actually works on everything instead of just sense?
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
I did go treated cow yeah, it was the faster way i could find to go full bimbo, if i use dumb fuck will i get another upgrade to inhuman desire on top of the one from dollmaker?
(For reference i have Milky + Mega Milk + Treated Milk)
If you already have Inhuman Desire, you can't get it from Doll Maker. You can loot the Bimbolium Emitter to use until you get the Heavy Slut Ray, though.
Dumbfuck will get you Easy (20% more Lust from Combat Sources), and won't increase Inhuman Desire if it's already above 30.
The Treatment stacks with everything, as does the VR adventure.
Order of operations is really important for maxing Inhman Desire.

Fun facts:
Milky + Treated Milk and Mega Milk both stop lactation decreasing from being overfilled.
Milky + Treated Milk also makes milk weigh 50% (as you qualify for isMilkTank).

What's a cybernetic subprocessor?
One of the Cybernetic Implants on Dhaal. It increases Intelligence by 10 and decreases Reflexes by 5.
Speaking of, you likely want the Prostitute Pro as your Utility, which regenerates Energy when Vaginally Filled. Unless you want to become pregnant.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
If you already have Inhuman Desire, you can't get it from Doll Maker.
Dumbfuck will get you Easy (20% more Lust from Combat Sources), and won't increase Inhuman Desire if it's already above 30.
The Treatment stacks with everything, as does the VR adventure.
Order of operations is really important for maxing Inhman Desire.

One of the Cybernetic Implants on Dhaal. It increases Intelligence by 10 and decreases Reflexes by 5.
Speaking of, you likely want the Prostitute Pro as your Utility, which regenerates Energy when Vaginally Filled. Unless you want to become pregnant.

Wait you mean there's another way to not get pregnant aside overdosing on sterilex?
Btw i have cum highs, was it a bad choice? I thought extra dumbness would help.
So basically now that i got treated any other source of inhuman desire aside the vr adventure wont stack?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Wait you mean there's another way to not get pregnant aside overdosing on sterilex?
You do have to get to Dhaal first. Just make sure you have 90000 Credits. (30000 for Diagnostics, 30000 each for Combat and Utility Implants).

Btw i have cum highs, was it a bad choice? I thought extra dumbness would help.
It's not a bad choice. Extra Energy is useful, and if you're not using Intelligence anyway, it has no downside. It has a 48 hour cooldown after it ends (I think), but you can refresh/stack the duration up to 24 hours, so it can be maintained between planets.

So basically now that i got treated any other source of inhuman desire aside the vr adventure wont stack?
As far as I know, yes.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
You do have to get to Dhaal first. Just make sure you have 90000 Credits. (30000 for Diagnostics, 30000 each for Combat and Utility Implants).

It's not a bad choice. Extra Energy is useful, and if you're not using Intelligence anyway, it has no downside. It has a 48 hour cooldown after it ends (I think), but you can refresh/stack the duration up to 24 hours, so it can be maintained between planets.

As far as I know, yes.

I may just pick easy up for the added difficulty lol.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
I may just pick easy up for the added difficulty lol.
Keep in mind, Sexy Thinking gives bonus Sexiness for low Willpower as well as low Intelligence. Easy would have an especially strong effect on you.

Also consider Buttslut (recover HP from cum in your ass). Buttslut forces size 18 butt and very low butt Tone, though.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
Keep in mind, Sexy Thinking gives bonus Sexiness for low Willpower as well as low Intelligence. Easy would have an especially strong effect on you.

Also consider Buttslut (recover HP from cum in your ass). Buttslut forces size 18 butt and very low butt Tone, though.

I had been thinking about getting it anyway, so that's fine for me.
Wasnt there another but based perk that went along with buttslut? Bubblebutt i think?
How big is a 18 sized butt in cartoon trials in tainted logic anyway? Anyone got a pic of what it would look like?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Buttlstut includes Bubble Butt's effect.

Size 18 Butt said:
You notice some extra weight and jiggle when you go to move or stand. Looking behind you, you find that your ass has gained some mass... It seems your bubbly booty is desperate for attention, begging for something to fill it—not that you’d complain! Your seam-bursting cheeks have grown bigger!

huge, slappable tush wobbles like a bowl full of jello as you walk.
plush, vast ass wobbles like a bowl full of jello as you walk.
your giant, slappable butt
swollen, pillow-like backside

* Butt, Weight: 9.09 lbs
* Butt, Tone: 0/20/100


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
Buttlstut includes Bubble Butt's effect.

So it doesnt really matter if i get both because buttslut does the same and more?
Also if anyone got a 2d drawing of what that would look like, maybe from Adjata? I'd be grateful cause i cant picture the proportions in my mind compared to the rest of the body.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
So it doesnt really matter if i get both because buttslut does the same and more?
Essentially, yes.

Also if anyone got a 2d drawing of what that would look like, maybe from Adjata? I'd be grateful cause i cant picture the proportions in my mind compared to the rest of the body.
I can't give you a picture, but I'll try to work out the volume.
~4.2836 liters
~1.132 gallons
worth of fat. This is on top of the bones and muscle, of course.

Butt, Size 01: 0.59 lbs (267.619 g)
Butt, Size 18: 9.09 lbs (4.123 kg)
Difference: 8.5 lbs (3,855.381 g, 3.855381 kg)
/0.9 = ~4.2836 liters (~0.92 gallons)

According to Google: On average, the density of fat is 0.9g/ml. The density of muscle is 1.1 g/ml. Using the averages, 1 liter of muscle weights 1.06 kg or 2.3 lbs., while 1 liter of fat weights .9 kg, or 1.98 lbs.

I may (probably) have made a mistake, but this should give a starting point.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
Essentially, yes.

I can't give you a picture, but I'll try to work out the volume.
~3.469 liters
~0.92 gallons
worth of fat. This is on top of the bones and muscle, of course.

Butt, Size 01: 0.59 lbs (267.619 g)
Butt, Size 18: 9.09 lbs (4.123 kg)
Difference: 8.5 lbs (3,855.381 g, 3.855381 kg)
x0.9 = ~3.469 liters (~0.92 gallons)

According to Google: On average, the density of fat is 0.9g/ml. The density of muscle is 1.1 g/ml. Using the averages, 1 liter of muscle weights 1.06 kg or 2.3 lbs., while 1 liter of fat weights .9 kg, or 1.98 lbs.

I may (probably) have made a mistake, but this should give a starting point.

*Confused doesnt get math noises*


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
*Confused doesnt get math noises*
The idea: Assuming the extra butt size is fat, how much fat would it take to weigh the difference between minimum size (1) and the target size (18)?

The point is, can you imagine a gallon container? Imagine a butt containing a half-gallon in each butt-cheek. Or 2 liters each, if you use metric.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
The idea: Assuming the extra butt size is fat, how much fat would it take to weigh the difference between minimum size and 18?

The point is, can you imagine a gallon container? Imagine a butt containing a half-gallon in each butt-cheek.
Now that i think about it didn't they put a new proportion review in the java preview?
Gonna check that out

Edit: Attack drone or shield booster? I'm going to carry around Domwulfe but outside of that i dont think its really worth missing out on 5 shield points for every level just to make her a bit more powerful even IF Attack drone powers up Domwulfe

Edit edit: and can anyone confirm that bimbo intelligence works with all intelligence based skills instead of just sense? Going by the wiki it seems it affects just sense.

Edit edit edit
Yup the java character viewer test worked beautifully.
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Sep 16, 2020
Lumi and Nova(Jacques00) have this butt size,Shekka make several comments about your ass in her ride scene.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
Lumi and Nova(Jacques00) have this butt size,Shekka make several comments about your ass in her ride scene.
Its fine i found a preview of the upcoming java version with a character viewer working off of the body's numbers.
for example this is my character's current body.
I just needed titsed to find out the specific numbers.
Now if only i knew if Intelligence skills works off of libido now.


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Sep 16, 2020
Fuck Sense effect skill that use intelligence if your regular intelligence is lower than Bimbo intelligence [(int max - int +1) + (libido/10)] and make Sense use only libido as bonus instead of (int/2 + libido/5).
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Buttlstut includes Bubble Butt's effect.
So it doesnt really matter if i get both because buttslut does the same and more?
Strictly speaking, there is one difference: the Buns of Steel perk (gives you always high butt tone) overrides Buttslut's 'always low butt tone' effect and is mutually exclusive with Bubble Butt.
Edit: Attack drone or shield booster? I'm going to carry around Domwulfe but outside of that i dont think its really worth missing out on 5 shield points for every level just to make her a bit more powerful even IF Attack drone powers up Domwulfe
Short version: since you're going for a more lust-based combat style, I'd say you should go for a shield Tech build.

Long version: the difference between Attack Drone and Shield Booster basically comes down to 'durable shields + more powerful and varied drones*' vs 'nigh impenetrable shields'. I find that as a drone Tech with maxed Intelligence and the best +Shields armour and shield belt, my Steele's shields rarely go down even without using Deflector Regeneration; I suspect having Shield Booster instead of Attack Drone would simply mean she could get away with using different armours. However, the damage bonuses from Attack Drone and Drone Control only affect your drone's physical damage, not their lust-based damage, so if you're going to use drones for lust-based damage there's not much point in going for a drone Tech build.
*get Tamwolf in its undamaged form, so the repair station in KQ2 upgrades it to also deal Electric damage; can also obtain a laser drone accessory (deals Burning damage) in the Deepsea Biolab Quest. None of these will mean much outside RP purposes if you're going to use Domwulfe anyways.

Also, Attack Drone's +3 Shields per level only applies when you have no drone accessory equipped, so with Domwulfe equipped, the difference between Attack Drone and Shield Booster is 8 Shields per level, not 5.
Edit edit: and can anyone confirm that bimbo intelligence works with all intelligence based skills instead of just sense? Going by the wiki it seems it affects just sense.
Bimbo Intelligence increases damage bonuses for Paralyzing Shock's Deadly Shock upgrade, Charge Weapon, both Disruptors, Boosted Charges, Shield Hack, Charge Shield and Drone Control, the stun chances for Paralyzing Shock and Overcharge, the shield recovery from Deflector Regeneration and Power Surge, the accuracy bonus from Fight Smarter, and the Shield Defense bonus from Advanced Shielding. So yeah, it affects every Intelligence-based Tech Specialist ability.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
Strictly speaking, there is one difference: the Buns of Steel perk (gives you always high butt tone) overrides Buttslut's 'always low butt tone' effect and is mutually exclusive with Bubble Butt.

Short version: since you're going for a more lust-based combat style, I'd say you should go for a shield Tech build.

Long version: the difference between Attack Drone and Shield Booster basically comes down to 'durable shields + more powerful and varied drones*' vs 'nigh impenetrable shields'. I find that as a drone Tech with maxed Intelligence and the best +Shields armour and shield belt, my Steele's shields rarely go down even without using Deflector Regeneration; I suspect having Shield Booster instead of Attack Drone would simply mean she could get away with using different armours. However, the damage bonuses from Attack Drone and Drone Control only affect your drone's physical damage, not their lust-based damage, so if you're going to use drones for lust-based damage there's not much point in going for a drone Tech build.
*get Tamwolf in its undamaged form, so the repair station in KQ2 upgrades it to also deal Electric damage; can also obtain a laser drone accessory (deals Burning damage) in the Deepsea Biolab Quest. None of these will mean much outside RP purposes if you're going to use Domwulfe anyways.

Also, Attack Drone's +3 Shields per level only applies when you have no drone accessory equipped, so with Domwulfe equipped, the difference between Attack Drone and Shield Booster is 8 Shields per level, not 5.

Bimbo Intelligence increases damage bonuses for Paralyzing Shock's Deadly Shock upgrade, Charge Weapon, both Disruptors, Boosted Charges, Shield Hack, Charge Shield and Drone Control, the stun chances for Paralyzing Shock and Overcharge, the shield recovery from Deflector Regeneration and Power Surge, the accuracy bonus from Fight Smarter, and the Shield Defense bonus from Advanced Shielding. So yeah, it affects every Intelligence-based Tech Specialist ability.

Thanks for the confirmation!
Back on the buttslut perk then to see if im getting it right

Normal butt slut is like having bubble butt plus the increased minimum size ( From the descripttion, Ensures your ass always remains bubbly and that fluids shot inside will heal your injuries, i could never figure out if Bubbly means it stays soft or it is just another term to say it stays big)

And if i get Buns of steel, that will override the perk's softening effect and make it perma toned.

Did i get that right? As i mentioned the description of Buttslut could be clearer and says it keeps your ass soft on top of keeping it big.


Well-Known Member
Did i get that right?
Pretty much, yeah. I think there's also few sex scenes that check for Buttslut, but none that check for Bubble Butt.

While looking through the code to fact-check this, I also found out some things:
1. Buttslut sets minimum butt rating to 18, while Bubble Butt prevents most TFs from reducing butt size below 10. The two are technically different effects, though in practice they both usually prevent butt sizes smaller than the target size.
2. There's a commented-out (i.e. disabled) effect of Buttslut that would prevent most TFs from reducing butt size at all.
3. Buttslut grants a dependency on anal sex. I don't know where this is used, though.
4. Buttslut's heal effect has a level-based component (1HP per level) as well as a quantity-based one (1HP per litre).
5. Buttslut also increases butt size daily while it's less than 18, in case a butt-shrinking TF ignores minimum butt rating.
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Sep 16, 2020
Maybe you will want the True Doll perk(Black Latex + Implant tastic), Increase sexiness by 5 but result in a Bad End if you already have Ditz Speech. Pheromone Sweat increase your pheromone level by each point in sweat with a maximum of 5 + 2 if you have Lubricaded skin, have a bonus for mimbranes with sweat enable but is not worth.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
Whats the proper order for maximum inhuman desire?

Doll Maker > Dumbfuck > Vr Adventure > Treatment?