Tattoo parlour


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Due to not wanting to potentially waste time on a project, I have a few questions.

1: Is something like this already planned or submitted?

2: Do the flags exist for tattoos? Or this something I will have to do myself? Because I have no experience with coding.

3: Is there even any interest in this being added to the game?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
The closest thing I've seen currently in the game are the barcode from Belle and the Slut stamp though the 2nd one is a perk but in terms of coding I doubt those could be used to branch off into a more personalized experience. Just like you though I have no experience coding.

As for the interest part I'll defer to what I was told, but I am here sooo:
Here's the usual stick: "Do not gouge for interest. Just write (or commission) it and they will cum."


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Due to not wanting to potentially waste time on a project, I have a few questions.

1: Is something like this already planned or submitted?

2: Do the flags exist for tattoos? Or this something I will have to do myself? Because I have no experience with coding.

3: Is there even any interest in this being added to the game?

There's already a tat parlor written, by Jim T. no less. Fen has expressed 0 interest in adding it or the content to support it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Why would you need to code anything? Fen doesn't feel like switching from a status effect/perk system for tattoos to an actual system but that's just cuz he's laaazy (his words not mine).

Ask him if he'll approve it if he doesn't have to code it.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Since there is a perfectly good, abit unsupported tattoo parlor out there, the idea is undead. Neither alive, nor dead, until Fen either revies it properly or drives a wooden stake through it's heart.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Schrodinger's tattoo parlor?
Couldn't have put it better myself. Really, if we want a tattoo parlor, we need to pressure Fen into officially rejecting Kinky Inks, or have him state conditions under which it could be accepted.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Oh, fuuuuuuuuck I gotta start actually reading the dates things were posted on sorry ^^;
Kinky inks is officially unofficially officially (don't over think it) dead, so there's no real reason at this point not to write a new tattoo parlor.

(Also this post isn't a continuation of the necro cuz additional factors have emerged since last post making kinky inks dead-er. Which is relevant information. )


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Out of curiosity, what sort of effort would be required roughly to support tattoos?

Fickle Zed

Active Member
Nov 5, 2017
Out of curiosity, what sort of effort would be required roughly to support tattoos?
Just my take on it, as someone who has absolutely no insight into the thoughts of Fenoxo and team:

It's basically the same level of effort as a new transformation category, like more arms or more elbows or different necks. It doesn't fit into any of the current parser calls (save perhaps "tattooed" as a general skin adjective). Making mention of in a given scene means having to specifically check for it when writing the scene. Retroactively adding it to existing scenes means having to go over every single existing scene to see where it'd be appropriate to mention and writing it in.

I expect the conclusion was that tattoos (and piercings) just generally not worth it. There's already a lot of conditions, from dick-nipples to tauric bodies, and mundane body mod frankly doesn't really have any significance compared to TFs.

If you really want to see tattoo in the game, your best bet is probably to submit putting them onto a specific NPC.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2016
Depending on what sort of tattoos you'd like to be able to support, off the top of my head, there's:
  • Where are they on the body (arms, back, face, wherever)?
  • How big are they?
  • How visible are they? Are they under your clothes or can they be seen even when you are fully clothed?
  • What is depicted in the tattoo? Is it a picture? Is it an artistic pattern (e.g. tribal tattoos)? Is it some text? Is it something specific, like one of your SO's names or faces? The devs would have to limit this to a finite amount of possibilities.
You'd need to store all this information somehow. And potentially for many tattoos in different places. You also might want to keep track of how much of a character's skin is covered in tattoos. Also, this stuff combines with different skin types and body types. If you have fur or feathers, do they cover your tattoos? Are there skin types that make it difficult or impossible to hold the ink for tattoos? Can you get tattoo-equivalents by permanently dying your hair, fur, feathers, etc in particular colour patterns? What happens to your tattoos when the body part they're on gets transformed into something else?

You have to put all this stuff into the appearance descriptions used for your character.

But putting tattoo information into code is the easy part (relatively speaking). If you really want to have the game "support" tattoos, then you want characters/scenes to be able to recognise tattoos. Which means writing text to take into account all the different possibilities above. For example, should Syri say something if you have her name inside a heart tatted on your arm? Should Anno say something about it? What should she say if you both Syri's and Anno's name on you? What do other people say about them? Should people say different things depending on where the tattoo is or how big it is or how obvious it is? What if it's a picture of them instead?

You could have a dom, let's use Sera as an example, demand that you get something like "Property of Sera" tatted on you. And be happy if it's there, or get upset if you get the tattoo removed.

So even if you put in the work for characters to have tattoos, there's a good chance they'll be mostly ignored by the game. But to be fair, a lot of transformation types are already mostly ignored. From what I've noticed, characters mostly seem to only react to Steele's genitals (what they have or don't have, their size, and sometimes their number), Steele's apparent gender (masculinity/femininity score, etc), and Steele's race.

And, of course, you need methods for how the character gains tattoos (including picking out the details you want), and how they get removed.

If you wanted to keep things simple, you could just have "tattooed" as a skin flag that can apply to different body parts, and ignore what those tattoos depict.

You can get "a sleek black barcode" "printed on your ass" as part of the sub-tuner content on Uveto, which is more or less a tattoo. It's implemented as a perk, which means it doesn't show up in any of the description text.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2017
Out of curiosity, what sort of effort would be required roughly to support tattoos?

That depends on where you want it to be referenced. If you want it to show up in every relevant scene, it would take a crapload of work, like @Fickle Zed said. But if you want it to be just a personal thing under your character's appearance page, it becomes fairly simple: create a new transformation category to set the types and placements of tattoos and a new "tattooed" skin type, then make it a new paragraph on the appearance page.

I personally like subtle details, a tattoo parlor would be pretty cool.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
If you really want to see tattoo in the game, your best bet is probably to submit putting them onto a specific NPC.

Nah. Again, there's already been a parlor written. It's well written too. It's just that tats are infinitely low on Fen's priority list, I guess.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Along with body markings, piercings and pretty much everything else without tits.


New Member
Apr 29, 2019
Don't necro threads.
kinda sad tattoos are for now(maybe forever) never coming to the game kinda been wanting to make a succubus character with a womb tattoo; here's to hoping in the near or far future that tattoo parlour makes it into the game
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
kinda sad tattoos are for now(maybe forever) never coming to the game kinda been wanting to make a succubus character with a womb tattoo; here's to hoping in the near or far future that tattoo parlour makes it into the game
Stop necroing.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2021
Not just tattooes, what about piercings? A Korg'ii that only does Savicite piercings and some Opal/Urta/Gedd rings that I don't wanna invest in (I don't often use Lust/Tease because my RNG demands my mobs have absurdly low chances at them working) - why do I have to grind Mhen'ga and Tarkus for a "very rare chance" at some silver bars for my teats and some gold rings for my cat ears?

Although those gold & red Adremmalex tats are pretty nice on some nice black or onyx fur... and I can't even tell what the Vanae body markings look like.