Tales of a Magical Boy (For Emerald_Pheonix)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Nelton startles at the suddenness of your movements and all but squeaks when you plant your lips over his. All resistance melts as you deepen the kiss. For what he lacks in experience, Nelton more than makes up for in eagerness and adaptability. Soon his tongue is tangling with yours, darting out to tease and drive your pleasure to greater heights. He starts pumping your sensitive, thoroughly coating his mousey paw in your fluids.

You feel pressure against your thigh and look down to see Nelton's sizable shaft is ready for round two! Maybe enhanced stamina is typical of mousemorphs, you'll have to ask him later...

Nelton shifts his weight and slides into your lap, straddling your waist and pressing his cock against your own pointed prick. He wraps two hands around your bundled dicks and gives a experimental stroke.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Sayaka groans, feeling the warm flesh against his, loving the way it rubbed against his own rod as Nelton stroked the two. He explored the mouse-morph's mouth with hi tongue, tangling the wet appendage with Nelton's as he rubbed his back and groped his rear, his tail somehow wagging even faster as he experience this new, amazing pleasure.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Nelton tilts his head, eagerly reciprocating your kiss. It doesn't take too long for him to figure out some measure of technique, grazing his teeth against your lips and extending his tongue to duel with your own. The horny mouse morph shifts his weight, jostling your mingled cocks in his hand. Pre spills out from your respective shafts, lewdly lubricating Nelton's dual-handjob and emitting a heavy musk that fills your nostrils.

Nelton moans appreciatively when you put your hands on his backside. His grinding movements allow you an exquisite exploration of the musculature of his lean buttocks. Your fingertips slip into the crack dividing your companion's firm ass cheeks. He pushes back, seeking more of your touch. Nelton's tail curls reflexively around your right upper arm and the stroking of your cocks takes a new, feverish pace.

"R-ready.... To get a little messy?" Nelton's lust-glazed eyes gleam mischievously in the light of the setting suns. Your companion can't keep the barest hint of hesitation out of his voice, but he seems excited by the reaction he is eliciting from you. Waiting for your response, he leans down a traces a long lick across the heads of your throbbing members.   


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Sayaka gives a growl and nods, grinning as he suddenly rolls, bringing Nelton with him until he had pinned the mouse down, straddling him and grinding his bare rear against the other's shaft. His tail wagged excitedly as he leaned down, beginning to lick and nibble on Nelton's neck, teasing him as he rubbed his pucker against the tip, moaning gently as he did so.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"What're y-" You cut Nelton off, bearing him down in a passionate tumble. Landing on top, you can feel Nelton's hot shaft rubbing between your ass cheeks.

Nelton shakes his head to and fro and your mercilessly tease him with your teeth, that adorable blush creeping back up into his cheeks. As you settle your ass against the tip of his pecker, the inexperienced mousemorph bites his lip. He seems unsure of what to do with himself.

As his hot member prods your entrance, Nelton gives a little shudder. "That... That feels nice- Ooghhhhh..."


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Sayaka gives Nelton's ear a gentle nibble before he begins moving down, moaning as he felt the mouse-morph's warm shaft push into his hole as he plunged down. His hands clutched Nelton's shoulders, using them to remain stable as he continued to take the rod into his rear, loving the warmth it brought.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Nelton presses his head against your chest as you slowly bottom out on his turgid rod. He seems rendered incapable of speech as he plumbs the confines of your fair bottom. Finally, you reach his hilt, the fur of his sheath tickling your bare bottom.

"S-so tight. Sayaka, it feels amazing. Are you alright? Can I... Can I start to move?"

You feel his shaft pulse against your prostate, sending what feels like an electrical shock racing up your spine. You see stars, and your own rigid member throbs achingly. Your tip smears pre against Nelton's furry chest, almost sending you over the edge right there and then. Your composure is nearly shattered when your mousey lover carefully shifts, easing a small portion of himself out your hot channel before gently hilting himself again.

"Sayaka..." Nelton leans up for a kiss as his movement assumes a measured pace.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Sayaka eagerly kisses the mouse morph, moaning in pure bliss as he grasped onto Nelton, wrapping his arms around him and clutching his fur. He slipped his tongue into Nelton's mouth, exploring it once more and mixing their tastes as his shaft smeared pre onto the other's chest, matting Nelton's fur with the clear, sticky substance.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You can feel Nelton's hot meat thrusting deeper into you, mashing up against your prostate and sending delicious sensual pulses all across your body. He eagerly leans in to your kiss, tongue darting out to dance with your own. The young mousemorph seems to have left all his indecision behind, lewdly grasping at your ass to obtain better leverage. Eager to explore this new angle, his grinds deeper still, brimming balls swinging low beneath you.

Your own dribbling member is sandwiched between you, sensuously gliding over your muscled torsos with every shift and jostle. Between the butt-pounding Nelton is dishing out an the ceaseless rubbing of your own over-sensitive puppy-cock, you can what little composure you have remaining begin to evaporate. There's you, Nelton, and the delicious warmth of being filled.

You hear Nelton moan something incoherent into your mouth. Before you can make out what was said, he grips you even tighter and begin thrusting longer and faster. The furious pace breaks your liplock and has Nelton panting into your ear.

"I-I I'm close.... Gonna.... Cuuuumm!"


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
"C-Cum in me~!" Sayaka begged loudly, moaning as he moved himself up and down in time with Nelton's thrust, losing sense of time as the intense waves of bliss rushed through his body, numbing him to the reality of the world. His shaft continued to leak copious amounts of pre onto Nelton as he himself drew close to orgasm, feeling like he'd blow at any moment now.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Nelton moans as he buries his face into your chest, simultaneously thrusting his full length inside of you. You can feel his shaft swell, releasing a deluge of hot cum into your bowels. That feeling of fullness expands and you start to feel dizzy as Nelton's rod rhythmically pulses against your prostate. You can feel the breath of your mousey lover hot on your skin as he rides through the intensity of his release.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Sayaka gasps and groans, his tail slowing down as he himself came hard onto the mousemorph's chest, matting his white fur further as his eyes closed in bliss. He nearly blanked out from the rush, but managed to hold on to his consciousness, just to bathe in the warm afterglow of the lovemaking.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Nelton slumps from his rigid pose and collapses under you. You both tumble over in a panting tangle of tails and legs. You feel Nelton slip out of you, a flow of sticky fluids trailing behind.

Nelton chuckles looking down at his chest, "Jeez, when I said messy, I didn't quite have this picture in mind..." He looks up at you with a gentle smile. "I suppose I should thank you. I was always afraid of doing something like this, but it was..." He looks at you shyly, blue eyes gleaming as the last vestiges of daylight fade from the surrounding forest. "I-I think I'd like to do this again sometime... If you want to I mean!... Not just when we're hung over on lust-pollen."


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
"Relax." Is all Sayaka responds with, kissing Nelton's neck gently and caressing his cheek, smiling gently as he cuddles with the mouse-morph, his tail swishing and wagging slowly. He then closed his eyes, resting his head on Nelton's chest, his ears flicking a little bit as he relishes in the warmth they were sharing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Nelton slumps back, blowing out a sigh of relief. His hand intertwines with your own and gives a little squeeze. You lie on your backs, watching as a the sky fades to black, winks of starlight creeping through the gaps in the upper canopy. The wind rustles some nearby leaves. Nelton shivers and huddles in closer to you.

Your still a bit sticky from your recent escapade. It might be a good idea to return to the river and clean up before bedding down for the night. That, and Nelton did warn you that forest isn't particularly safe after nightfall...

A snore pulls you from that train of thought and you look down to see Nelton splayed out against your chest, sleeping with a contented smile on his face.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Sayaka smiles, pecking the mousemorph's cheek before he slowly gets up, picking Nelton up in his arms before returning to camp. His ears swiveled as he heard the sound of rushing water, pausing and instead walking in the direction of the noise, hoping to clean up before it got too dangerous for the two of them. His tail swished left to right slowly as he walked, glancing down at the white mouse in his arms and giving a warm smile.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You manage to follow the noise of the river and relocate your campsite. It takes a bit of work, but you manage to strip yourself and Nelton of your sweaty clothes. That done, you descend to the river with Nelton in tow, eager to get a quick bath before bed. The groggy mousemorph is thoroughly unhelpful throughout the entire process, meekly complying  one moment and then sleepily slumping against you the moment you leave him to his own devices.

You emerge from the water shivering, a furry ball of damp mousemorph cradled in your arms. Although the breeze is cold against your skin, it is still warm enough for you to comfortably dry out before bedding down. Nelton is at this point completely lost in sleep. He lays with his head in your lap, arms pillowed under himself.

"S-sayaka...." The young mouse murmurs in his sleep, snuggling in closer to you.