[Taking a Break] Arcadia Urnight, Huskar Halfbreed Warrioress


Apr 2, 2018
What's good Fen Forums? Most of you might not have seen me before, or recognize the name, but I like to hang around the Discord quite a bit. The name's Darvan Korematsu on Discord, but by the forums I'll just go by Korematsune.

Anyways I appreciate all the hard work the staff at FenCo and the volunteers pitch in to contribute to this great game.

I used to write sexy things and craft stories when I was a slightly younger lad, but now I want to refine my craft because I want to contribute my part to this game, and I am also DM'ing my first D&D session, and I figure getting down NPCs like my character right here might help me improve the way I write content.

So with that little chunk of exposition/story out of the way, let me get down to brass tax.


^ Link to doc is right here.

Consider the document as my "public information" bit, because I am currently keeping most of my notes and raw content that I want to edit on a separate Word document on my laptop as reference.

So it is not much more than a skeleton currently, with only Appearance set in stone and Summary probably subject to change, however there are many topics or situations in the Table of Contents that I plan on covering or possibly wanting to implement.

My original gimmick to her was a joke thrown around with Monty, aka Night Trap, on the Discord about Fenrir and I made the joking reply of Fen-REAR, of a doggo girl/boi with an enormous ass with a size rating of 20. Well I certainly stuck to that, and I plan on making a couple of lewds where her gigantic ass comes into play.

This document and thread will be updated as I slap more content onto the Google Doc. I have a bunch of notes as to how I'd like stuff to go down with her.


4/02/18 Created the Google Doc. Drafted and edited Appearance + Summary. Summary might change as time goes on.
4/04/18 Added First Encounter text, and text for the situation you see Arcadia in, as well as the setup for it

4/07/18 Completely fleshed out the First Encounter and it's branching paths. Moved on to her dialogue and situational text for the Freezer.
5/09/18 Wrote the follow-up first encounter for the Freezer. Also wrote first couple Talk options. Some redrafting is probably going to occur.

If you have any questions or wanna give feedback, feel free to drop a reply below.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2018
I' m hyped. It's only shame that sex scenes require penis, but fair enough, that's your character and your vision.


Apr 2, 2018
Updated the document for some of the First Encounter scene. To summarize it, you get an option to further advance the encounter, and an option to end it and repeat. The option to continue presents you with the options to Accept, Flirt or Fuck Off. Short responses are currently being crafted for the dialogue tree.


Apr 2, 2018
Shout-outs to Quiet Coyote, B!, and Savin on the Discord for helping me out in their individual ways, between answering my questions and giving helpful advice for when I got stuck. I now have a better direction to take Arcadia. Thanks for the help so far gentlemen.

New update: Fully fleshed out the first encounter yesterday. Moving on to the Talk options for the Freezer.

Feedback would be much more appreciated starting at this point.


New Member
Sep 28, 2015
This is the first time I've ever commented in the forums. I just wanted to say that I hope that this submission makes it into the game and I also wish you good luck. You see, this game has a startling lack of mature women with HUGE asses and I'm glad to see that someone noticed. I look forward to hearing more about this down the line.


Apr 2, 2018
Damn it's been more than a month since I updated this thread. I'm actually gonna get back at it again. I've had to mull over the direction I wanted to take Arcadia and now I've got a solid direction I want to take her.

Expect more updates in the upcoming few weeks. I'll probably expect to have her first draft completely finished by the first week of June. I'm also overhauling some of the previous dialogue options I had saved to a Word document devoted to her, and reworking the amount of information she trickles out over time.
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May 22, 2018
This looks amazing im really looking foreword to this. Will we be able to fuck her magnificently gigantic ass?


New Member
Oct 3, 2017
I really want this to be implemented soon this is perfection question will there be a drink-off option?


Apr 2, 2018
Wow ok. I have not updated this thread in a while. I just wanted to say that work on Arcadia has been...glacial at best, when I knew what I was doing and hair-tearing at worst when I didn't. While I have not made substantial edits to the document since my last post, that does not mean I have been sitting idly by and letting her stew. I actually am cranking out the first potential sex scene the PC can have right now, after having tossed out roughly 3 or 4 drafts of it, on Word as of late.

put it bluntly, she is not being abandoned, but she's kind of tough to envision properly in my head because I'm finding myself pulled in multiple directions with her. Also work and education are really starting to envelope life a little more.

With that said, I'll clean up the old doc and probably paste a bunch of it to a new doc and rework it.

And to answer the earlier questions, drink-offs are not really her thing (although you could goad her into it), and yes butt fucking will be a thing.


New Member
Sep 28, 2015
So long as it's not being abandoned, man. I have work and school as well, so it's not like I'm just waiting with baited breath. I can wait.


Apr 2, 2018
I believe I owe you gents an update for the time being. As of my last post, I really haven't updated much. I have moved most of my work onto a WiP doc of sorts, and copy-pasted some sections of it onto the presentable link that I have presented at the moment.

For the time being, I am going to shelf Arcadia and spend the rest of this week, and a little bit of next week working on picking up the scraps of a supa sekrit project that Savin wanted to accomplish originally, but got shunted off for various reasons.

During this time, I think I'm going to do a fundamental rewrite of Arc as a character, because I find some of the stuff that I have written about her either contradicts my final goal with her, or I am just not satisfied with what I am putting forth.

I'm hoping the new project I pick up reignites my passion for Arc, because it involves a certain group that I have her quarreling with in an on-and-off love/hate relationship.

So for the time being, I am officially going to say that my work on Arcadia is on a short hiatus.
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