Suze Ngoni email shows up before I ever meet her


May 9, 2017
I just loaded up my game file with the newest backer build - 0.9.121 and I immediately received an email from Suze Ngoni. I assume something changed specific to this build because I never got the email before and it was the first thing that happened when I loaded up the new backer build.

I have never been to canadia station. I have never met Suzi. I didn't even remember she existed. So an email that says "Hey how are you, hope to see you again soon" from a person I never met is out of place and clearly a bug. Even though it IS a very nice email with a very nice picture in it :3. I've attached my saved file for reference.



  • Melphina (H) - 4Hrs 0Mins, 87 Days - Tarkus, Ingnam.json
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