Suggestions for female genitalia.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hopefully this paves the way for future mix and match customization. Hmm fir another external pussy TF that can be added to the list how about a pair of relatively soft  yet potective chitenous plates that part to reveal the vagina?

It would make sense for insectoid girls like Zil and Myr and for other races it could serve in the same capacity genital slits do for males in terms of preserving modesty. IE when not aroused the plates are completely flush and the crotch looks neuter and featureless. 

Come to think of it genital slits and a vagina chiten plate like this should probably get some sort of modesty flag like what Dove balm wings provide. That way you can walk around nude in places without runing afoul of public decency laws. 


Mar 8, 2016
I have seen quite a few neat "draconic" vulva types. And that, like chitin-esque ones would be externally concealed until engorged :p

Would personally say the major focus ought to go on the external parts of the vulva, with the internal vagina changes being the, "lesser of the two" so to speak. As one is vastly easier to write for visually. But internal changes would be really neat addition too. Heck, as said: For something that should have been included from the start, any of this is long overdue.

But yeah, some basic flags and an actual ejaculate amount would be a great start.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hey could you possibly post some reference pics of those draconic vulva types? 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
That is indeed pretty nice. Maybe we should get some more pics in this thread to serve as visual references for how diverse vaginas in TiTS could possibly be/ hopefully will be if Nonesuch's Plant TF and the ideas of this thread gain traction.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
That is indeed pretty nice. Maybe we should get some more pics in this thread to serve as visual references for how diverse vaginas in TiTS could possibly be/ hopefully will be if Nonesuch's Plant TF and the ideas of this thread gain traction.

Yeah definitely. Images would definitely help a lot.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Heh it's bugging me that I can't seem to find any good pics on my own. Heh I'm not even sure as to what the proper search terms would be to find this sort of stuff...


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'll try to gather and post those I find from now on and, hopefully, no one will be scar(r)ed for life :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Vagina dentata is not my kink, so don't worry about that. As I said, my approach to smut is that of pleasure.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Although perhaps vagina dentata 'should' be an available TF in game. The teeth don't neccisarily need to be sharp and blowjobs are already a wonderful thing. So it's not like having teeth in an orifice automatically amounts to bitting... But yeah if there's a TF to give mouth like or prehensile lips externally then internaly extra doses could perhaps grant a tongue as a flag and eventually teeth as another flag...


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Heh I finally stumbled into an exotic vagina board on 4chan...




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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Heh I find myself really hoping a vagina tongue flag becomes a thing now cause those pics definitely sold me on that concept at least... The tentacles labia and prehensile petals of the last two are also neat. 


Mar 8, 2016
Man, this is kinda active.

And yes, something like that for draconic would be neat.

This flash has a good collection of vulva:

If you don't have an FA, I think you can still see it by:

But yeah, genital starting customization, female traits and vulva flags would be a nice start to start chipping at :p


I've got a FA account and it still won't let me look at the image.


Mar 8, 2016
Prolly a dumb question but: Can you view mature rated content? If yes: Maybe need to either refresh, or update your flash player. (granted, it is old but...)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015

That "human" vulva doesn't look like a normal human vulva. Aside from in a few extreme stretching fetish sites, I don't think I've seen labia minora that big...


Prolly a dumb question but: Can you view mature rated content? If yes: Maybe need to either refresh, or update your flash player. (granted, it is old but...)

That was it. I have to agree with @NotYouNorI the Human vulva doesn't look normal at all.


Mar 8, 2016
It's "humanish". The character has a more rough/rugged flesh. And the clit is more pointy. It's otherwise fully human.

But anyhow, that's not even the max size of a human. Females can become ~15 cm/~6 inches long naturally. Which, I do find hilarious. As people slap 20 inch dicks on males and seem to think that's perfectly normal and human, but any labia over 1 inch is considered to be hyper by many  xD

But yeah, generally, most female chars in porn have flat, featureless Caucasian child genitals slapped on them. Because that was what the porn industry tried to sell due to it being the most uncommon type.

That point aside, I mainly wanted to show the draconic vulva. But the "human" one does prove a solid point in terms of length at least.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It's "humanish". The character has a more rough/rugged flesh. And the clit is more pointy. It's otherwise fully human.

But anyhow, that's not even the max size of a human. Females can become ~15 cm/~6 inches long naturally. Which, I do find hilarious. As people slap 20 inch dicks on males and seem to think that's perfectly normal and human, but any labia over 1 inch is considered to be hyper by many  xD

But yeah, generally, most female chars in porn have flat, featureless Caucasian child genitals slapped on them. Because that was what the porn industry tried to sell due to it being the most uncommon type.

That point aside, I mainly wanted to show the draconic vulva. But the "human" one does prove a solid point in terms of length at least.

Now as much as I'd like to dispute your claims and question the porn videos you've seen, I'd prefer this thread to not end up like the one you started. 

And instead I'd like to present you with an example of a hyper pussy

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
It's "humanish". The character has a more rough/rugged flesh. And the clit is more pointy. It's otherwise fully human.

But anyhow, that's not even the max size of a human. Females can become ~15 cm/~6 inches long naturally. Which, I do find hilarious. As people slap 20 inch dicks on males and seem to think that's perfectly normal and human, but any labia over 1 inch is considered to be hyper by many  xD

But yeah, generally, most female chars in porn have flat, featureless Caucasian child genitals slapped on them. Because that was what the porn industry tried to sell due to it being the most uncommon type.

That point aside, I mainly wanted to show the draconic vulva. But the "human" one does prove a solid point in terms of length at least.

don't start this BS again with the 'child' like genitals crap. You'd actually be surprised how common that type of labia on a grown female is. You're perception of what is and isn't is rather skewered. There are many types of labia/vulva on women. 

Lets get back on topic though and stay on topic.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The canine vagina from the interactive link is actually a bit interesting. I've never before really had my attention drawn to the particular differences between a human and canine vagina. Bitch pussies actually seem sort of cute...


Mar 8, 2016
@NYN: Now that is something that can actually be called hyper :p  Always facepalm when I see people tag labia barely over 2-3 inches as "hyper" xP

@EB: Yes, an average of <10 % is really "common" ;P  And that's kinda my whole point. There ARE many types of them. That's like, 40 % of my original post xD

 @Milk: Yeah,it's kinda different. It's made to be knotted. Part of why the dog species needs a "fix" if you ask me.

@Kry: Wikipedia is a bit dodgy with it's references due to all the restrictions.

And that second link shows my point pretty well.

But as said: Lets primarily get back on track.