[SUGGESTION - NO HATERS PLEASE] "Don't underestimate the body's ability to maintain itself"

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New Member
Sep 15, 2015
It has been a long time since I've played TiTS(3-5 months, I know you don't care), and I would just like to say that it has improved a lot.

DISCLAIMER: THIS THREAD IS JUST AN EFFIN SUGGESTION. If you're just here to type hate messages, I would suggest that you go create a new thread DEDICATED TO HATING OTHER POSTS.

Moving on, my recommendation goes like this and as the title suggests, it has something to do with the body's ability to maintain itself and I know what you're thinking: "Get out of here you stupid piece of cunt shit" or "This shit is not fap-worthy". Maybe, that depends on how much of a hater the reader is. Either way, I would just like to suggest implementing a Estrogen(Female Hormone)/Testosterone(Male Hormone) mechanic.

For those of you who don't understand because you took the illegal Dumbfuck Drug(pun may or may not be intended), this mechanic would only add Estrogen/Testosterone Levels to the PC, which means if the PC has higher estrogen levels then effects of feminine bit enhancing items would be increased and male bit enhancing items would decrease and vice versa if PC has higher testosterone levels.

Furthermore, having maximum testosterone levels would nullify any effects of female enhancing items, unless they used an estrogen increasing item and the other way around and female PCs with high testosterone levels have a higher chance of getting a dick if they used such items and male PCs with high estrogen levels have a higher chance of getting a pussy if such items are used.

By Default: 

- Male PCs start with 70% testosterone and 30% estrogen

- Female PCs start with 70% estrogen and 30% testosterone

- Herm and Genderless(if ever you start out as one) have 50% for both hormones

- Male PCs should have 30%-100% threshold for testosterone and 0%-70% threshold for estrogen and have the ability to regen testosterone levels to max as long as their balls are intact

- Female PCs should have 30%-100% threshold for estrogen and 0%-70% threshold for testosterone and have the ability to regen estrogen levels to max as long as their ovaries are intact

- Herm and Genderless PCs should have 0%-100% threshold for both hormones and would solely rely on items to increase and decrease hormonal levels unless they remove/add bits

Note: When added, both hormones should add to 100.(Example if PC has 65% Testosterone then the Estrogen should be 35%)

Lastly, testosterone determines the minimum size of the cock and estrogen determines the minimum size of the breasts and pussy. Higher testosterone levels would shrink female bits to the smallest size over time and higher estrogen levels would shrink the male bits to the smallest size over time. However, those parts that were shrank to the smallest size possible are not removed unless neutered.


Active Member
Sep 15, 2015
Your proposed idea would fuck with cuntboy/dickgirl traps more-so than does the current system. Especially the notion of limits based on an invisibe score.

While I disagree hormones should determine genitalia min/max as that's silly as shit, it would be nice if the current masc/femi score gender TFs like increasing/decreasing body modifiers like hips/ass/breasts, but NOT genitals. I do hate the fact you can't max it out due to not having the right genital configuration, but that'll eventually get phased out with a perk at some point.

The thread title/premise is practically begging people to hate you. Although I have been unnecessarily brutal to a lot of suggestions, and even received some karmic balance in regards to that.
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Aug 26, 2015
From a game mechanic standpoint, if TiTS were just about male and female transformations, then your idea would be a mechanic that will add some depth to the transformations. However, since TiTS already has many variables to juggle as is concerning transformations, your idea will highly over complicate things. Certain race transformation items are detailed enough to have their own anatomy size parameters, so adding another layer of limitation on top of that will make things a lot messier in terms of condition checking. As Couch says above, there is already a femininity score controlling the overall look of the player character and while it doesn't limit the character's genital anatomy, it works just fine distinguishing the male and female appearances.

If this idea were to ever be implemented, I see it fairing better as a kind of SSTD (Femluenza, Manlyosis, Androgynolitis or some... um, better sounding names), where it will be tacked onto the character like a perk or status effect would be. And from there, the changes will occur per unit of time (like per hour, at the strike of midnight every day, or etc.), shrinking/removing/growing anatomy to a certain set limit, lock balls/vagina in place and making it impossible to remove, maintaining the femininity at a certain limit, keeping body parts a certain type, all depending on the SSTD contracted. That way it doesn't have to interfere with the set effects of transformation items and will be less of a mess to edit during debugging and testing. It would require written material for all the changes based on given conditions, but at least it doesn't have to retroactively change all existing items to conform to a very limiting system.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Heat, Rut, and various Addictions furst plz


New Member
Sep 15, 2015
Like I said, this is ONLY A SUGGESTION. If you want to ban me from this forum for posting one suggestion THEN DO SO! It's not like I'll lose my rights to the internet or something.

Needlessly defensive: The post

It's either you defend yourself first or you let other people catch you off guard.

I would appreciate it if you just say that you disagree rather than saying that I'm not making any good ideas because no matter how bad this idea may be, it's still an idea.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Like I said, this is ONLY A SUGGESTION. If you want to ban me from this forum for posting one suggestion THEN DO SO! It's not like I'll lose my rights to the internet or something.

It's either you defend yourself first or you let other people catch you off guard.

I would appreciate it if you just say that you disagree rather than saying that I'm not making any good ideas because no matter how bad this idea may be, it's still an idea.


Altair Hayes

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Like I said, this is ONLY A SUGGESTION. If you want to ban me from this forum for posting one suggestion THEN DO SO! It's not like I'll lose my rights to the internet or something.

It's either you defend yourself first or you let other people catch you off guard.

I would appreciate it if you just say that you disagree rather than saying that I'm not making any good ideas because no matter how bad this idea may be, it's still an idea.

Whoa ho ho ho ho, bruh. BRUH! Calm down. Usually you'd defend yourself mentally, instead of inside the post. If people disagree with you just take it like -Insert Puppyslut Here- and get over it. But keep in mind it's not a bad idea for another game. But in this game where there's a lot of minor traits people want their characters to have, it's not very viable to have this overwhelming system forced onto people. Maybe I want to be a pudgy cuntboy with no chest, or a feminine futa. That stuff can be crafted in game with a bit of trial and error (and usually a lot of Condensol), but your system just wouldn't work in this game. Maybe in a pure genderbend game it'd be suitable.
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