[Suggestion] Move the Control Overlay for Mobile to the right of the screen


Oct 23, 2020
The new Control Overlay is actually good for mobile. Able to hide it and the semi transparency is nice.

However, I would like to note a few problems:
1. The overlay covers the entire map so when you're trying to move around, your thumb or whatever finger you're using is literally covering the map. This is very counter-intuitive and I'd rather have the smaller buttons for navigation instead of trying to block what I am trying to look at.

2. The UI doesn't completely disappear when minimizing the map. It does, however, disappear when you enlarge the bust portrait.

What I am suggesting:
1. Move the Control Overlay to the lower right of the screen, placed just above the buttons on the bottom. Yes you will cover more text but with the option to hide the movement control, it might honestly be an adjustable thing. This also allows some parity with the PC version where you can see the minimap on the left hand side or even enlarge it without much obstruction.

2. If not content with 1, why not instead change the overlay to the previous button iteration but toggling movement hides the current Status window? Not the portion with your character stats but the status inflicted on your character.
The Status window is pretty big so covering that entire portion with a d-pad icon would be more useful while on the run. Could force it to where, on mobile, the minimap is always enlarged and you're able to swap the minimap position with the Bust portrait location should you choose to do so. Or if you wanna hide the enlarged map, you can tap a handy little button to enlarge the text window while hiding either the map or bust.

3. Would also like to have the overlay be able to completely disappear rather than only hide the D-Pad portion.
The Hide/Show D-pad button / Minimap overlay are placed below the actual D-pad overlay and, personally, would rather have those 2 buttons placed in the same location when the Overlay is disabled; Right above the other menu buttons, on the left.
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Aug 26, 2015
There may be an option in the next release that will allow for customizing the control overlay. If so, this will include changing the color, size and position of the controls. This will hopefully address most of your concerns.

The buttons not disappearing with the map is intentional as some players may play without needing to view the map--this is a text game after all.

One of the major reasons for the new side bar layout was to have the stats readily available to the player. I'm not sure if we'll ever be reverting back to hiding them again. I want to be careful of adding yet more toggling controls (and thus the need for more keybinds for keyboard players) on essential parts of the sidebar.

As for the option to make the controls disappear entirely, this is not ideal as there needs to be a visible button to re-enable the controls, as well as match the functionality of the non-control-overlay layout. However, I will make the in/out buttons disappear with the D-Pad when that is toggled for the control overlay, so hopefully that will save more screen space for those who use it.

Keep in mind that the interface adjustments are still iterative until we get to a point where everything is pretty solid and consistent between the most devices and control schemes as we can possibly accommodate, so the layout may change again when we get more input over time.

Thank you very much for the feedback.
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