[Submitted] Status effect changes and Item Status Effects


Aug 23, 2018
This is a set of gameplay changes that I propose. I'm putting them here, despite them not being story or character submissions however because I will be submitting them and it seems slightly more appropriate than the ideas sub-forum. If that's more appropriate however, please move this thread.

What am I proposing?

I propose two changes regarding Status effects, when compared to the latest public build of TiTS.

The first is a set of changes regarding "soaking" status effects, such as MilkBathed, CumSoaked, PussyDrenched.
The first change is that CumSoaked and PussyDrenched be separated into tiers of status effect (similar to soreness) and a counter is used to count how much a character is soaked. This allows the different levels of soaking to be shown to the player. Currently, soaking has a counter and it has gameplay effects, cut it is not shown to the player.

The second is the addition of item-held status effects. These are status effects held by an item, that are applied to the user when worn, removed when the item is removed and otherwise behave as you'd expect when it comes to status duration, being applied etc. The benefits of this include increased player immersion, the potential for increased depth by giving players the decision of whether they want to swap equipment out for certain situations dependent on certain effects present on them and opening up the opportunity for more complex things to happen to characters equipment in scenes.
I also suggest several effects be implemented, to utilise these benefits. I suggest "X-Soaked Clothing" effects and the addition of a washing machine to the ship to remove said soakings.

More information can be found about my suggestion in the doc here:

I appreciate any feedback or thoughts people have on my idea, I'm mainly sharing it here before submission for people to look at. Sorry if you were looking for some fun characters or scenes, this isn't that. But I think it could be pretty helpful for those if accepted!