[Submitted] Repeatable Anno Pet-Play


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ohh a new dream to give to PC. Good we need more that one same old dream that was made to happen rarely to not get too repetitve.

Also...only 300th post. Really that nothing yet Hugs. Wait till your current counter get multiplied by 10 to feel how you get corrupted/purified* by this place :p


Jul 11, 2016
Ohh a new dream to give to PC. Good we need more that one same old dream that was made to happen rarely to not get too repetitve.

That's it! A dream where someone else is being asked to be purified and you're the purifier. Maybe Anno, think we've got enough Anno to last us for a bit though.

Good stuff, Orm.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I suggested it first...
Jk. It´s ok.

Maybe someone else than one of the puppies would be a good idea for that. Maybe.
But there can never truly be enough puppy content :p

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Thus spoke HugsAlright, Master of Human and Ausar, to Anno, in his infinite wisdom and mercy, saying, "Good girl."

Lo, despite the hubris and defiance of Anno, her blessed and velvety smooth cunt did spasm.

Placing his hand on Anno's shoulders and his penis atop her head, so it was, that HugsAlright had ushered in the rebirth of the Puppyslut.

"Henceforth," spoke HugsAlright, "Upon thine flesh shalt I fuck puppysluts and bitchkitties."

Anno wept at the honor, sacred lube leaking from her blessed cunt.

So it came to pass that Anno and her fuckbuddies had abandoned the Vile Savin, and served The True Master for the rest of their days.

Quick, shadefalcon, suggest a title Savin can forc-I mean grant.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
That's it! A dream where someone else is being asked to be purified and you're the purifier. Maybe Anno, think we've got enough Anno to last us for a bit though.

Good stuff, Orm.
Maybe a dream where a angelic PC steele tries to "purify" Anno while a demonic Vic Steele tries to "corrupt" her. You would need to win a mini slut off against your own father for fair dream Anno's hand. Or let Anno's "sexed victor in a dream" counter increment.
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Jul 11, 2016
I suggested it first...
Jk. It´s ok.

Good stuff, Orm and Shade.

So it came to pass that Anno and her fuckbuddies had abandoned the Vile Savin, and served The True Master for the rest of their days.

I'm confused, but... flattered, I guess?

Damn now i'm wanting dreams based off who your bed partner is.

Wake up in your space mansion, inheritance in hand, bed partner next to you, only to realize its all a dream besides the slutpuppy you went to sleep with.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Wake up in your space mansion, inheritance in hand, bed partner next to you, only to realize its all a dream besides the slutpuppy you went to sleep with.
As long as I wake up with a waifu I´m happy.
One day I hope to have a bed big enough for two sisters crewmembers.

It seems like a lot of people are hung up on Hugs´ puppy content. Have they all forgotten about Brandy? The adorable moo.

Damn now i'm wanting dreams based off who your bed partner is.
Reaha is bed partner: It´s a long walk to the barn, but early as it is the sun has barely peeked up before you reach the stalls where you keep your cows.
All of them must be brim full with milk, if those needy eyes are any judge off it. Not a man to keep your job, or beloved farm animals waiting, you set to work, taking one cow out at a time for milking. It´s kind of hard to explain, but there´s few things in this world that brings you as much joy as milking a busty cow. The feeling of your hands sinking into and massaging their soft orbs, the needy whimpers and satisfied moans and moos as you relieve them of their pent up milk, yeah, nothing really beats milking a cow you think to yourself.

After filling a couple of buckets you´re about to store it away in the milk tank, when you suddenly slip on something. The buckets swirls gracefully in the air spreading their contained milk over the ground, quite a bit coating you too. Not liking the sticky sensation you undress yourself from your blue overalls, leaving your naked body revealed for the cows to stare at in awe. The one you were just milking however looks quite flustered and embarrassed, clearly feeling guilty believing she was the one at fault. Being the good owner you are, you quickly scoop over to comfort her, wrapping your arms around her shoulders, not entirely sure why she feels this way before you see some clear glistening running down her two smooth legs, joining a bigger puddle; the one you clearly just slipped on.
Seems like you forgot how horny they´ve been lately. You´ve had to do a lot of cleaning after the milking sessions for a while now. It´s probably time to think of some solution to their impending needs. Maybe it really is time to invest in one of them bulls?

But you shake your head, no money for that unfortunately. Bulls tend to be a little too rough on cows too, making it harder to milk them the next day. You´ve also never liked the thought of someone else claiming one of your beloved cows. And even if you could get over that, seeing such a display probably wouldn´t do any good for your massive libido. It´s hard enough as it is being you, when no man or woman can satisfy your seemingly insatiable lust. Just thinking about one of your past partners makes your loins burn passion, but you shake your head in an effort to clear your mind. You´ve still got one cow left to milk after all. If you get started now you´ll be masturbating right in front of the cows, for hours to end.

So you clap your face hard a couple of times, driving the thoughts away, and proceed to lead the flushing green haired cow to her stall, seemingly feeling a bit happier after the tight embrace.
Moving on, you place out your biggest bucket and walk up to the final stall, looking eye to eye with your favourite, prize winning cow, Reaha.
She usually sports a pair of big FF-cups, already looking quite huge on her short, fleshy body, but now they´ve swollen up to double Gs, forcing her to lie down or bend forward to ease the strain on her back.
She looks up to you with both need and affection, the same affection you´ve always held for each other. Reaha was your first cow after all, and if it wasn´t for her prize winning milk you would never have been able to afford this nice farm, yet alone the dozens of cows in it. While reminiscing about the good old times, you smile back at the cow and ruffle her strawberry blonde hair, right between her cute little bovine horns. A content moo escapes her lips as you continue to pat her head with one hand, while caressing her cheek with another - just the way she loves it.
A couple of giggles and moos from the other cows forces the two of you out of the mutual trance. Reluctantly you remove your hands from her warm body and relocate them to the cold metal fence separating you and the busty pet. With a slight creak, you open up the grid and let Reaha walk out on her own. You don´t need to utter any command, or use any kind of leash to have her happily following after you, her full milky tits supported by her slender arms.

Reaha has always been an obedient one, but when it comes to the milking process itself she´s a bit more stubborn. Immediately after taking a seat on the tiny wooden stool, your [pc.crotch] is soon greeted by a handful of [reaha.butt]. You´ve gotten used to her needing to sit on you and feel your [pc.chest] on back, while your hands reach around hear, hugging her through it all. But this time, stark naked and still slightly aroused from the trip down sexy memories lane, it´s a different matter, and you try to raise her up from your lap. Reaha however won´t have any of that, slamming her soft ass back down, making her tattoo labeled "Steele´s cow" jiggle in the process. Annoyed by your resistance she keeps wriggling back and forth, mooing in an annoyed tone, until you´re forced to give in to the childlike tantrum. "Who do you think I´m worried about", you mutter as you start massaging her breasts, warming them up while trying to keep your minds on grannies cookies, or anything else but the growing heat in your nether.

It´s not only the cows who´ve been horny lately. There´s no man or woman left in town who´s willing to take care of your needs. The last few girls passed out in your rut, and at this point you´re worried you could attack your own cows. Reaha especially is of worry to you. The last thing you want is for her to hate you after a relentless assault, but the person in question seems blissfully unaware of that.
Now thoroughly warmed up, milk already dripping unvoluntarily from her teats, she´s ready for the real deal. You pinch at her nipples and get rewarded with a fountain of white milk shooting out of her. Reaha moos in pure bliss as you empty her breasts, the big orbs deflating at a steady rate.
Normally you´d be content just looking at the flying white arcs and relieved expression, but this time you´re all too well aware of her quivering body and the leak in her hot slit, the girlcum dripping down along your crotch. It took all ounce of your willpower to control your urges when she just sat on you, but feeling her naked skin on yours, and her needy moans, there´s nothing stopping your mast(s) from swelling. You can sense Reaha too is flushing with arousal. Whether it´s because of the usual milking or her needy slit grinding against (one of) your throbbing member(s) is hard to tell. At least it was until she turns around, lust in her eyes, a begging pout in her expression, and the the top of the tart - a moo clearly as day a question of approval. The world spins around you, your head dizzy with lust and moral dilemmas. But before you can either approve or dismiss her, Reaha raises her [reaha.hips] until her seeping [reaha.cunt](and [reaha.asshole]) aligns with your (two of your) [pc.cocks]. The moment she starts sinking down on it (them), all voice of reasons leaves you. No longer able to suppress yourself, you slam your cock(s) all the way to your hilt (knot), (if large dick: a visible bulge forming on Reaha´s stomach).

A large bellowing moo escapes Reaha´s lips, joined in by several moans and whimpers. Worried that you might´ve hurt your beloved animal you try to slide out of her, only to be trapped by her tightening hole(s), and the delightful feeling of Reaha forcing herself down as hard as she can manage. Suddenly you hear an encouraging moo from her, joined in by the rest of your cows, their hands placed between their legs, rubbing themselves while watching the two of you cross the relationship between master and pet.
All but assured from their encouragement and Reaha´s quickening pace, you grab at her hips and slam them down on you, thrusting into her inner folds with more and more vigor. Her snatch is so warm and welcoming(, while her ass is tight and lubed up thanks to your own precum), and you find yourself hating every moment you have to greet the air when pulling out, while loving every second of pushing yourself back in.
Reaha´s tits bounces back and forth with every smack against her, a sight so unresistable that your hands automatically start massaging them, your pace lessening a bit as a result. In turn it seems like Reaha enjoys doing most of the work while you explore her fleshy body, caressing one boob with one hand, while pinching a teat with the other, earning you a delighted moo from your cow lover.
You find yourself moving your [pc.arms] lower and lower, caressing her stomach (the bulge in her stomach), before you reach her sensitive cunt. Just the slightest stroke against is sends her spasming, shooting out a stream of girlcum, while clamping down on you, making it hard to continue moving with the vice like grip. Her orgasm sends slight vibrations along your trapped member(s), serving as the most erotic massage imaginable.

Well aware that you´ve still not released yet, Reaha tries to force herself to move again, but is way too sensitive from the climax. Instead she can only look back at you with egging you to go on. Too lust induced to refuse, you begin your own relentless assault, pounding her with reckless abandon. It doesn´t take too much effort before you near your own peak. Loud moos fills the stalls as your cows seems to have reached their limit as well, only to be overtoned by Reaha´s own mooing, earned by her second, much stronger orgasm. It all proves too much for you, the vast amount of feminine scent, Reaha´s squeezing hole(s), and the though of the perverted circumstance you´ve found yourself in, shagging a cow, your beloved Reaha no less.

With one final thrust you slam yourself to the hilt
Usual amounts of cum:, a big splurt of [pc.cum] escaping your cock(s), coating Reaha´s inner folds. Some of it naturally leaks out of her, but Reaha seems happy just having you inside of her.
Large amounts of cum:, streams of [pc.cum] shoots of inside her, the belly visibly expanding a bit, before the excess starts gushing out of her snatch. She seems to enjoy the feeling of it, and judging by her expression, content just having you inside of her.
Huge amounts of cum:. A torrent of [pc.cum] explodes inside of Reaha, her belly visibly expanding before your very eyes. All the while you get to enjoy having your own cock bathed in the warm sloshing cum. Streams of it escapes her snatch, but with the amount you´re sending off it doesn´t take long before she ends up looking 9 months pregnant either way. However, the moment the pressure easens, your excess sprays out of her, completely drenching your lower body with your own sticky excess.

If knot: With one final thrust you slam in your expanding knot, locking the two of you together.
Usual amounts of cum: A big splurt of [pc.cum] escapes your cock(s), coating Reaha´s inner folds. With your knot blocking the exit, there´s no way for it to leak out of her pussy, but with the content expression of hers, you don´t think she´d want it any other way.
Large amounts of cum: Streams of [pc.cum] shoots of inside of Reaha, her belly visibly expanding a bit. All the while you get to enjoy having your own cock coated in the warm sloshing cum. It´s not long before she looks a couple of months pregnant, and with your knot blocking the exit, not even a trickle escapes her, but with the way she lovingly strokes her stomach, satisfyingly mooing all the while, you don´t think she´d want it any other way.
Huge amounts of cum: A torrent of [pc.cum] explodes inside of Reaha, her belly visibly expanding before your very eyes, while you get to enjoy having your own cock bathed in the warm sloshing cum. It´s not long before she looks 9 months pregnant, and with your knot blocking the exit, not even a trickle escapes her, but with the way she lovingly strokes her stomach, satisfyingly mooing all the while, you don´t think she´d want it any other way.

No longer seeing any reason to stop yourself, you kiss Reaha, immediately muffling her surprised moo, which soon evolves into silent moans. The both of you end up lying on the ground for a while, chests heaving and sweat dripping from your skin. You´re content to just enjoy the post orgasmic bliss while engaging in the steamy make up session. The world would probably frown upon your relationship, but to you this feels just right, almost natural even. Like you´ve already been lovers for a while now. This fleeting moment of joy goes on for a while before you finally pull out of the spent cow, a nice trickle of cum oozing out of her.
If knot: This fleeting moment of joy goes on for a while before your your knot finally deflates. The cum trapped in Reaha starts oozing/gushing out of her, until only trickles remain.

Looking at your blissed out lover, you´re about to wonder what you´re gonna do with her and all this mess, before several of the other cows start mooing desperate for their own turns. "Duty calls", you think to yourself, smiling from ear to ear, finding no reason to stop yourself now that you´ve already crossed the border of master and pet. With this many cows, you might finally quench the insatiable need in your loins. However, just as you´re about to scuff over to them, you find yourself pinned down by Reaha once again. "I´m not done with you yet, she says, eyes glimmering mischievously."
Abruptly you wake up, eyes opening in pure shock. "Reaha was talking? How is that possible, she´s just a cow"; thoughts like these keep echoing in your head until your searching eyes spot Reaha sleeping next to you with an innocent sleeping face. Soon it dawns upon you that the whole farmer life setting was just a dream, and that Reaha is as much a talking person as you are, obviously. While looking at her cute sleeping expression you end up ruffling her hair, just like in the dream. This causes Reaha to smile a bit, probably deep within her own dreams, and she surprises you by whispering "[pc.name]", before following up with a tight embrace and a sleep kiss. Unable, and not wishing to disentangle from her, you doze of once again, head falling into her soft pillows.
I wrote this in one go...It felt good...
It´s bit discontent with the dual cocks and knotting, but t´was nice.

Maybe we should make a dream thread?

Edit: Should I consider putting it in the event submission pile? After polishing it a bit of course.
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Jul 11, 2016
I wrote this in one go...It felt good...
It´s bit discontent with the dual cocks and knotting, but t´was nice.


That's a good un' there, bud.

Edit: Should I consider putting it in the event submission pile? After polishing it a bit of course.


As long as I wake up with a waifu I´m happy.
One day I hope to have a bed big enough for two sisters crewmembers.

I just want the Anno's fuzzy handjob scene to be every wake up scene. Of course, when the Anno/Steele/Syri cuddle sandwich comes along it'll have to become a combined fuzzy handjob/Syri hot-dogging the PC's ass session.

It seems like a lot of people are hung up on Hugs´ puppy content. Have they all forgotten about Brandy? The adorable moo.

I'm sure they haven't... ;_;

Maybe we should make a dream thread?

Sure, it don't matter too much, what with this project being finished and all.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015

That's a good un' there, bud.

I just want the Anno's fuzzy handjob scene to be every wake up scene. Of course, when the Anno/Steele/Syri cuddle sandwich comes along it'll have to become a combined fuzzy handjob/Syri hot-dogging the PC's ass session.
Or waking up to dual hot dogging between Anno and Syri's buttcheeks...
Coddammit. I was just about to study. I can't pop a boner again.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah making dreams about Syri/Anno/both of them at once... would be col. Dream of threesome between Anno/Syri/PC when? @Savin
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
NPCs should write fanfics and then the PC should dream them.

Of course, someone would have to write those NPCs' writing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I hate to break it to you, but Shade is a fictional TiTS character. I highly doubt her smut could reach out to our world. :p

I find your lack of faith disturbing!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
And if we take it's Shade form TiTS that by her author we....well Savin may in veiled way say that HE personaly will write those dreams...eventualy ^^


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2015
Do you have any intentions of having some references to the pet-play that happens on Tarkus before you move her onto your ship? I really love that stuff and hope we'll get access to it again (wink wink, nudge nudge) (@Savin)