[SUBMITTED] Rapier! In Space!


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2016
With a lot of blood, sweat, and tears (and procrastination), I am proud to present a finished weapon document!

I remember a forum post had asked about a rapier, seeing as COC had one and it was actually a pretty good weapon. So, I decided to go with it and figured it would be, at the worst, a good writing exercise. At best, it'd be an implemented weapon that I can use to inflate my e-peen. 

The document is complete, in the sense everything is there. I'm sure I missed a few parser calls, but I feel as if most of them are pure flavor, and made a few typos/grammatical errors as I usually typed this stuff up around 4-5 AM to put me to sleep. I fixed what I saw as I went along and added more to it, but there's always an error somewhere.

As for the stats of the weapon, I ultimately will have to leave that to the coders. I was aiming to making it something near Taivra's Spear for stats, giving players an energy weapon counterpart, as the energy weapon count seems to be a bit small. The mini-quest itself was a way to add some flexibility to it. You can either take the accuracy, or a bit of a "riskier" route and buff the damage instead.

The GDoc is open to comments and is checked bi-daily at worst, and the forum post will be checked pretty much every few hours. 

GDoc: Here!

Thanks for taking a peek, everyone! And a big thanks to the people who left comments on the document and here, you guys helped me work out some of the obvious issues as I went. 
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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
You know what...it actually fits. Rapiers were piercing weapons by design and in space/vacuum battles a rapier designed to penetrate space armor and the like would be deadly...or in an environment that requires total separation between environment and person.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Maybe you could post the doc on Savin's 'Simple Scene Submissions' at the top of the Event Submission page. It might be worked on quicker this way.


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2016
Thanks for the feedback and direction, you two. 

I'm still learning my way around here, clearly, but I feel as if I may find myself pretty at home once I learn. 

And I assume if I am to add on to the doc, I could just briefly post a 'change log' of sorts on the OP?


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Np, I'm mostly peanut gallery in the nature of my posts, so I'll defer you to him in regards of what to do.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Reminds me of the finale in Mobile Suit Gundam when Amuro and Char gets out of their battered mechs and have themselves an impromptu fencing match in Zero-G.


Aug 26, 2015
Appropriate, as that set off a sequence of events leading to Char's lingering hatred being resurrected as Full Frontal through fucking necromancy.