[Submitted] BearFolk Codex Entry & Ursus bulb expansion


Active Member
Dec 2, 2021
Hello, I've created a codex entry for Bearfolk.

The main new thing is there is both full-body-fur bearfolk with muzzles etc and hand-fur only bearfolk with human faces.
To my knowledge, the only thing the codex is missing is a quote about bearfolk - which is impossible since theyre not in the game yet??

anyway I also have some ideas for the Ursus Bulb's expansion, which i've commented below since i'm not formally submitting that yet. but do take a look
  • includes Size Queen perk transformation
  • outlines descriptor additions to player's "appearance" tab if they are part-bear, part bear with hairy skin, or finally full body bear with muzzle and all.


Active Member
Dec 2, 2021
I've made some additions to the Ursus Bulb, so that bearfolk come in both the arm-fur type and the full-body-fur-with-face-muzzle type.

the codex is ready for submission, but the ursus bulb may have issues i'm unaware of since i've never submitted a TF item expansion before. I may need help working out technical/code details, but the writing is done. I don't know what else i could do to it alone, so i'm posting it. Hope i'm not jumping the gun but I've been putting a lot of work into writing bear NPCs and need to know if this TF expanion will get in the game or not, so I know how they'll be allowed to look.

pending on its approval, I have a few bear characters already underway.

one of them is 85% written already (5000 words).
the others are thoroughly thought out but only partially written. I've limited my self to 2 other characters, each with like 1-2 sex scenes to start out, and then if they get in the game, I'll write expansions.