[Submitted] 4 items: Crazyhorse BDSM ; Ursus Bulb TF expansion ; Ursulo the muscle bear ; Ted the lumberjack


Active Member
Dec 2, 2021
Happy new year.
I have been busy.
here is 23,000 words of content. You may have seen some of it already but the last 2 are new: male bearfolk NPCs- 10,000 words each.

After submitting the Bearfolk codex entry and the minotaur booze stash, I finished up the ursus bulb TF and the 2 bears I was working on. I also forgot to actually submit my crazyhorse scene, which i posted on here at christmas.


Ursus bulb TF expansion

I was origionally going to have the ursus bulb also give character hairy skin, but it would be too much of a nightmare to code. I thought of a simple way around it to limit it and make it easier to code, but then i thought "nah, lets make a new item if i want to try and pitch a 'hairy chest' TF to the team."

Ursulo the muscle bear - hawkenthorne gym

Finally an actual muscle giant for the gym! To me it was STILL incomplete without a 9 foot tall super buff masc dude, despite having 3 other characters...
Ursulo has [obviously this list is spoilers]:
- 2 workout scenes (softcore/kinda sexy.)
- 1 PM blowjob scene (kinda long but you can skip parts/come back. features cockOrVag finish, with herm support.)
- 1 "workout" scene, "abs workout," that is actually just ursulo mercilessly pouding your VagOrAss into oblivion. unlockable after PM BJ scene above
- I tease at a future possible Ryn 3-way in "[pillowtalk]" but we'll see.......
- parser tester link was not working, maybe my wifi is weird? im visiting family. will triple check code works for last scene on the 3rd when i'm home.
Ursulo is a MASC top, but he's kind and shy, making him different from Garret or minotaurs for example. so he adds that to the game.

Ted the lumberjack - the Old Forest

Ted is the character for which i have the most planned in the furture, but let me say off the bat I don't want to flood the submisions pile with any more unique characters or stuff like that for a while. I like writing for masc characters and there are few so i added 2, also wanted to introduce bearfolk.
Moving on from that, and about Ted:
- Ted is an unapologetic MASC BOTTOM, holy shit i cant tell you how much i need this in my life.
- 1 honeyTits scene, because obviously the bear likes honey.
- a lap dance because he's gotta pay you for the honey, right?
- some bear lore stuff, he's got a cabin so thats new in the forest, and theres a little scene where you and your companions share trail rations /w him
- some setup for a future Vaush 3-way and also a seprate possible Rumie 3-way ... maybe throw Azyrran in there too, 4 way??
Again, I know this is a lot.
IF you like this content and, you exist, you masc-loving readers, I'd love to know if my writing is up to snuff. leave a like maybe!

Upcoming ideas/content ill be working on next:
khor'minos centric
- i'd like to write a strawberry & chocolate milk lactation TF, as an expansion for the northern minotaur TF item.
- I bet i can find some minotaur men already-in-game to write some stuff for.
- any requests?

Thanks, y'all're champs if you read any amount of this. I wax long when writing if you haven't noticed.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
im liking the fact you have done a full anthro bear tf update the moment its added my bear pc will be using it and would you be willing to do another one of a full anthro rabbit tf?
and im looking forward to the strawberry milk tf as would suit one of my pcs
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Active Member
Dec 2, 2021
full anthro bear tf [...] full anthro rabbit tf?
With the bear TF I had the benefit of being able to write the codex entry myself, explaining the existence of both types, but i could look at Taeleer codex and see if its restrictive to full anthro - i bet there is room for it. I wont make a promise but if inspiration strikes to expand on that one... who knows!
I don't think i'd even have to update lore and whatnot, just to write a coulple paragraphs about a rabbit face, full body fur, and digitigrade wabbit legs, right?


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2020
Anytime i read submissions like these it makes me wonder, how is it possible to write this much and in good quality too .I know for a fact my head would've exploded if i tried to do even 1/10th of this.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
With the bear TF I had the benefit of being able to write the codex entry myself, explaining the existence of both types, but i could look at Taeleer codex and see if its restrictive to full anthro - i bet there is room for it. I wont make a promise but if inspiration strikes to expand on that one... who knows!
I don't think i'd even have to update lore and whatnot, just to write a coulple paragraphs about a rabbit face, full body fur, and digitigrade wabbit legs, right?
yeah i think so sounds about right to me! and thank you for considering it ^^


Active Member
Dec 2, 2021
Anytime i read submissions like these it makes me wonder, how is it possible to write this much and in good quality too .I know for a fact my head would've exploded if i tried to do even 1/10th of this.
Well there were points where I was like "F*CKING SHIIIIIIT i dont wanna" but you just get started and then its not so bad.

Basically, i have a job IRL that is very mundane labwork and involves a lot of repeptitive activities, almost no human interaction. During those 8 hours, i escape to the world in my head, which allows me to plan out and think through what im going to write. when i get home i know exaclty the sort of thing i want to put down, and it takes a lot less time to hammer out 1000 words or so for a given scene.

I aslo just write long. and have high standards for what i put out. i re-read what i write several times, and think it over a lot. I dunno i guess i have just the right combination of skills, obsession, and life curcumstance to make it possible?! we'll see if I stick around at this pace - dont think ill be posting 25000 words every quarter but I'm willing to be that whatever I do post it will be on the lenghier side, as has always always been in my writing. went over the word limit / at the limit on most assignments in school.

But why i care so much about the quality of some random smut i write, to think about it all day? shrugs :iiam: probably cause it turns me on, lets hope it lasts!
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
So, I finally am going over these 2 in their entirety so here is what first comes to mind.

Ursulo description is to descriptive.

First immediately jumping into champion describing him so lusciously, basically eye fucking him, just feels way to sudden of a turn from just casually observing him.
I would rather save that type of description after a little rodeo, because then the player does inform the player that he is in fact their type. For, as it is now, it makes to many assumptions about the champion like:
Assuming that they are into guys
Assuming that they are into bears
Assuming that they are a hopeless ho with no sense of decency

Second, on a more personal note, adding champions own opinions and sexual reactions to such a degree as you did feels way to out of the place from the rest of the game. With other writers, their descriptions usually only contain NPCs description with little banter between them and PC here and there. So having to read through our champion salivating to the point of leaking milk/precum just feels distracting.

I hope so got my point across.


Active Member
Dec 2, 2021
So, I finally am going over these 2 in their entirety so here is what first comes to mind.

yeah, unfortunately after waiting months for anything i've written to get reviewed, i gave up on submissions. It seems there's not too much of a gay audience here. i have no problem with that, its totally cool, but the devs must be busy working on content that is more straight-audience-targeted (as it should be) rather than my sort of content which is targeted to ME and/or a reader who IS gay, into bears, and yes wants to eye-fuck gym bros on first sight.

It's been 6 months, i've submitted like 7 different things since December and heard nothing. Maybe they're just backlogged, that'd be fine. I'm patient, I'm still here if they want me to write, but i doubt it. no hard feelings! but anyway theres no need to edit the submission if it's probably never getting in.


Active Member
Dec 2, 2021
PS maybe its not cause my content is gay, i mean, it could just be cringey! or, like you said, deviant from the standard CoC2 style.

I think for an amateur, my writing is better than average, but yeah after looking at it 6 months later, there are definitely several sections where i am catching myself re-reading what i wrote and thinking "why the heck did i have to make that section so long?" or "why did I write this that way, i've never seen another author do that" .

like my submission with the flavored milk TFs....(found in a separate thread) some of those scenes are WAY longer than TF scenes ever are in CoC2... there's these huge nested parsers, plus that submission starts out with like "oh hey please add these 6 new parsers..." yeah... its not gonna happen, haha. But it was fun writing it!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
Honestly try asking on discord about it. or resubmitting that one, thing that you feel most comfortable getting looked over since 7 things submmited is a lot. Also, do not take it personally, que things take time, like Jstars corrupt Lupines. Maybe it is that they just did not have time to look over you for whatever reason. That is what I can suggest.
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Active Member
Dec 2, 2021
Oh hey, Observer looked at crazyhorse. neat! so i'm doing some edits on that- really, thats the one i'd submit out of all of them at this point. and trust me I am far from taking anything personally, I get that it takes time :)


Nov 20, 2021
lil southern town
I really like the additions to the Ursus Bulb (yesss more fluff!) and Crazyhorse - that one made me smile a lot, I really enjoy your writing. Ted is also so sweet and sexy ♡
I hope your scenes are added!! Now to read Ursulo's doc...


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2021
Heeeeyy congrats on the crazy horse scene making to the game! Seen the google doc quite some time ago, but I can't wait to see it in-game!


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2021
Played the crazyhorse scene and really enjoyed the scene! As I said before, it was a while ago that I looked at the public doc for it, but it was fun seeing it in the game! Loved the variation (depending on pc's personality) and the tidbits from the companions. Not sure if you'll continue to write for coc2, but I hope to see more of your submissions! Congratulations again!