Steph Irson

Dec 13, 2015
Does she have other prerequisites for her to be encountered in No Myr's Land aside from watching her episodes? Is there a number of episodes required to watch for her to be met? If so, is this number must be met BEFORE going to Myrellion in order to be procced?


Aug 26, 2015
The content was removed after controversy and a decision by the developers that it had misrepresented the culture of New Texas.  It may return, but the event also demonstrated an issue with allowing the players to interact directly with Steph, which is that a significant number of players who formerly found her content humorous didn't find it funny anymore once they were thinking of her as a person instead of a running gag.


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2015
Unfortunately that scene has been removed. This has been a source of perpetual saltiness for me.

I tolerated the treatment being retconed to bovinium (that's not to say I'm happy with it) but removing the no myr's land scene was IMO completely unnecessary and a waste of a great scene. it was a little bit sad seeing how far Steph had fallen but you had the option of giving her hope with a potential deal with Steeletech.

I guess people didn't want and actual problems or character building on a 'joke character'.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I guess people didn't want and actual problems or character building on a 'joke character'.

Well, no, that's precisely it. You can either be a 'joke character' or you can be an 'actual character' with 'actual problems'. You can't have it both ways.

Agreed on all other points though.


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2016
Unfortunately that scene has been removed. This has been a source of perpetual saltiness for me.

I tolerated the treatment being retconed to bovinium (that's not to say I'm happy with it) but removing the no myr's land scene was IMO completely unnecessary and a waste of a great scene. it was a little bit sad seeing how far Steph had fallen but you had the option of giving her hope with a potential deal with Steeletech.

I guess people didn't want and actual problems or character building on a 'joke character'.

It was tolerable "watching' her get essentially raped on TV because that's all there was to it.

Add personality and some real one-on-one time with her, and suddenly it's bad. You'd feel worse about Anno being murdered than a random Myr, wouldn't you? Though our interaction with her is short, it does shed a lot of light.