Stealable Powers from Allies


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2022
Wayfort Castle
So yeah, is there a way to steal my companions power since there's a lot it from the new gears. I know there's one that who have to let that enemy copy your ally but I already done that.

If there isn't yet that's fine, tho adding sparring choice for every companions sounds good. :)
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
There is. But you can only steal from at most two and only once at this time. You need to have both in your party for the Lureling fight during Gweyr's questline. Make sure you do not get the circlets from the Mage Ship so that the Lureling can lock down an ally and make them fight you.

At the moment the only two powers you can't get elsewhere and are stealable are from Cait's Witch set, Scorch Armor and from Brint/Brienne's Green Knight set, Lashing Thorns.

You are able to get Arona's Holy Shock via a tome during the story now so you don't need to steal it anymore.
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2022
Wayfort Castle
There is. But you can only steal from at most two and only once at this time. You need to have both in your party for the Lureling fight during Gweyr's questline. Make sure you do not get the circlets from the Mage Ship so that the Lureling can lock down an ally and make them fight you.

At the moment the only two powers you can't get elsewhere and are stealable are from Cait's Witch set, Scorch Armor and from Brint/Brienne's Green Knight set, Lashing Thorns.

You are able to get Arona's Holy Shock via a tome during the story now so you don't need to steal it anymore.
Is it repeatable?


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
It's a one off boss fight so be prepared for it, and you can only steal your allies powers if the boss possesses your companion - You also need to miss the circlets from the mage ship in the prior part of the questline. If you pick up the circlets the Lurelings powers will not be able to take your companions.
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2022
Wayfort Castle
It's a one off boss fight so be prepared for it, and you can only steal your allies powers if the boss possesses your companion - You also need to miss the circlets from the mage ship in the prior part of the questline. If you pick up the circlets the Lurelings powers will not be able to take your companions.
That's the same method I already know and I already did it a long time ago that I don't remember how it work. On this case there aren't any way of stealing cait's and arona new power


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
There is a Tome for Holy Shock in the druid dungeon if I remember right. So you don't need to worry about Arona. If you already did Lureling however, yeah you are out of luck for Brint/Brienne and Cait's stealable powers. You'll have to wait either for those powers to be added to other enemies or as tomes OR start over from scratch/older save.

Ace Hangman

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
It's theoretically possible those missed ones could show up in a Tome later as an event reward or in a trainer's shop in Tychris or through some other event, so it's not necessarily hopeless.


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2018
I think Savin said at some point that all stealable powers are planned to be permanently obtainable at some point, the lureling thing just lets you get them earlier.
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