State of Overwatch


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Hey, it's me, Alexa! I'm aliiiiiiiiive.

Overwatch has been slowly decreasing in quality to me. 

My list of grievances is as follows.

  • Blizzard imposes harsh penalties for toxicity, no matter how severe. I have been muted five times. Every time they mute me, they double the time.  I am up to a month now. Obviously that might be an indication to stop, but in an online game where there is competition, it just happens. It's funny they'd have penalties such as these, because they give players every tool they need to just ignore me if they don't like me. Mute and block. I can be competitive (and thusly toxic), but I don't think that's any reason I should be muted for such long periods of time, especially when players are given tools to combat this. You can also read below to see how these reports unfold.
  • Misguided buffs and nerfs. Genji is a hard as hell character to play. He really is. He requires patience and a LOT of skill to be effective with. Mobility was one of the few advantages he had, and now it's being slowly stripped away (starting with his nerf). He is a three star character, and Blizzard did no favor to Genji players in order to make him easier to play. However, his brother Hanzo, also a three star character, designed as a character to be used PATIENTLY (just like Genji), has now been converted into a machinegun-wielding assassin who uses fully loaded semis as ammunition. His draw speed is way up, his projectile speed is way up (So now it's much, much easier to hit people, especially moving targets). Guess what this does to Hanzo's counter, Genji? Makes Genji's mobility useless. In fact, it's almost always useless, even before the nerf. You can double jump, wall climb, move back and forth, or whatever, but a good player's going to be able to predict where you're going to be at and have a shot lined up for you accordingly. This is the worst example so far of such buffs and nerfs.
  • Proliferation of bullshit combos. Hanzo's scatter arrow (hell, even his normal arrow), McCree flashbang, Roadhog's hook, Widowmaker's headshot, Mei's freeze blaster. All crap designed to take control from you. It's BS. Do you want to stop that character from doing that? Well be prepared to drop everything you're doing right now and switch to another character just because some asshole on the enemy team can use those bullshit combos well. Glad it's not like that in TF2.

Typically the mutes go along this format.

  • Me: Hanzo is OP
  • Other: No he's not, lol, you just suck
  • Me: I don't suck. He does blahblahblah and blahblahblah.
  • Other: Lol you still suck if you can't kill [x] as [y]
  • Me: Ya sure, I bet you're real good yourself. Fuck off.
  • Other: lol just report him everyone

After one of those I'm typically muted immediately afterwards because the entire lobby mutes me simultaneously, while if I mute any of them nothing happens.

This game's just becoming unplayable now, what with things like lack of an intelligent community, harsh and unnecessary penalties, and crap like McCree. 

Really wish I could get my money back, but it was fun on occasion. What do you think could be improved?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
To be honest, I play it past the beta. I do remember raging about Genji quite a bit, but I put maybe 12 hours into it during the closed beta, so I can't really say what's OP and what isn't. His deflection was more annoying than his mobility, imo.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Hanzo is ridiculous now and his hitbox is still insane. It's easy to headshot people with him. I remember playing him and flickshotting anyone who got close. It's just ridiculous.

The sad thing is that Blizzard wants all those shitty players to feel at home so they give them ridiculously high damage characters to help them dominate people who actually bothered to put skill or tactics into their style of play.

By shitty I mean people like this #2 guy in the world in terms of KDR who just uses McCree exclusively.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
Well I'm kind of a Torb player, so I can kind of understand some issues.

If they put Hanzo back to being about skill, and not just spamming arrows I would feel more at home.

Also personally I never cuss at other players online, so I don't see any problems  with that part myself?

At least for me anyways, but I guess it can be rather annoying to the average competitive player.


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2015
I play Symmetra more than I really should, and then Mei/Pharah. I don't usually read patch notes, so I'm usually oblivious to changes made to characters until i actually play them. That being said, it is noticeable when EVERYONE starts playing a person who has been recently buffed and stops playing characters that were broken but got nerfed. 

Balancing in games like Overwatch create weird metas where who you play depends on the patch, and it's sort of sad, but at the same time I understand that balancing in games, especially in more widely played games like Overwatch or League, is especially hard because you have to please the more "casual" fanbase who don't necessarily have the information to truly say "Genji is broken!!"

As with the mutes/bans, I could spout the ol' "yelling at teammates doesn't make them play better" stuff, but as a person who like never gets tilted I don't have to deal with the issue of getting butthurt over people yelling at me causing me to report them, neither do I yell at people. I think it's kind of a brute way to get someone to stop being toxic, and just a tad bit authoritarian. It's just the kind of society we live in where "no one gets hurt!!", but at the other end of that spectrum is complete anarchy in which anyone can say whatever they want and then it kind of becomes a 4chan board without the anonymity.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Balancing in games like Overwatch create weird metas where who you play depends on the patch, and it's sort of sad, but at the same time I understand that balancing in games, especially in more widely played games like Overwatch or League, is especially hard because you have to please the more "casual" fanbase who don't necessarily have the information to truly say "Genji is broken!!"

This has always been a problem in games where the skill of players fluctuates wildly. Who do you cater to? I know games like Dota 2 focus more on what the pro players think, and make balance-changes according to that feedback. This leaves the "casual" players with a very limited roster of viable characters, often ones who hit their skill-ceiling very quickly. Hearthstone is the complete opposite, from what I can tell. They balance around the casual side, leaving the pro scene incredibly sterile and unbalanced. League is kinda stuck in the middle, with balance seemingly centrered about skilled, but non-pro players. Often those somewhere in Gold or Platinum have the most the balanced experience from my years of playing that game.

I personally prefer League's approach to balance, as a sort of compromise to not alienate casuals, but still having the pro scene be... somewhat varied. (Not that I give a shit about esports :p)


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2015
I personally prefer League's approach to balance, as a sort of compromise to not alienate casuals, but still having the pro scene be... somewhat varied. (Not that I give a shit about esports :p)

I've played League the most, and I played Dota 2 for a short amount of time because boy, it was difficult (and you're 100% correct on the limited roster of viable heroes in that game).

Personally, I'm really good friends with a challenger player in League, and what he has said is while there are broken champions, the game itself is totally based on skill in higher tiers so broken champs will not effect people in Diamond 1 and beyond, and buffs/nerfs are not as much as a nuisance to them, just makes the roster different. It again proves that balancing is mostly to please those who play not competitively (or not as well, per say).


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
First off, you getting muted repeatedly is on you, not the system.

Secondly, I do feel they overcompensated a bit on both Genji and Hanzo. Genji WAS in need of a nerf, and Hanzo WAS in need of a slight buff, but they went overboard with Hanzo, I think.

Genji I'm not so sure about. He might well be in a pretty good spot right now. Time will tell.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Hold on, hold on. KDR means very little in Overwatch. You're approaching the whole game with the wrong mentality. McCree is a character designed to have a good KDR. That's all he does. Someone that exclusively plays McCree is going to be expected to have one of the highest KDR's in the game. I'd imagine the #1 KDR player doesn't play many support or defensive heroes, even if they don't only play McCree.

But KDR alone doesn't win games. In a class-based team game like Overwatch, KDR actually doesn't mean that much. Especially when you consider Overwatch's rather unique elimination system, where everyone that would normally get an assist in another game is credited with a full elimination, even if they don't land the killing blow. Someone could have a perfect KDR after 1,000 games in Overwatch, and all that would tell me is that they probably stay as far away from fights as possible, look for chip damage and 1hp picks, and then hide in spawn if they're ever threatened.

As for the rest of your points, I can't defend toxicity at all. I'm a very competitive player, bouncing between low and high 60's for Season 1's short lifespan, and I got to 70 once. Not a top-tier player by any means, certainly not anywhere close to top 500, but I like to think I'm above-average based on the fact that average is supposed to be 50.

I can get very frustrated with uncoordinated, uncooperative, and simply flat-out bad teammates, but I will never bring my frustrations into the game. That will do nothing for anyone. It's literally just shooting yourself in the foot. It puts you in a worse mood, puts your teammates in a worse mood, distracts everyone from the game and objective, and is just a huge waste of time all around. The only advice I can give is: don't do it. Discipline yourself, accept your punishment as just, and attempt to change your behavior rather than jumping through hoops to rationalize it and then decry the unfairness of Blizzard's systems. Your teammates will be idiots from time to time. The best way to fight that is to not be an idiot yourself.

That being said, I agree that Hanzo was over-buffed, and is generally a pretty brainless character now. I do not believe Genji was over-nerfed, but I do believe he was brought down to a level below some other heroes also in need of nerfs.

The skill cap of a character cannot justify something like this being possible. Not in a class-based team game. You can't have individual characters that have the potential to invalidate all other options when played at a high enough level. It's not acceptable, and Genji did just that. I feel Tracer can do that in certain situations as well, but she's much more of an "annoyance" where Genji was an "apocalypse."

What? How are getting backstabbed, headshot, degreaser melee'd, sticky trapped, shut down by a kritz/uber, or even cheesy shit like getting market garden'd not some kind of "bullshit combo?" Also, why are you calling individual game mechanics like Widowmaker's headshot a "combo?" It's the core component of her character, not some mechanical synergy/exploit.

Neither Overwatch or TF2 are games where the best player tears through enemy lines, owns all the noobs, and comes out perfectly unscathed because they're just that much better than everyone else unless you've got a literal pro that's doing some pubstomping (and even then it's rarely completely flawless domination). The games are tactical balancing acts between checks and counters, and you're going to die. You're also going to need to switch characters from time to time, at least in Overwatch. That's just part of it. You've got to roll with the punches and try to die as little as possible while doing your best to serve your team in the most effective capacity you can.

In Overwatch, I main almost exclusively Mercy and Ana, but I can and will switch to other characters if the situation demands it. I've played every character in the game for at least some small amount of time. It's very important to be able to do that.

The same goes for TF2. I try to pay Medic whenever I can, but I'm comfortable playing anyone save Soldier and Demo (simply because I'm bad at them) at a decent level. The reason there's not much class switching in competitive TF2 is because there's only nine classes. Sixes is basically its own format with optimized comps and Highlander mandates that one of every class be present. If TF2 had OW's class depth you can be certain there would be a lot of situational comp adaptation.

Let me rephrase it in a way you'll understand.

Abilities that result in the instant death of players who have no defense against it.

I don't think there a lot of easy ones in TF2 like there are in Overwatch.

Yes, KDR means nothing. But the point being, how easy it is to boost your stats with him because HE IS BROKEN. 

I'd also like to add that Genji is useless except in VERY VERY SPECIFIC cases, like the calculated teams that pro teams use. In reality, QP games will often end in Genji getting decimated for a number of reasons. He's actually pretty weak and his kills usually come from waiting patiently in a corner for that Mercy to lose about 50 hp.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
He does both of those very well and has a high skill ceiling

He does both well, but he does not have a high skill ceiling. He dominates at all ranges except sniper range. At close range, his flashbang and FTH combo with a combat roll to reload will make sure it was like that 250 or less health character never existed, with no way to stop this combo whatsoever. We can all agree that this requires little skill on behalf of the McCree.

At medium range, McCree dispatches 200 hp foes with three shots, and with his firerate of 2 rps, assuming you hit all shots (a very real scenario) you can kill any of these characters in 1.5 seconds. Less if you make headshots (also very real at that range).

It takes about .25 seconds for most people to react so assuming the enemy McCree is decent you have about 1.25 seconds to GTFO. Assuming you're a 200 hp character and McCree has only hit two shots, you are left at 60 HP, leaving you extremely vulnerable. You'll have to retract from the battle to find health, or in a less ideal and more likely scenario, get gunned down by that same asshole McCree chasing you for a kill, or a decent Genji doing his job and swiftstrike/melee combo-ing you to oblivion. You better hope that angelic healer of yours has a good reaction time, too. 

Let's take Roadhog. Every 6 seconds you get to reel in a 250 HP or below character for a free kill. This is basically every character in the Overwatch roster except for Bastion and the tanks. Even highly mobile characters such as Genji and Tracer are no match to this hook due to its extremely fast travel time (.5 seconds to extend to max length) and huge hitbox. Mobility a strong point for Tracer/Genji? Don't make me laugh. Then, as you shred the other team's beloved character, you get to make a hasty retreat, relying on your massive 600 HP (the highest in the game) to calmly walk away from the shitstorm and use your E to regenerate most, if not all, of your lost health. What's that? A Tracer/Reaper has come after you to finish you off? Nope! Your hook just recharged and you blast them into oblivion. Smash shift, M1, repeat. Again, if there's a decent Roadhog on the other team, you basically have no flankers.

Yes, but that's his role. He's a flanker.

You've got it wrong. He is the ANTI flanker. He sits his happy ass down and cherry picks anyone not behind a barrier. Typically your flankers, who go in alone to pick off targets.

I do agree that Scatter Arrow is being exploited, and I believe that the fragments should have diminishing returns or a total damage cap to prevent that kind of idiocy. Shoe-shooting is a really stupid and mindless tactic. 


Mei... I hate her a lot, but not because of her freeze. Mei's freeze is only guaranteed death when you encounter her alone and without CD's.

Mei wasn't the strongest one on the list because of this, but she was on there regardless because she displayed many of the same traits.

I'd also like to complain about Genji who is absolutely terrible at this point. His only use is to sit in a corner and wait for someone to get damaged so he can take them the rest of the way down. Why is there a character specifically for this? Tracer does his job MUCH better, thanks to hitscan shots and the ability to FKIN TELEPORT. Hanzo annoying you? Genji is DEFINITELY not a counter. Hanzo gets an arrow every second. Genji's deflect? 8. If you don't bait Hanzo into hitting himself then you might as well GTFO, but that's probably not likely because he'll either get a shot off on you or shoot at your feet with scatter arrow. Genji's mobility? Again, don't make me laugh. It's not hard to hit Genji amidst all his jumping, and now with the triple jump nerf, it's even worse. But Tracer? Can you lead shots on someone who teleports? Probably not too well.

He can't win games on his own, though. Not like Genji could pre-nerf

Genji is not unstoppable. When a Genji dominates, it's a sign your team is terrible. 
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
Let me rephrase it in a way you'll understand.

Abilities that result in the instant death of players who have no defense against it.

I don't think there a lot of easy ones in TF2 like there are in Overwatch.

Yes, KDR means nothing. But the point being, how easy it is to boost your stats with him because HE IS BROKEN. 

I'd also like to add that Genji is useless except in VERY VERY SPECIFIC cases, like the calculated teams that pro teams use. In reality, QP games will often end in Genji getting decimated for a number of reasons. He's actually pretty weak and his kills usually come from waiting patiently in a corner for that Mercy to lose about 50 hp.

First of all, the whole "Let me rephrase it in a way you'll understand" thing makes you look like you think you're better than us, and that you see Mystery as some idiot.

Second of all Genji is very useful in many ways, even after the nerf.

1. Bastion repellant.

2. Decent damage to a distracted team.

3. With teamwork, can melt most players (except tanks) health in seconds.

Just because you are bad with Genji, doesn't mean you should discredit him as "useless".

It just requires you having a team to help you when you play as him, just like with any other low health character.

You can't expect to just run straight into the enemy with a character with 200HP, and live long.

Teamwork makes everything work, and solo "lone wolf" players a lot of the time don't get far in the leaderboards.

I'd also like to complain about Genji who is absolutely terrible at this point. His only use is to sit in a corner and wait for someone to get damaged so he can take them the rest of the way down. Why is there a character specifically for this?

He isn't meant to destroy character health 1v1 like an assault character, like let's say Soldier 76.

The entire point of Overwatch is for teamwork.

So if you aren't working with your team, then you are the one who is terrible.

Person: But my team doesn't have mic's!!!

Then watch your team, and see how they play.

Then you compensate for their play style to get things done.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
First of all, the whole "Let me rephrase it in a way you'll understand" thing makes you look like you think you're better than us, and that you see Mystery as some idiot.

Or that's you choosing to take it personally. I'm rephrasing it in a way that'll be more clear to you. That better?

Second of all Genji is very useful in many ways, even after the nerf.

1. Bastion repellant.

2. Decent damage to a distracted team.

3. With teamwork, can melt most players (except tanks) health in seconds.

1. Nobody plays Bastion unless he or she likes dying or is panicking. 

2. True, but you kill them enough and they'll take countermeasures like Mei, Roadhog, Winston, and McCree

3. Same as above, though Tracer is usually better at his job than he is. 

You can't expect to just run straight into the enemy with a character with 200HP, and live long.

Can't seem to run in from the side or the back either, your point? You have low health, are on long cooldowns, have a huge list of counters, and you are generally on your own. 

Teamwork makes everything work, and solo "lone wolf" players a lot of the time don't get far in the leaderboards.

Good luck finding teamwork on QP. As I mentioned, he only works in calculated teams or if the enemy team just sucks. Also as mentioned before, Blizzard finds it necessary to mute people unnecessarily, so I'm not going to get any verbal teamwork. Most people don't even bother talking. You don't see TF2 servers doing that, wonder why? Probably because TF2 servers don't assume everyone is a crybaby and mutes anyone who says something that could hurt someone's feewings.

First of all, the whole "Let me rephrase it in a way you'll understand" thing makes you look like you think you're better than us, and that you see Mystery as some idiot.

Basically people who say things like this are the ones Blizzard's trying to protect. If I say you did awful, you did awful. There's no hidden meaning to it. You. Did. Awful. I can prove it mathematically. Sorry I didn't stroke your dick and tell you it was a good try.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
A. Or that's you choosing to take it personally. I'm rephrasing it in a way that'll be more clear to you. That better?

B. 1. Nobody plays Bastion unless they like dying or is panicking. 

C. 2. True, but you kill them enough and they'll take countermeasures like Mei, Roadhog, Winston, and McCree

D. 3. Same as above, though Tracer is usually better at his job than he is. 

E. Can't seem to run in from the side or the back either, your point? You have low health, are on long cooldowns, have a huge list of counters, and you are generally on your own. 

F. Good luck finding teamwork on QP. As I mentioned, he only works in calculated teams or if the enemy team just sucks. Also as mentioned before, Blizzard finds it necessary to mute people unnecessarily, so I'm not going to get any teamwork. You don't see TF2 servers doing that, wonder why? Probably because TF2 servers don't assume everyone is a crybaby and mutes anyone who says something that could hurt someone's feewings.

G. Basically people who say things like this are the ones Blizzard's trying to protect. If I say you did awful, you did awful. There's no hidden meaning to it. You. Did. Awful. I can prove it mathematically. 

Where to start with this entire list of replies to my post.

Too lazy to quote every single one individually, so I'll just put letters next to each section.

So just match the letters please, and sorry for the laziness...

A. Your entire reply is condescending to mine?

So my point was proven there.

B. I've seen games where Bastion wins games.

Him together with some shield can keep the enemy from pushing for awhile if you plan it right.

C. If so then you should change as well, and counter their counter.

Playing Overwatch you should be flexible.

Maybe try some Yoga? :,D

D. Yoooooooogaaaaaaaa...

E. You shouldn't be on your own, and a large point of being Genji is to give your team to a distraction.

Also I've seen Tracer eat lead, and die fast when they show up.

It all depends on who is playing Her, to show if she is any good?

With both Genji, and Tracer, you should be always moving.

F. Maybe if you didn't feel to butthurt about a loss, or death.

Then took your frustration out on your team, you wouldn't be muted?

Also if you were playing this game al that long, you would have made a few friends by now who get on the game around the time you do.

If they aren't on that day or at that time, then just play something else if you don't want to play with randoms?

I tend to make friends in most games I play, and thus have to clear out my friends list regularly...

This kind of reminds me of Dunkey's video on why he stopped making videos, and playing League.

He told some player who was doing bad to go drink bleach and die, so they banned him.

Very similar defense to what you have, with the whole: I should be allowed to insult my team, and theirs as much as I want!!! Who cares if they feel bad?

G. Again with that high view of yourself...

I myself know I'm terrible at games, which is why I never play ranked matches in anything.

I don't want to bother my teammates?

Which reminds me, if you care so much about winning you should play Ranked.

I have no clue if you do or not, but If you play casual you just might find players who do bad.

And if you find bad players in Ranked?

Maybe they are new to ranked games, and are just trying it out?

Or they're just trolls who do bad on purpose...again I'm just guessing here.

Since I have no real proof to how you play, or anything close to I can just make assumptions.

Also I would love if somebody protected me online.

I get cussed out a lot for my free spirited, laughing personality.

People take these games way too seriously...

Also I'm enjoying this, so keep the replies coming~ <3


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
A. Your entire reply is condescending to mine?

So my point was proven there.

There's an experiment where a researcher presents someone with a picture of three lines arranged in the shape of a triangle, however they remain disconnected at the ends. When volunteers are asked what it is, they describe it as a triangle, however it is incorrect. The moral of the story being that people often perceive things that aren't there, and act accordingly. 

In this case your entire post took a shift from informative to a condescending tone that you're accusing me of having, because you think (or feel like) I'm trying to humiliate you/others.

C. If so then you should change as well, and counter their counter.

Playing Overwatch you should be flexible.

Maybe try some Yoga? :,D

Then they counter your counter. Most people just stick with what they picked in the start.

B. I've seen games where Bastion wins games.

Him together with some shield can keep the enemy from pushing for awhile if you plan it right.

Usually because the enemy team is inadequate in dispatching him.

G. Again with that high view of yourself...

I myself know I'm terrible at games, which is why I never play ranked matches in anything.

I don't want to bother my teammates?

Which reminds me, if you care so much about winning you should play Ranked.

I have no clue if you do or not, but If you play casual you just might find players who do bad.

And if you find bad players in Ranked?

Maybe they are new to ranked games, and are just trying it out?

Or they're just trolls who do bad on purpose...again I'm just guessing here.

Since I have no real proof to how you play, or anything close to I can just make assumptions.

Don't know where you got that from. I play ranked and I'm highly ranked at platinum on the metal scale. Ever since I've gotten that rank the matchmaking system puts me on disadvantaged teams where the rest of the team is very poor. I only excel in ranked when I'm in a 6 man group, mostly because solo players in ranked are doing their own things.

Also I would love if somebody protected me online.

I get cussed out a lot for my free spirited, laughing personality.

People take these games way too seriously...

Also I'm enjoying this, so keep the replies coming~ <3

I think that to be on the internet effectively you need to stop yourself from taking anything personally, especially considering everyone there is a total stranger to you and they're fighting on a blank playing field. That's why so many people resort to common phrases like 

Also I'm enjoying this, so keep the replies coming~ <3

when they have no real substance or evidence to their argument and instead try to mock the person making the argument or appear unimpressed. 

I remember someone on the Overwatch forums who used the same ploy, except he bragged about his ranking as #2 in the world in terms of KDR and used it as an excuse to insult my skill as a player. I exposed him as a cheap booster who used McCree to get free kills and then leave the game when things got rough. Eventually as he realized that had nothing to combat with, he resorted to all sorts of name calling, ad hominem attacks, and mockery. 
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
A lot of text.

Yea sorry about that ^.

I'm really lazy today.

So I'm not trying to mock you?

I'm actually enjoying these series of replies, for some reason I can't fathom as of yet.

Arguments are good for the brain, since they make your brain work a lot to find the proper replies you would deem satisfactory.

We are straying from the original point of the conversation though.

Genji I believe it was?

Since you see Genji as useless, and I see him as useful.

Here are the points of what I believe on both sides?


 Great counter for the following characters main attacks: McCree, Bastion, Soldier 76 (for a short time), Pharah, Junkrat, Torbjorn.

Great against McCree's, Bastions, and Torbjorns Ultimates.

Also I'm not certain but is it good against Reapers?

I've never tried to deflect them.

Is an amazing distraction for a push if you aren't horrible at timing his deflection.

For the most part Genji is pretty much just an amazing distraction if you are any decent with him.

A good player can stay alive against an entire team for 5-10 seconds, if he moves around enough and take advantage of corners and Genji's dash.


Low HP and unlike Tracer, he moves slower.

Shuriken if used badly are pretty horrible.

When somebody chooses Genji, they tend to stick with him throughout the game.

Even though you have the option to change to anyone at any time, this in itself is pretty stupid.

So most of Genji's bad points regard to if the enemy changes to counter him, or if they already have one present.

Since you have to option to do so, if it isn't working against this team, you should just change characters.

The main points in Overwatch:

1. Teamwork.

If you aren't working together, then you won't get far.

So treat your team how you would want to be treated, or you would be bound to lose all the more.

2. Flexibility.

One of the main aspects of the game, is the ability to change your character at any time.

So do some yoga, and just switch if something isn't working to what you think would work more.

3. Fun.

Like any game, people get on it because they ENJOY it.

You can't expect people to do well all the time, since not all of them are elitists who care about KD/WL.

Hell, you could even be put into a game with an 8yr old who has trouble even holding the controller.

I was once in one with a 6yr old once.

4. Choice.

Like with any game, you have the choice in a lot of aspects.

A. Your team is doing bad, and you are too frustrated with them.

Solution: Leave the game.

Sure you take a hit to your score, but that solves a pretty big issues before the frustration escalates.

Since it will only pile up, until the inevitable burst of anger.

I can't think of much more to add to this?

Regardless I wrote down what I think of Genji, and the game in general as a whole.

Come at me bro... B|  


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Yea sorry about that ^.

I'm really lazy today.

Can you not use so many line breaks? I'm using a 24 inch HD monitor and your post still takes it all up.

Playing with randos in QP isn't going to instill any teamwork. The way the game is structured, everyone is trying to do their own thing, and the harsh penalties imposed on anyone who lets a little insult slip encourages people to not speak, especially considering the arguments that can spawn afterwards. Nobody wants to listen to what Joe has to say, even if he's right, because god damnit they want to play Hanzo and that's the way it's going to be.


The flexibility is also this game's downfall. There are so many different types of characters that it can be hard to know which character is going to be most beneficial to your team. That's not even accounting for individual bias, which eliminates even more choices. This is unlike TF2, which has fewer classes overall, thus fewer incorrect choices to make. Also, the way this game is structured, some characters have unbelievably strong counters, so that might make them even more undesirable to choice. Finally, someone can change to another character on the enemy team and thwart the plan behind your character change. ("Better go Skillrat so I can break up the enemy forma- Oh hey, is that a Widowma- SPLAT") 

I don't enjoy getting my ass handed to me on a silver platter because someone decided to play my strong counter. I WANT to play that character. I don't want to be forced off of it, especially if the character I'm playing is a hard to play one and my counter is simple as hell (Genji vs Winston being a good example)

You have less choice than you think. For reasons mentioned above, you will eventually have someone counter you, and then that choice is no longer available. Or hell, sometimes even your team doesn't do so well and it's all up to you, but unfortunately you're not the greatest player in the world and can't solo carry. 

I still maintain that Genji is useless. If he's just a distraction, then the enemy team should know what's up and their healers will just negate pretty much all of his damage, while charging their ults at the same time. What's that? Take out the healer? Watch that Rein turn around and plant a hammer shaped hole in your head before you can even blink. Just patience in a fast paced FPS. You'd never think a robot ninja could be as boring as this. 


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
I don't enjoy getting my ass handed to me on a silver platter because someone decided to play my strong counter. I WANT to play that character. I don't want to be forced off of it, especially if the character I'm playing is a hard to play one and my counter is simple as hell (Genji vs Winston being a good example)

Maybe if you care so much about winning, you should go play some solitaire.

I don't think I've seen somebody lose at that yet!! :,D

Well except my father, for some reason when I was little....

Anyways if you want to play the character you want, then I don't see why it should matter if you won or not?

Like I said before, make some friends.

If you have a full team of friends who are good at the game, you should lose less right?

This solves 2 issues being:

1. They can hear you talk in some sort of party.

2. You and them probably care a lot about winning, so you can rest assured you have the same goals (winning).

I really don't see much else I can add, since you are so adamant about your opinion on the game in general?

Also I write as little as possible in this post, so that It would bother you less about the size of the wall of text. <3


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Regarding Genji, I simply can't agree. He's weaker than he was, but Deflect brings so much to the table and his damage is really not that bad. He can get good chip in from fairly safe distances (a major advantage he has over Tracer that everyone ignores), and can rush in when the opportunity presents itself to completely annihilate the opposing team. When Genji goes full weaboo, supports everywhere get ready to pop their ults. In the case of Zenyatta and Lucio, just hearing that passionate Eastern rage can be enough to force out an ulti. 

Deflect doesn't bring as much to the table as people like to think. Its 8 second cooldown means that your ability will usually recharge AFTER the enemy's does. All they have to do is bait it out of you and you're toast. As an escape mechanic, it can work and buy you time, I agree. Deflecting ults? I hear talk of deflecting this ult and deflecting that ult, but really, ask if yourself how many times you've been or had the opportunity to be in the perfect position to deflect that ult? Were you ever really right in front of a Hanzo when he decided it'd be a good idea to ult with a Genji right in front of him? A Mei? Zarya?

In fact, how many times are you ever really right there with your team as Genji, ready to step forward and deflect the ult that most of the time is directed at your team's formation? You're a flanker. You flank.

He doesn't completely annihilate like you would think. A Junkrat can pretty easily take out over half your health with a concussion mine. A McCree can CC you and put you down in a heartbeat. Roadhog can hook you and cram his load into your mouth before you even have time to say you're sorry. Mercy can hide in a corner and wait for you to finish ulting so she can revive everyone. Reinhardt can ignore pretty much all of your damage and put you down in three swings, less if Junkrat pulls his Skillrat combo. You don't get any health. You just go in there, bare naked with nothing but a weeb stick between you and all these specialized characters. It's not as glorious as people like to think. Usually the reason it succeeds is because people have so many squishies or their tanks are dead. I will say that it can bait out ults so your team can move in, but beyond that, it's not too great unless there are a ton of squishies. You can kill Mercy first, but that just means you're left with all the damage dealers, who will likely end your spree, or stop it before it even starts. You could kill Junkrat, but then someone else could do this and that, and so on. 

Maybe if you care so much about winning, you should go play some solitaire.

I don't think I've seen somebody lose at that yet!! :,D

Well except my father, for some reason when I was little....

Anyways if you want to play the character you want, then I don't see why it should matter if you won or not?

Like I said before, make some friends.

If you have a full team of friends who are good at the game, you should lose less right?

This solves 2 issues being:

1. They can hear you talk in some sort of party.

2. You and them probably care a lot about winning, so you can rest assured you have the same goals (winning).

I really don't see much else I can add, since you are so adamant about your opinion on the game in general?

Also I write as little as possible in this post, so that It would bother you less about the size of the wall of text. <3

This doesn't solve the issues with not being able to click Quick Play and get a good game unless you're in a group. This game needs to be restructured so you can actually work well with randos, instead of everyone doing their own thing. 

I'd also like to play Genji well, but unless someone's got some secret technique or they're just plain godly at never missing a shot in the heat of battle, it just doesn't happen. The odds against you are stupid high, and with the amount of CC characters, I hardly ever find a logical excuse to play him, which is why I confine my Genji play to QP. Reaper does his job and does it far better, which is why he's my main choice in ranked.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
So I'm going to just end this off here with this.

It doesn't matter what we say, since you are just going to deny it.

You seem to think you are the only right one, and everyone else is wrong.

No matter how many good points we bring to the table.

For instance you talked about how there is no chance of deflecting ults?

This is from your own gaming experience, since I'm fairly certain at this point you suck with Genji.

Mostly based on how you don't see anything good about him.

Everybody finds 1 thing they think is useful for a character.

Then they would state I they can pull it off or not.

You just assume since you can't do something good with him, he must be a trash character.

I'm guessing you played him for 1 hour, against good players and made your judgement.

At this point I guess I can see our opinions don't matter much to you, so I'll stop trying with it.

Stubborn as a mule...
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