Sexed her, did all her talk scenes.. Next time you're at the bar Verusha will tell you she's off on a mission. Wait a few longgggggg weeks and you get an email from V's friend. Go to ship docked on T (station with all the shops), you meet V's friend and she takes you to see Verusha in med bay. Go back to ship after a few days, get kinda attacked by drugged up V (can't remember if you get another email).. Iirc after another few days or less you get an email from Verusha explaining she's moved to res deck. Meet her at her apartment, attend her housewarming party etc etc.
You can meet her in stations bar after her move to the res deck... 24hrs later you get an email from V.. Go back to her apartment before a weeks up.
Accept and romance begins.. I apologise if I missed anything but I did all V's content the moment it was released to backers, so it's been a bit.