So, what's the appeal of this game over bigger budget projects like Rune Factory?
-There's always something amazing about seeing a game in progress growing and changing, and being part of that community (if you so choose). Same with Fenco games.
-Dunno about the earlier titles, but RF4 beats the hell outta current Stardew imo. However, pretty sure Rune Factory isn't so popular over here, and Stardew is instead often compared to Harvest Moon. That said, I'm enjoying Stardew over any of the Harvest Moon games I've played.
-Crafting: Rune Factory 4 (better combat craft) = Stardew (better farm craft) >> Harvest Moon
-Farming: Stardew > HM > RF
-Combat: RF4 >>> Stardew > HM (Harvest Moon doesn't have combat tho...)
-Character Customization: RF > HM = Stardew
-Farm/Town Customization: Stardew > HM > RF
-Waifus+Husbandos: ??? (I really haven't pursued this area enough in Stardew to have a decent opinion)
-Art: subjective; Stardew is old school pixel style, but the portrait quality is meh (mods give options though)
-It's actually a pretty good game in it's own right, and holds its own against its mainline competitors (as seen from above)
-As a WIP, Stardew has unseen potential. What it'll lead to is unclear...but it's there, and that's kinda exciting
All in all, where RF places its emphasis on combat, and Harvest Moon on farming, Stardew is a pretty good middle-ground, and totally worth checking out