Spider Tf/Race?


Active Member
Jun 8, 2019
I was thinking about the spider morph in coc and i thought, they where fun in there why arent they in tits? im not one to go into detail hpw theyd work cause if i tried to itd become a mess, tho i would love to see multiple arms become a thing if they happen cause theres multiple characters who have multi arms (not legs) yet when we become their race still just two (example the gold myr who are ant people not spiders and we get two as them) itd also be intresting if there was two types of spider tfs abdomen based ones and ones with smaller yet still usable abdomens more i guess like the driders and spider morphs in coc. im gonna stop myself there before i get too confusing i hope my attempt at grammer made this easier to read than my last post ive done also sorry for bad spelling if it exists on here spelling and grammer is not my strength....


Active Member
Jun 8, 2019
Also isn't there a spider TF? You get it from Holiday on Poe A: https://wiki.smutosaur.us/TiTS/Holiday#Spider_Costume
A taur like Arachnid TF would also be cool :p
i wouldnt know i never go there since the game advises it in a way that goes against how i have my captain steele's play as Lawful not wanting to get arrested Steele if that makes sense edit: also looking at the wiki it seems less of what im going for it seems to force her/him to Look like one not BE one


i wouldnt know i never go there since the game advises it in a way that goes against how i have my captain steele's play as Lawful not wanting to get arrested Steele if that makes sense edit: also looking at the wiki it seems less of what im going for it seems to force her/him to Look like one not BE one

No, it's a racial transformation. Anyways, someone was working on a spider TF, but I think it was held up, or even abandoned.