Specials menu for Kineticist


Mar 9, 2022
My Kineticist character has wings, and the "Lift-off" special was added. BTW I love that characters with wings can fly now, I've been wanting to be able to do that for so long, and now we can.

Anyway, I digress. My Kineticist character can't use the "Lift-off" Special due to it being replaced by "Levitate". When Kineticist reaches level 9, I can no longer use my "Lift-off", I have to use "Levitate" which costs energy to use, and I no longer get to use my wings. Maybe the Specials menu needs the capability to have more pages, even if it's just one.

But the main thing I would be quite pleased with is to have "Lift-off" with "Levitate" living in coexistence.


Mar 9, 2022
If you have the energy to use it, Steele Levitates. If you're out of energy, you can still use your wings.
That's not a feature, I'm fairly certain that's a bug. Once you run out of energy the "Levitate" special is replaced with "Lift-off", however, you will get the status effect "Levitating". I don't think it was intended that you get the "Levitating" effect from using "Lift-off".

1695306277080.png (This shows that you are casting "Levitate" not "Lift-off", while not using energy.)

I also think you missed the point of my post. If you want to have the bonus of flying, but don't want to spend the energy on "Levitate". You may think there is no point in not wanting the +10 to evasion, but when you need to conserve energy, it can become the difference between winning and losing. You would need to use "Entropic Leech" 3 times to get the energy from "Levitate" back. The turns that it takes to do that, can lose you the fight.

Edit: I don't want this to seem argumentative, I'm just showing you the interactions of the abilities, and the reasoning behind why I started the post.

IIRC, Levitate comes with an Evasion bonus where Lift Off doesn't; hopefully, that makes it better (or at least sting a little less).
1695306667124.png Yes lol, it does sting a little less.
(This screenshot is from the same fight as the above reply. Gaining the effect "Levitating" from "Lift-off".)