Spaceship recommendation?


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2022
I've more creds than I know what to do with and could afford any, or even all, of the spaceships I've seen for purchase thus far. I'm no level 8 and not yet gotten past the Myr world but I've now limited out the capacity of my original CZ14 Cherrypicker. I'm leaning towards purchasing the Clydsdale simply on crew capacity but I wondered if people had any opinions or recommendations?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
You can steal a very good ship at the next planet (Zheng Shi), but you lose your current ship. It comes with a Crew member, too.
If you want to keep the starter Ship, you have to buy one from Vahn on Tavros.

How many Crew members do you expect to have?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2022
Well then since I Dad's ship so much I guess I'll have to take a throw-away-ship to take to Zheng Shi. Thank you.

Balek Crisp

Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2020
The United States
I've more creds than I know what to do with and could afford any, or even all, of the spaceships I've seen for purchase thus far. I'm no level 8 and not yet gotten past the Myr world but I've now limited out the capacity of my original CZ14 Cherrypicker. I'm leaning towards purchasing the Clydsdale simply on crew capacity but I wondered if people had any opinions or recommendations?
Pretty much just move onto the next world, aka Zheng Shi, and steal the Sidewinder ship. Or just max out Kiro's trust, wait until Kiro Quest starts, but not only is that inferior to the Sidewinder's sheer capabilities (being able to carry more crew than there is actually crew), it's also RNG to get the quest, the quest dungeon is incredibly difficult to pass if you don't already have high stats when you hit level 9, which means you need to grind up your stats and hope that your next flight doesn't proc the quest/don't level up until your stats are maxed out. If you have at least 10K in credits (provided you didn't do something else in-game for 30 hours, meaning you have to book it.), Platinum 190 with 80% INT, or specifically 1K credits, technically making the Blade the cheapest ship to get in the game besides Sidewinder, although if you have Sidewinder then most likely you've already beaten the game and are relatively indomitable in combat.

If you're cruel enough to subject raccoon dickgirl waifu to full bimbofication, you can also choose to buy the installations of the Orgasmender and Buttslutinator, although I have no idea why you would want a Bad End button directly inside of your ship, much less the equivalent of a worse off bed/tent that gives Taint and reduces your energy by roughly 100. There's many better alternatives to the Orgasmender.

The big issue with buying another ship, is that currently all other ships are too indifferent/expensive in comparison to the Z14. A single shield booster/repair module from Tavros alone guarantees you a victory against all but the Star Viper encounter, which normally it's just better to skip them regardless. Buying the ships is moreover just for collection purposes. Kinda like what is said by Carl in regards to Victor Steele, Victor literally made a collection of that dude's entire stock.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
the Sidewinder's sheer capabilities (being able to carry more crew than there is actually crew)
I'm fairly certain this is actually a bug. In Flash, buying Advanced Crew Quarters increases effective Crew capacity by 1. In JavaScript, it increases effective capacity by 2.
if you have Sidewinder then most likely you've already beaten the game and are relatively indomitable in combat.
Just remember the Sidewinder has no weapons by default.
The big issue with buying another ship, is that currently all other ships are too indifferent/expensive in comparison to the Z14. A single shield booster/repair module from Tavros alone guarantees you a victory against all but the Star Viper encounter, which normally it's just better to skip them regardless. Buying the ships is moreover just for collection purposes. Kinda like what is said by Carl in regards to Victor Steele, Victor literally made a collection of that dude's entire stock.
If you're recruiting Crew members as you go along (rather than waiting until after Zheng Shi), you'll run out of space fairly quickly. Unless you turn on Unlimited Crew Cheat.
Used to be that better ships had more Storage capacity. Z14 had 10/Category, highest was Clydesdale at 50. For whatever reason, all ships now have 30. Which does disincentivize upgrading.

I was able to beat the (optional) fight to enter Zheng Shi with a stock MS-XI. You're saying the Casstech Z14 can, too?
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Balek Crisp

Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2020
The United States
I'm fairly certain this is actually a bug. In Flash, buying Advanced Crew Quarters increases effective Crew capacity by 1. In JavaScript, it increases effective capacity by 2.

Just remember the Sidewinder has no weapons by default.

If you're recruiting Crew members as you go along (rather than waiting until after Zheng Shi), you'll run out of space fairly quickly. Unless you turn on Unlimited Crew Cheat.
Used to be that better ships had more Storage capacity. Z14 had 10/Category, highest was Clydesdale at 50. For whatever reason, all ships now have 30. Which does disincentivize upgrading.

I was able to beat the (optional) fight to enter Zheng Shi with a stock MS-XI. You're saying the Casstech Z14 can, too?
Generally speaking, I only ever pick up Yammi, Ramis (because they're basically the NT gym inside of your ship), Kase (who doesn't save a cute catboy from abusive corporations owned by the rival?), Anno (the best girl), and when I get Uveto unlocked for a little extra space, Azra and Mitzi because I don't get any other characters joining my ship until far into the late game. If I ended up spending more time on Tavros, I would probably swap out Azra when the advanced quarters bug is fixed, after I'm done with her content since she still only has Mhen'ga and Tarkus.

And you actually can beat the optional Zheng Shi fight with Casstech Z14. With a couple Shield Boosters, a ship upgrade to increase Power Generation, reading the text, having high stats (use Yammi and Ramis to grind Reflexes [also adds Willpower] and Physique, Mhen'ga Syri to grind INT, and use stat boost from leveling up to max out aim. Wait for 5 minutes to remove a level of soreness.) and immediately targeting the EM turrets, you can slowly yet surely pick off the two ships you have to fight.

Although the battle will be slow and you have to watch the enemies' energy levels, the chances of losing with the Z14 with only a 15K credit minimum upgrade is so small, it might as well be smaller than whoever has the smallest dick in the TITS universe. Each shield booster gives 4000 in shields, and that's quite literally the entirety of the Casstech's shields. Evade when they are able to fire their thermal projectors, which means you should evade the first 3 rounds of combat, fire when they're using machine guns/recharging, and recharge only if they're doing so too and you happen to be low. The fight is incredibly easy, and you'll hardly come out with more than a few scratches, but nothing too bad for your next pirate encounter atm as you should be able to escape easily regardless, or beat down the next corona lord. Don't be afraid to lose a little armor, as your ship's shields can never be permanently weakened/disabled atm, and will always come back after every battle.

Before the end of every single one of my playthroughs, which is before I get Sidewinder as at this point I already have my stats maxed along with some of the most OP weaponry and a fortune in harvested credits from Zheng Shi, my upgraded Casstech effectively has 9,000-12,000 shield points assuming relatively perfect shield boosts, 35 power generation, and 6 crewmate spaces, 5 if that bit about the bug is true (which I do believe, the desktop version I have doesn't add +2 to crewmate space, only +1.). And either way, I can just leave Mitzi on Tavros without any consequences; it's even in my benefit if I leave her with Bizzy. Sometimes, I'll actually even get to Zheng Shi before ever visiting Tavros a second time, so I never have crew space problems.
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