Space Cruise Dungeon


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2016
I'm currently working on an expansion doc for Luca, which is going slow than I'd like. My mind kept thinking of this VR simulation idea I had for the Lotus Eater. It got out of hand. I thought if I wrote my thoughts down I'd be able to focus better on Luca.

Anyway here's this outline for the dungeon I wrote. I have no intention of finishing this at the current time, because I want to write for Luca right now. If someone likes it and wants to write or commission someone else to write their own version you have my blessing. This is just an idea I had and I want to share it and see what people think of it.

Cheers - Requiem


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Shit, man, this has real potential! And we actually get to expand on the rival! I'm hoping to god somebody picks this up, cause I would kill to have it in game!

Maybe after your done with Luca you could take a crack at this for realsies?


Active Member
Jun 29, 2017
The idea itself looks cool, but iam afraid it will be shot down, especially because of Jack/Jil development and Anno stuff (especially about love confession, cause i dont think Savin will give up anything like that, puppeis are not finished yet and who knows what finale he have for'em(harem i hope)). But as dungeon idea, yep definetly cool.


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2016
It's a very bare bones idea I'll admit, I only wrote it up because I couldn't stop thinking about it. (Damn you Fifth Element for being so good.) The reason Jack/Jill is there is because I like when games force protagonists and antagonists to interact in ways that doesn't pit them against one another. And I like character development in general. As for Anno I mostly used her for reference as a date the PC could bring on the ship, it doesn't specifically have to be her and if I were to write it up the PC would have the option to go stag.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
What about Chaurmine as a date option?
I don't think that's gonna happen. Just doesn't really fit the character that well. I like to think of the whole "i need to fight out my emotions" thing he does as the closest thing to a legit date we're gonna get.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2016
What about Chaurmine as a date option?

To be fully honest, IDK. Like I said I have intention of writing this dungeon any time soon and anyone can do what they want with the idea. You could commission someone else to write it with Chaurmine as date option.