Something that comes to mind. (Contains spoilers)


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
So I started a new game since my old ones are long gone for some reason, and I just helped Kiro with her testes problem, but the thing is something was bugging me.

This is what is said below:

A little while later, the big-tailed, big-balled, big-cocked... big-everything girl is leaning against the wall, completely ignoring the salty musk that’s coating her nearly from head to toe. She gives you a measuring glance. Her reddish-brown eyes are wide and searching, taking in every detail of her rescuer before returning to your face. Suckling some of her excess from a fingertip, she smacks her lips and nods her head in your direction thankfully. “I couldn’t have done it without you, kid. Thanks.” She cleans another finger, licking down to her palm while she gathers her thoughts. “The name’s Kiro Tamahime; you might have heard of me.”

You cock your head to the side.

“You haven’t? Shit, I thought I was at least making the news,” she says, stomping a padded foot in irritation. “What’s your name, angel?”

You introduce yourself to the tanuki pirate, but you can’t help glancing down at her naked, sperm-coated breasts, dripping cock, and still-large balls.

Kiro smiles warmly at you, and her stallion-sized dick twitches slightly. “Mm, that’s a nice name. I’d love to fuck a few more times, but I’ve got a run to finish up before the buyer changes his mind,” she explains with a wink. “I’ll catch you later, handsome.”

Whoah, whoah. If she’s a famous space pirate, she can surely afford some kind of reward for your efforts, right? You put your hands on your hips and ask.

What bugs me the most is that she never says she is a Space pirate at all. So the fact my character makes 2 comments about her being a space pirate shouldn't have happened. At least not if he has never heard of her...

This is just a random rant about something that bugs me a bit, so feel free to remove this post, or ignore it if needed.
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