So what do you think about No Mans Sky?

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Seems an interesting game to me so far. I'm only 9 hours in and exploring to my hearts content. Anyone else grab this superhyped up game? what do you think about it?


Jun 24, 2016
Had a bug so far that seems to be memory running out and clogging the game's speed after about 2-3 hours of play. Other than that, I've enjoyed it. I've already logged 10 hours in-game, between all my RPing and writing.


Jul 11, 2016
Couldn't tell ya, as the game doesn't run on my PC past the startup screen. Bah.

Same, If I manage to get it to run without crashing I'll be able to formulate an opinion.

Or maybe I'll test out the steam refund button.
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Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I did run into an issue this morning when trying to start the game up. Click icon on desktop and it sort of tried to start, screen flickers slightly which I assume was the game opening up but it dies a millisecond later. Restarting my PC fixed it and I'm able to start the game. I'm able to run the game just fine, no FPS drops or anything then again with what I have for a rig I'm running on the high end at least graphics wise. Computer stuff. Game was just released and we should all be familiar with post release bug fixes and patches. No game is bug free on release, even things slip by the devs, game testers and QA.


>Be me poor as fuck
>Be excited for exploration of a super awesome and detailed space exploration game
>Get a hook up and pre order at half the price (Which is still 1000 bucks for me BTW Philippines for the win)
>Receive game after a year of fapping to its awesomeness at E3 and in trailers
>Can't run it on PC
>Ok lets try PS4 then
>Exchange copies
>Can barely run on PS4
>Finally gets in after a one hour loading screen
>Lands on first planet
>Turns out that you can do jack shit and almost all the planets besides the starters are randomly generated completely with bullshit playdo monsters and zero detail and love put in 
>Realizes that theres a imagamillion of the same fucking thing after flying around for 26 hours total (Fuck sleep)
>Rages and shoots copy with a Trench Gun
>Plays Nuclear Throne
>Wins with Yung Venuz (May he be praised) and a fuckton of anger
>Browses /b/ to talk shit about No Man's Sky
>Go onto forums I frequent to relieve stress by browsing threads and ranting on boards about the game

How's your experience with No Man's Sky?


Active Member
Jul 14, 2016
From the gameplay footage I've seen and the let's plays I've watched. It seems like a high definition starbound except without the building aspect. Might play it someday.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I think you could have used its thread.

I can't play the game because my gaming platforms were released two generations ago, but I can listen to its soundtrack. Go 65DOS!

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Its cool but a lot of people are bashing it cos they expected much more

Well of course you can't please everyone. I find it laughable that some people are calling the main lead dev a lair saying he said there'd be multiplayer.  Never in all the vids did I watch did he say you'd be able to play with another person with the game. As close as to running into another person would be is that you'd discover a planet and discover someones discoveries by another person. This game is right behind Skyrim in popularity and players atm btw.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I watched a friend play for a couple of hours. It seemed like a lot of boring busywork and no actual fun other then naming things no one else will ever see cause the chances of someone stumbling on your planet/sola system/galaxy are close to zero..

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Like all games it depends on the player. I thought Minecraft was boring from all the hype and watching my older brother play it, that was until I picked it up myself. Besides that the developers aren't done adding things to the game, they're actually planning on adding more content and features and they plan to not follow the whole DLC BS that's flooded the market like a lot of other game companies.

Patrick R. Key

Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2015
I watched a friend play for a couple of hours. It seemed like a lot of boring busywork and no actual fun other then naming things no one else will ever see cause the chances of someone stumbling on your planet/sola system/galaxy are close to zero..

Actually, that seems to have been another one of Sean's lies about the game. People have been able to be on the same planet simultaneously since day 1, the problem is they can't see each other nor can they effect the world of the other player. Unlike what was promised. Hell, the planet wasn't even on the same day/night cycle for the players.

Well of course you can't please everyone. I find it laughable that some people are calling the main lead dev a lair saying he said there'd be multiplayer.  Never in all the vids did I watch did he say you'd be able to play with another person with the game. As close as to running into another person would be is that you'd discover a planet and discover someones discoveries by another person. This game is right behind Skyrim in popularity and players atm btw. 

Q: "Will you be able to play with your friends?"

A: "Yeah"

There's a reason they chose to hide the online play icon under a sticker for the limited edition release:
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Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
ya saw that already, fact remains though that some of the stuff will eventually be put into the game either through updates or DLC. Honesty though wish they had been straight forward and just came out and said that some of the content wouldn't make it into the game due to bugs, glitches or time constraints. Also mods are already making the game much better now.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
ya saw that already, fact remains though that some of the stuff will eventually be put into the game either through updates or DLC. Honesty though wish they had been straight forward and just came out and said that some of the content wouldn't make it into the game due to bugs, glitches or time constraints. Also mods are already making the game much better now.

Sounds like a Berthesda game.

I haven't played it myself yet, but from what I've seen it's a little too bare to warrant the price.  It's one of those games I'll probably buy as a used "platinum version" or whatever has the DLC and updates included, and when I do I'll love it for dozens of hours.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Game is still good it is just lacking things the dev's said would be in the game. I also think part of the issue is that Sony got it's grubby mitts on the game and pulled some BS like most large game companies like to pull on game developers. Example being they pushed the devs to develop it mainly around console which is why the PC version is so clunky in some ways.
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Patrick R. Key

Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2015
Game is still good it is just lacking things the dev's said would be in the game. I also think part of the issue is that Sony got it's grubby mitts on the game and pulled some BS like most large game companies like to pull on game developers. Example being they pushed the devs to develop it mainly around console which is why the PC version is so clunky in some ways.

Considering how it runs on ps4, I'd say Sony didn't push hard enough. Honestly though Hello Games is at fault here, as far as I'm concerned, they're the ones who got greedy and realized they could make more money by selling a lie.

Especially with the rumors saying that the dlc will cost even more $$$ (the game's already overpriced as it is), inspite of Sean's previous words of wanting dlc to be free.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Considering how it runs on ps4, I'd say Sony didn't push hard enough. Honestly though Hello Games is at fault here, as far as I'm concerned, they're the ones who got greedy and realized they could make more money by selling a lie.

Especially with the rumors saying that the dlc will cost even more $$$ (the game's already overpriced as it is), inspite of Sean's previous words of wanting dlc to be free.

yeah, though its not too late for them to turn around and make amends for the fuck up they brought upon themselves.