So I've been thinking...


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
I know its a dangerous thing to do, but I couldn't help it when the thought innocently crossed my mind.

Laser weaponry for the military in TiTS makes no sense... at least tactically. Something like the ZK would actually be adopted over the Reaper. A gun that fires using magnetic acceleration? Easier to silence, no muzzle flash, and also incredibly devastating since the bullet wouldn't need a cartridge. While laser weaponry is different, although there is no kick it pretty much gives away your position by giving your enemy a bright beam to trace back directly to you. It would also cauterize the wounds it makes and have no impact, and its easier I think to come up with ablative coating therefore reducing their effectiveness.

Yes I know its a smut game, but sometimes these deeper thoughts are like smut too... smut for my mind. Anyways just wanted to point that out. Not that lasers aren't cool yo, but a metal slug would be a much more devastating force.

On a side note, Kaska's gun solves this and she should give it to me but she's too selfish to give it up... :(  

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
You can't exactly "silence" anything that breaks the speed of sound. Nor can you actually see a laser beam unless it's held for a long ass time (for a weapon) and there's smoke or other particulate matter floating on the path to reflect it.

Anyway, it has been stated by developers that the militaries in TiTS-verse use mostly plasma weapons. The description on the laser rifle Anno sells is in error due to crossed wires amongst the developers.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You can't exactly "silence" anything that breaks the speed of sound. Nor can you actually see a laser beam unless it's held for a long ass time (for a weapon) and there's smoke or other particulate matter floating on the path to reflect it.

Anyway, it has been stated by developers that the militaries in TiTS-verse use mostly plasma weapons. The description on the laser rifle Anno sells is in error due to crossed wires amongst the developer. 

Lots of guns, lots of choices, lots of people resistant to certain types of guns so it can vary from outfit to outfit

For all we know that laser gun endorsement is done by a commander shepard >_> 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Lots of guns, lots of choices, lots of people resistant to certain types of guns so it can vary from outfit to outfit

Hidden Content

It's probably endorsed by Emperor Palpatine instead.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
I know its a dangerous thing to do, but I couldn't help it when the thought innocently crossed my mind.

Laser weaponry for the military in TiTS makes no sense... at least tactically. Something like the ZK would actually be adopted over the Reaper. A gun that fires using magnetic acceleration? Easier to silence, no muzzle flash, and also incredibly devastating since the bullet wouldn't need a cartridge. While laser weaponry is different, although there is no kick it pretty much gives away your position by giving your enemy a bright beam to trace back directly to you. It would also cauterize the wounds it makes and have no impact, and its easier I think to come up with ablative coating therefore reducing their effectiveness.

Yes I know its a smut game, but sometimes these deeper thoughts are like smut too... smut for my mind. Anyways just wanted to point that out. Not that lasers aren't cool yo, but a metal slug would be a much more devastating force.

On a side note, Kaska's gun solves this and she should give it to me but she's too selfish to give it up... :(  

A laser doesn't need to be in the visible spectrum to do damage. The issue I have with it is heat signature. 


Aug 27, 2015
It always makes me laugh when people bring up suspensions of belief difficulties like this, in a game where grabbing your groin enough times makes almost any enemy fall over.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It always makes me laugh when people bring up suspensions of belief difficulties like this, in a game where grabbing your groin enough times makes almost any enemy fall over.

'Cept snakes... those snakes are some bamfs.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
It always makes me laugh when people bring up suspensions of belief difficulties like this, in a game where grabbing your groin enough times makes almost any enemy fall over.

Considering virtually every enemy that isn't a robot or plant seems to be at 80 libido, that isn't too hard to believe. I mean it's not like they're attacking you to kill you, most of the time they either want your money or sex anyway, if they weren't so naturally horny most enemies would ignore you. The ones that do want to kill you are usually immune to tease, which makes sense.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It always makes me laugh when people bring up suspensions of belief difficulties like this, in a game where grabbing your groin enough times makes almost any enemy fall over.

Or that you're pumping your enemies full of holes before pumping their holes.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2015
Must...resist....urge to correct----Nope I already couldn't be more wrong about lasers....well not about it making little sense for widespread military use but your reasoning is all wrong.

Lasers don't make sound to begin with. They're beams of light. There is no 'pewpew' in a real laser, ever used a laser pointer? The loudest sound they make is the click of the button being pressed right? That's just how a laser is. As for visibility, a laser does not necessarily have to be within the visible spectrum it's entirely possible to have a laser that isn't on the naturally visible light spectrum making it an invisible and silent weapon. The problem is in power supply, unless the laser is sporting immense power behind it it would need a sustained beam to be maintained on target while the laser burned through it's target. Basically either you need to have enough power for the laser to instantly be able to burn through it's target(Hah good luck) or a target that stands still while the laser....burns....through their body......yeah. Also the second problem is lasers are light...and light doesn't just stop once you've made a hole in your target the laser would just keep going....forever causing all kinds of unintended collateral damage. This is why plasma is a more practical weapon. Lasers would be horrifically scaring and painful but unlikely to be deadly weapons. Also technically all you need to stop a laser is pretty much any heat resistant reflective surface....because...ya's light....Really hot light but still light.

Still there's all that weird alien physiology to account for which might make lasers effective against some species...particularly any that might be light or heat sensitive. But yeah.....I think I made my point.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The problem is in power supply, unless the laser is sporting immense power behind it it would need a sustained beam to be maintained on target while the laser burned through it's target. Basically either you need to have enough power for the laser to instantly be able to burn through it's target(Hah good luck) or a target that stands still while the laser....burns....through their body......yeah.
Super future science tech. 'Nuff said. Otherwise, yeah, time/power determines damage. However the theme of fights (unless certain enemies like pirates or robots) is to incapacitate or disable an opponent not maim them so lasers won't be super powerful anyways.


Active Member
Oct 16, 2015
Assuming you could actually get a powerful enough laser to be used as a weapon, the heat transfer on almost anything organic would probably cause flash-boiling of the delicious juices they tend to carry inside them. Which would mean explosions. Nasty messy explosions.

As far as their military use, they're dead simple, have no moving parts, and only require power to keep them firing. That would make it the ideal weapon for any large military, since it drastically simplifies training and logistics. If we're dealing with a tech level were lasers are actually viable as weapons, they're really one of the best options for general issue. There's probably more powerful options around, but those options are probably much more complex and expensive.

Of course, I've always been an Imperial Guard fan, so that might bias my opinion a bit.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Assuming you could actually get a powerful enough laser to be used as a weapon, the heat transfer on almost anything organic would probably cause flash-boiling of the delicious juices they tend to carry inside them. Which would mean explosions. Nasty messy explosions.

As far as their military use, they're dead simple, have no moving parts, and only require power to keep them firing. That would make it the ideal weapon for any large military, since it drastically simplifies training and logistics. If we're dealing with a tech level were lasers are actually viable as weapons, they're really one of the best options for general issue. There's probably more powerful options around, but those options are probably much more complex and expensive.

Of course, I've always been an Imperial Guard fan, so that might bias my opinion a bit.

Again, thematically, not going for kills here. Maybe Pirates and actual warfare have souped up kits, but so far PC access is not/shouldn't be lethal. No need for flash boiling here.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Again, thematically, not going for kills here.

Pretty sure that ship sailed and has long reached the isle of willing suspension of disbelief. Even starter weapons fire bullets. After going through their shields, you are messing them up.


Active Member
Oct 16, 2015
Almost every weapon the PC has access to is supposed to be lethal. The fact that the ZK rifle and Salamander Pistol and etc. don't actually kill anything is a quirk of the game, not really a factor of the weapons as described.


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2015
Again, thematically, not going for kills here. Maybe Pirates and actual warfare have souped up kits, but so far PC access is not/shouldn't be lethal. No need for flash boiling here.

well considering that bows, swords, and conventional firearms all do nnon-lethal damage I'm not sure the lethality of he laser was even considered in development. TITS demands some serious suspension of disbelief to justify STEELE shooting people a half dozen times in the chest with a ZK rifle and then being able to have sex with them without it being considered necrophilia.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
TITS demands some serious suspension of disbelief to justify STEELE shooting people a half dozen times in the chest with a ZK rifle and then being able to have sex with them without it being considered necrophilia.

At least with enemies that aren't organic at all is easier on ones mind to suspend it, like banging sexbot beaten by taking his/her hp down not as some point almost comical looking for outside of the battle observer, when Steele doing all the sexy moves make enemy want make love not war ^^

On OP thoughts: but but everyone loves bitc....errr lazers and then we got all that memes of Imma firin my lazors and etc. We all know from science pov it's kinda silly and it would be easier than esy to came with at least few solution for each case when different than lazer type wepon will be good. Yet lazor is beam of light and well who not wanna see lightshow especialy in movies/games etc.? Actualy real battlefield is borring view as barely any flashy things happening unless you count nuking enemy position as flashy move ^^