So I suck... but want to get better (at drawing)


Active Member
Sep 27, 2015
Hello I am an aspiring artist but I cant draw to save my life... anybody have tips, suggestions, programs to use... 



New Member
Apr 16, 2016
Pencil and paper is a good way to start. But if you insist on going digital first, try out Sai, or Krita. Study like you mean it. If you are doing humans remember some basics like height is usually between 6 - 8 heads from top of head to feet. Hips and shoulders are usually the same width. And eyes, ears, nose, mouth are all roughly the same size.

If doing landscapes... well... have fun. They can be varied and different.

In the end, just study everything you are interested in. I found drawing humans tough, even after a basic understanding of the above. That is why I liked drawing furry characters so you can combine animals with some of those human features(I had more experience with drawing animals growing up).


Aug 27, 2015
If you have the money, community college art classes are where I started. Some art stores, like Daniel Smith, occasionally have life drawing sessions. Several art schools in my area also have open life drawing sessions once or twice a month.

On the cheap/light time investment side of things, I'd suggest books and youtube. A good starting place is 'Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain' by Betty Edwards and its accompanying workbook. Stay away from most books which claim they will teach you a popular style, like books by Chris Hart. Once you have a decent grasp of drawing from observation and working from reference, practice drawing from imagination and make it as accurate as possible.

Other than that, it's just practice. If you draw something new every day for a few years, you will be a pretty decent artist. They say it takes about ten years to master a craft, so don't look at your work in the short term. Keep your early sketches and look at them in terms of improvement over years, because that's what it takes.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
Chris Hart is great for how to draw books. But you may want to check out mark crilley . He is on you tube and Is a fantastic artist. I use to be bla on art untill I stated to watch his videos. But if You are wanting to become skilled the only way you can do it is by drawing every single day. It's just like every thing elce. Practice makes perfect. It won't happen in a day or a week or a month.....try to draw every day just one sketch doesn't have to be amazing and try to use different techniques. Pritty much what scruff said what on the spot. Every artist will tell you the same thing. There is no other way to do it lol.
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