So...I became a Taur


Well-Known Member
So, I put on the Lethian charm and, well, I thought I would only be a taur while wearing it. I took it off, and nothing changed. I'm now stuck as a taur and, well, I'm missing a lot of different stuff do to my stuck being a Taur. I tried a butt load of Terran Treats, and that didn't work. Help!!!

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Just save edit your legs.


Well-Known Member
reload an earlier save or use other TFs to regain bipedalism.

TF? What is TF?   I would reaload an older save, but my last save is waaaayyy back. This all took place during the point in time when saves was broken, so I have like 20 or so days all logged without a save. 
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
TF? I would reaload an older save, but my last save is waaaayyy back. This all took place during the point in time when saves was broken, so I have like 20 or so days all logged without a save. 

How do you do that? 

transformative item. I recommend terran treats. Savescum to get the desired results.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
How would I do that?

Here is the processes of save scumming

1. Make a save before you take an action, a separate save file is recommended.

2. Do the action

3. If you got what you wanted, move on with your life otherwise reload the save and try again.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
There are two ways to edit, via .minerva or using TiTSEd. For this you can just use the latter as the former is having issues lately and is currently only needed for complex things like flags, preg timers, and some other things.