Smut Writing with AI


New Member
Sep 5, 2024
What are people's thoughts on using an AI to co-create or inspire smut stories?
I'm interested to know if anyone has tried


New Member
Sep 9, 2024
Okay, I expected this on something like AO3 reddit or something, but to answer your question most I hope would prefer you don't. AI is a lazy poorly handled mess that just has more problems than it's worth that only have people taking it seriously because they think it'll help them, it really won't I tried doing it once just to see how it is and not to sound like an old man yelling at clouds here, but I'd rather just write it out myself than use the programs to do it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2015
Agreed. I know the opinions are all over the place, but if someone can't be bothered to learn their craft, I can't be bothered to give a f*ck about what they produce.
Dec 2, 2024
AI isn't 'co-creating' anything. If you use AI and prompt it to make smut for you, then you are the equivalent of someone commissioning someone else to make smut for you; commissioners are NOT co-creators of the shit they commission. An art director who gives notes on the work made by artists working for them is not a co-creator or co-artist of the work their subordinates created.

Also, AI doesn't understand shit. Who wants the same LLM that does not understand glue is NOT an appropriate topping on pizza to get anywhere near sexy stuff? You know it's going to make the dumbest fucking gaffs and posit nonsensical bullshit, because LLM are not actually intelligent. Again, they don't understand shit. They're just really elaborate pattern recognition and reproduction programs. So back to the pizza example, they scrapped all of the recipe blogs AND people shit-posting on Reddit, and all of that 'training data' gets mixed together and output by a program with (again) zero understanding; and that's how you get it recommending glue on pizza for extra sticky cheese. Or telling you to mix ammonia and bleach to clean your bathroom, without telling you that's how you kill yourself with homemade mustard gas...

Generative AI: Not Even Once

Friends Don't Let Friends Use Generative AI
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Feb 28, 2025
AI is definitely one of those love/hate topics. I don't know if I've ever seen anyone posting something that wasn't one extreme or the other.

Personally, I'm a fan. The haters can whine all they want, but there's nothing stopping AI from happening. It's one thing if we're talking about a big company, they can be shut down. But, individuals can run entire generative AI platforms as a service with a few thousand dollars worth of hardware and a website. Decentralization and crypto further limit what anyone can do to stop it. But, nobody will try, 'cause there's too much easy $$$ in AI. So, I've chosen to actually learn about it. (I'm talking about actually teaching myself to code my own AI from scratch.)

Anyways. In regards to the original question, I don't really know about the use of "co-create" since it actually takes a lot of freaking work and "handholding" by the human involved to get decent results. Why am I a fan? A ton of minor reasons, but one big one. I struggle with ADHD, like, it's a really big deal. On the flip side, that ADHD makes me far more creative than the average person. (I know this through observation. It's extremely clear to me that my imagination is more active than most.)

So, I have a problem. I've got all these stories that are eating away at me, trying to get out and be told. (I just thought up a novel length story about a freaking story taking on a life of its own. It isn't pretty, but it also only took about 1.5 seconds for the world building and another couple of seconds for the characters and plot.) Trouble is, my ADHD brain doesn't want to cooperate. I could hire... not a ghostwriter, but something like that. Any AI haters want to foot the bill? They'll be working full-time. AI, as messy as it is, and as much of a pain as it can be, works like a personal assistant, for me anyways. It keeps me focused. Helps overcome writers block. Gets the frickin stories out of my head and published. It doesn't write my stories for me, and they are, without a doubt MY stories. I use multiple AI platforms to get to a rough draft. Then I take over everything once more and turn my half-assed story into something people enjoy. When I'm writing an erotic story, I'll get stuck on some dialog and pulling my hair out, so I'll fire up one of those AI companion apps and create my character and talk with them. Sometimes it's just playing out the scene, but I've even created an RP scenario with twelve characters with wildly different personalities, and the role playing premise is the twelve characters are a group of erotic content creators who get the group together to talk out, and often act out scenes for their Manga, animation, story, etc. Writers block is gone, scene is better than finished, and I'm happy as a pig in... whatever pigs truly like.

The point is that AI has a place in the creative process. It's never going away. Might as well figure it out and make it work for me while also playing a role in how it's used by everyone else. It's so exhausting hearing about how AI is ruining careers. It's only doing so because they're letting it do so. Artists sit around going "Woe is me" when they could be proactive about AI. It's like they think they're no longer allowed to draw/paint/write/etc. anymore. They COULD use AI for volume and create the old fashioned way for special projects, (which are actually becoming more valuable because of AI puking out gazillions of images and videos and stories and blah blah blah. That hand made shit is in real demand simply because it isn't AI.)

I've got a stable income now, and it's going to keep going up because I have an army of assistants (AI) keeping me on point. I don't have any interest in AI writing my stuff for me, but it's not because I have a problem with it, I simply like doing the heavy lifting myself. AI simply helps keep the 40,000 other things I'm thinking about from taking over the story that I want to write. Most haters and whiners haven't thought it all the way through. They just see a few negative aspects and boom! They've got their opinion. I'll listen and care about the opinions of any haters who teach themselves how to create a functional AI, I'm just going to assume the rest are too lazy to do so. In which case I'll be glad that AI ruined their career. Survival of the fittest and all that. I'm currently sitting next to a customized (yet bargain bin) dedicated rig I built to run an AI I'm working on to assist people like myself. (I'd say more, but my lawyer would be pissed if I let the cat out of the bag too soon, lol.) So, I've put in the work. I'm creating something hundreds of thousands of people enjoy, and it wouldn't have happened without AI. (If I was rich, I could hire people to help, but I'm not, so AI it is.

I know this turned into a rant. But, I don't care. That was therapeutic. Every single time new tech shows up, it's disruptive, and the hate train leaves the station. You ask me, I'd dance on the graves of all the social media platforms before I went after AI. Those platforms are the devil, man. Ruining lives left and right. AI is a grain of sand on the beach by comparison.

AI = Friend of those creatives who couldn't realize their dreams.