Sleeping Beauties in the Blizzard - An encounter on Uveto VII

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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2015

Hey there, I'm new around here and thought I'd try writing up something that I might put forward for submission if enough people like it, if not I'll move onto something else and try my luck again. I'll be commissioning art to go along with any pieces that make it into the game. This piece is just a random encounter set on Uveto VII where you have to take cover during in a particularly bad storm before you freeze to death and end up finding shelter in an old pre-contact human vessel buried in the snow and ice below your feet, undisturbed for centuries. You have to find a way to escape after the way you came in gets snowed back in again and end up finding a grisly scene, and three beautiful women in intact cold sleep tubes.

You revive one of them, get help and escape. Back at Irestead while you recuperating from the rescue, the innocent young human girl comes to you give your reward, you can then take her virginity AND/OR take her into a gynecologist's examination room in another part of the hospital for some kinky medical themed sex, plus you get to educate her on how... things have changed since she left. You can turn her down or go for the sex, either way everything ends here unless there is enough interest shown for the character to become a follower with a quest to reanimate her beautiful older sister and her MILF of a mother. Ends up with her having to choose between going off to one of the Aussie planets or her staying with you, they will use dirty(sexy) and underhanded(sexy and can backfire on them) tactics to try and prove you aren't worth her time.  

Below I will periodically update with my progress. I'm writing through until this is finished and then I will go through each part individually with a fine tooth comb to par it down/fill out/fix up everything to the best of my ability. Don't expect this to get into the game but it's a good writing exercise, if there interest shown but it needs further work, I'll do whatever is necessary to have it included like cutting/removing/altering/adding whatever ya want. 

Note for editors/readers: PLZ comment my idea thread with feedback about the actual writing itself so I know where I can improve!


Sleeping Beauties in the Blizzard
Written by Spritely, edited by Rogue Bliz + Contributors name here.


Uveto VII
Initial Encounter
The P.S.S Hildegard
Engine Room
Room Desc
Try Automatic
Try Manual
Room Desc
Try Nav
Push Forward
Lies(or whatever you want it to be)
Suggest (or whateva)

Uveto VII
Initial Encounter
The snow begins to fall heavier and heavier with each step you take, the howl of a gale force wind signaling the beginning of a blizzard of a strength and scale you've never seen before. Within minutes you can hear nothing but the terrifying howl of the icy winds of Uveto VII slowly snow-blasting you into submission with snowfall so thick you can barely see at all. You force yourself forward, fighting through the blizzard desperately hoping that you will find somewhere to weather the storm but before you make it much more than a few meters one of your [pc.feet] catches in something hard in the knee-deep snow and you tumble forward and plant your [pc.face] straight into the snowbank in front of you.

Wiping the snow out of your [pc.eyes], you suppress the urge to swear and struggle to free your trapped [pc.foot]. Reaching through the snow past your [pc.knees] to free yourself, you quickly realize [pc.foot] is snagged on some kind of metal bar. You feel around a little more and discover it's actually some sort of door handle attached to a metal bulkhead; you're standing on top of space vessel that's been buried in snow and ice! Your [pc.lips] twist into an involuntary grin as you realize this could be your ticket to safety as you change position and wiggle your trapped [pc.leg] free. 

Feeling around with one of your hands, you grab the handle and pull in the direction you came from; it doesn't move. You try again, it gives a little but not much. "OPEN!!!!!!!" You spit at the door as you pull again, this time it shifts about a foot to your right. "That's a little better..." You give the handle a tug, straining against the weight of the snow and ice, it doesn't budge. You tug again, a little harder this time... Still nothing, you try twisting it clockwise and... success! 
A shrill alarm sounds piercing your [pc.ears] and you move back your [pc.butt] as quickly as you can, you have to get as far as you can because the hatch might be held in place wi-BOOOM! 

The explosive bolts holding the emergency access airlock door shut blasts it several meters into up into air where it rapidly disappears into the unearthly blizzard, evidently the bolts have a variable setting to assist clearing obstructions for the evacuating crew. You trudge back through the snow to airlock and drop down into it, landing on the inner door of the emergency airlock with a dull thump, the snowfall from the blizzard above slowly beginning to fill the void around you. You don't recognize the make and model but it is familiar enough that you think it could be an old human vessel of some sort, the faded English text "P.S.S Hildegard" emblazoned on the inner door gives it away. 

Without much more trouble, you open the inner door and drop down into the old ship, the emergency lighting coming online as the airlock door begins to close behind you automatically to block out the freezing cold. 

[next - Enter engine room]

The P.S.S Hildegard 

Engine Room

Room Desc

You're standing in the middle of the cramped engine room of what appears to be an archaic human spaceship, the air is stale and bitterly cold and a cloud of water vapour pours from your [pc.lips] every time you exhale and quickly condensing on your [pc.skinFurScales]. The red emergency lighting bathes your surroundings in a creepy crimson glow and the engine room is littered with an assortment of miscellaneous bits and pieces belonging to various things in the room that must've either been torn or shaken loose when this thing crashed; you can tell it wasn't a controlled landing because the ship isn't level, the left side of the ship is tilted to the left with the front section higher than the back.

Most of the machinery lining the three walls is either inactive, unpowered or damaged beyond repair although you can see the faint flickering of a few neon green status lights on an old terminal built into the rear-most wall of the ship, it looks like it survived unscathed but the monitor looks like it is switched off. The other side of the room has a couple of gray metal storage lockers marked "Maintainence" both flanking an average sized bulkhead door leading to the rest of the ship. 

You're tempted to start flicking switches and buttons back here to get the environmental systems back online but you know that you're better off heading to the bridge to see if you can access the main computer; who knows maybe you'll be able to raise help over communications system while you're up there? It'd could also be a safe bet turning the machinery on from a distance rather than tempting them to explosively malfunction while you're standing next to 

You walk up to the lockers and see a large button to the right of the bulkhead door that says 'Open Door' in faded English text, below it you see a vertically mounted manual override lever. The horizontally-oriented handle attached to the lever has three small white arrows pointing downwards engraved onto the grip of the handle, clearly the manual must be pulled downward to force the door open in emergencies.

What do you want to try?

[Try automatic] <tooltip> <insert desired text>
[Try Manual] <tooltip> <insert desired text>
Try Automatic

You press the open button and you get nothing but a faint whining sound coming from the door as the electric motor struggles to slide it open. You try it a second time a little harder and get more of the same, you give it a nice whack the third time and the whine intensifies until you hear something metallic snapping, the sound of electricity crackling and arching as the door short-circuits and then finally a loud pop as a fuse blows somewhere in the bulkhead door. Looks like you're going to have to use the manual override.

//Disable Automatic Option
[Next - back to previous menu]

Try Manual

//This just option just lets you proceed to the next/last room, you will not be returning to the engine room. Everything else in this encounter/quest happens on the bridge.

You grab the manual override handle and push it downwards; it doesn't budge an inch. You push a lot harder and the door creaks a little but still it says tightly shut, now you're worried. You brace yourself one of your [pc.feet] against the wall under the lever to let you apply more force. Using all of the power in your [pc.race] body you have left, you drag, pull and push the handle down with as much force as you can muster making your [pc.thighs] and [pc.butt] flexing and straining with effort as it slowly begins to move downward. Suddenly and without warning you overcome all resistance in the manual override and the lever slams downward violently, snapping off when the lever bottoms out and the door is wrenched open; the sound of grinding, screeching metal echoes through the engine room as you stumble backwards and land on your [pc.butt], banging your left [pc.hip] against an empty metal box with a hollow metallic clang.
You dust yourself off and get back on your [pc.feet] before heading through the bulkhead door into the next room of the ship.

//No option to return to previous area

[Next - Enter bridge]


//Two things you can do here, login or check the bodies. You can't login without password, system is too old to hack and you must reanimate Miriallia to get it. 

Room Desc

Immediately upon entry into the room you are greeted by an overwhelming wave of stench and an incredibly grisly sight; the partially decayed remains of a pair of human men who were evidently engaged in a life or death struggle. The body of a bald middle aged man is slumped over in the pilot's seat with a huge knife plunged deep into his chest, the rotund man's corpse held in his seat by his flight harness. The dead pilot is facing away from the navigation console at the bow of the ship and toward you in the aft, his bloated, grayed face permanently frozen in a pained expression that appears to be either despair or anguish, his sawed-off shotgun still clutched tightly in one of his cold dead hands. At the feet of the pilot lies the fetid body of a huge but overweight man, he is face up on his back with his head backwards angled towards; there is a gory, gaping maw where his face should be and frozen chunks of congealed blood and brain matter scattered all over the grated metal floor between you and the bridge. Although the corpses have rotted considerably, it seems the vicious cold has effectively halted the process although that hasn't prevented the decay that already occurred from flooding the bridge of the small vessel with a pungent gas that you can taste on your [pc.tongue]. 
The port and starboard walls leading towards the navigation console each have three horizontally orientated cryogenic stasis pods lined up against them and what looks like large luggage compartments above the pods, the foggy glass on the cryopods doesn't let you get a very good look but you can see three out of six are occupied but it is doubtful any are still alive after all this time. Directly beside the pilot on the port side of the ship after the cryogenic pods is a door marked "Exit", it has an open button and a manual override like the door in the other room but you're not sure whether blowing the external hatch would free you or kill you.

You could try the navigation console or push foward.

[Try Nav] <tooltip> <insert desired text>
[Push Forward] <tooltip> <insert desired text>

Try Nav

//This option just lets you push past the corpse and try to activate the navigation system, system boots and is passworded, too old to hack.

You gingerly step around the dead bodies to get to the navigation console, the stench makes your stomach turn and your [pc.eyes] water but the system POSTs successfully after you hit a button labeled "On" unfortunately you're greeted by a museum piece of an operating system that you think you saw being mocked in an old classic space-western as being completely unreliable and insecure. As funny as that might be, you've NEVER used this operating system before or anything this even remotely this old and hacking it unsuccessfully could do more harm than good if you brick the main computer. You will have to hope SOMEONE survived hundreds of years in cryogenic stasis in a crashed space-ship you found buried in the snow, you don't think your chances are very good but maybe you can glean the password from one of the passengers medical records? A name! A date of birth? It's a long shot but... it's your only shot at this point.

//Block out this selection

[Next - back to previous screen]
Push Forward
//This option lets you check the cryopods. Only Miriallia pod will allow an emergency reanimation. Choice offered at end of scene.

Steeling yourself to see more corpses, you try to avoid bits of skull and brain tissue as you check the first of the six cryogenic chambers. Gently and slowly you wipe away the ice that has formed over, this one contains a plump but pleasant middle aged caucasian woman with golden blonde hair, her roots reveal the dye job but she looks surprisingly good for someone who has been a popsicle for centuries. 
Her skin is a lot paler than should be but she looks very peaceful lying there with her eyes shut, she must have been going somewhere nice. She is wearing a white jumpsuit probably intended to help protect her body during cryostasis, it hugs her g-cup breasts and her wide child-bearing hips seductively. Behind the woman's head you can see a small vertically-scrolling display that lists her vital statistics.

<i>Configured for: Donna 
Occupied by: Donna
Occupation: Housewife
Chronological age at occupant registration: 46
Height: 5"11
Weight: 170 pounds
DOB: February 14th, XX66
Birth Sex: Female
Eye colour: Blue
Hair colour: Gray
Blood Type: A
Gender: Female
Race: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Sydney, Australia
Medical conditions: Coronary Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure
Status: Critical, DO NOT reanimate without medical intervention team on standby<i/>

"Hmm... Critical?" You say to yourself. Donna will probably die if you revive her but she MIGHT be able to give you the password before she does but only if she wakes up. Given her heart condition you decide to check the other pods because if one is in critical condition, maybe someone else more likely to survive an emergency reanimation long enough to help you? 
Moving along to next pod, you notice this one is empty before you get to it but you wipe down the glass and check it anyway, just in case it's display has some information about the pilot or the man on the floor. 

<i>Configured for: Carmelo 
Occupant: None
Occupation: Maintenance
Chronological age at occupant registration: 51
Height: 6"
Weight: 325 pounds
Birth Sex: Male
Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Gray
Blood Type: B
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Sydney, Australia
Medical Conditions: Ugly, bald and mean! (Haha, Dad! You really are!) 
Status: Not in stasis<i/>

Heh, looks like this was probably a family, one of the kids must've accessed his medical files and altered them for shits and giggles. You take move along to the next pod and give it a wipe down as well, it contains a stunningly beautiful young woman in her mid-twenties with long straight brown hair, she looks like she went to a lot of effort to look good for her cryosleep. Jasmine is wearing a white jumpsuit much like the one her mother is wearing, it accentuates her thigh gap and plump d-cup breasts nicely, she could easily pass for a supermodel you think to yourself.

<i>Configured for: Jasmine
Occupant: Jasmine 
Occupation: Fitness instructor
Chronological age at occupant registration: 23
Height: 5"7
Weight: 110 pounds
Birth Sex: Indeterminate, assigned Female.
Eye colour: Blue
Hair colour: Brown
Blood Type: AB
Gender: Female
Race: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Sydney, Australia
Medical Conditions: Liver Disease
Status: Critical, DO NOT reanimate without medical intervention team on standby<i/>

Another in critical, this one doesn't have major medical conditions though so she's definitely a far better choice than her mother… A much better chance of waking her up than her mother but still, she will likely die if you do so. You decide to check on the other cryotubes, you have to know what options you have before you go thawing out some poor person who will probably die within hours if not minutes or seconds of being removed from stasis. 

You head on over to the other side of the rom and find another empty cold sleep chamber, you rub the glass tube down near the end with the display and check the vital statistics display of this pod to try to glean some more information.

<i>Configured for: Jason 
Occupant: None
Chronological age at occupant registration:19
Height: 6"4
Weight: 300 pounds
Birth Sex: Male
Eye Colour: Blue
Blood Type: B
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Melbourne, Australia
Medical conditions: Schizophrenia and Autism Spectrum Disorder
Status: Not in stasis<i/>

"That explains the knife attack…" You shake your head slowly, this family was clearly headed somewhere to start a new life and as far as the two in stasis that you've already checked on know, they still are. You wonder how things were before they went into stasis, did they know something like this could happen or was this all a sick, sad surprise?

You [pc.skinFurScales] is starting to get really numb from the cold, you better hurry this along before you get frostbite on your [pc.groin], that would probably not be an experience you'd want to live through. You hurry over to the last cryogenic stasis unit, your [pc.feet] almost slipping out from under you when you step on some frozen gibs; you break your fall on the last cryotube to have an occupant. You wipe the icy glass tube down, violently shivering so hard your [pc.hips] (if PC has boobs: and [pc.breasts]) shake comically. 

Lying peacefully at slumber in the cold sleep pod in front of you is pretty young teenage girl, she's not as beautiful as her sister but she has that girl next look that people love and an adorable, cherubic baby face with supple milky white skin with a smattering of freckles framed by bountiful curly locks of hazel hair with shiny natural highlights that just seem to catch every scrap of light in the room. She's chubbier than her sister with a much larger frame but you can tell she is fit underneath her baby fat, she's got a pair of lovely b-cup breasts topped by large pink puffy nipples you can just make out through her bodysuit. The young teen's thighs are plump and her hips are wide, you can tell by the look of her that she would've ended up with the same sort of body as her mother after she grew up and had kids of her own if everything hadn't gone so wrong. You sigh and look to the vital statistics display of the last occupied cryopod, hoping you can bring her out of her slumber to help you save your [pc.race] ass from this freakin' cold. 

<i>Configured for: Miriallia 
Occupant: Miriallia 
Chronological age at occupant registration:16 (Upped to 18 upon discretion of powers that be)
Height: 5"10
Weight: 165 pounds
Birth Sex: Female
Eye Colour: GReen
Blood Type: B
Gender: Female
Race: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Melbourne, Australia
Medical conditions: None.
Status: Subject viable for rapid reanimation, may experience confusion or drowsiness upon awakening. Do not allow to operate heavy machinery or pilot a vehicle for at least six hours after rapid reanimation.<i/>

"Yes!!!!" You involuntarily hiss, as you hastily set the cryostasis unit to rapid reanimation. It looks like it's going to take several minutes according to the display behind Miriallia's head so you search her overhead compartment and fish out a quilt to keep her warm when the tube opens up to the oppressively cold air of the derelict vessel. You feel the room warm a little as you stand by Miriallia's cryopod, you touch the glass and find it's pleasantly warm on your [pc.skinFurScales] and importantly you see the colour slowly return to the teen's skin as the reanimation process begins. You try to put the blanket over the lower half of the tube to pre-heat it for Miriallia, you don't want her going straight into shock as soon as she hits the cold air because that tightly fitting white bodysuit of hers doesn't look like it will keep her warm at all; in fact the damned thing looks like it fits her so well that it almost seems like it was been painted, you can see easily see her plump mons pubis and the unmistakable contour of her vaginal lips through the bodysuit extremely clearly!

A few minutes pass and the young maiden's eyes flutter open, she looks up at you with her big, beautiful green eyes with a hint of confusion and fear as she takes her first breath in centuries. She coughs and sputters violently, instinctively reaching out for you as she struggles to breathe. You take her in your arms and wrap her in the blanket as best you can, it warmed up quite a bit on top of the cryogenic tube when she was thawing out so hopefully it will be able to maintain her body temperature enough for you two to do what you have to get the computer back on so you can turn on the heat and call for help over the comms. Miriallia catches her breath and gradually tries to work out who you are, still struggling to process what she is seeing, feeling and thinking after such a long time in stasis, luckily you were smart enough to face AWAY from carnage at the front of the ship. There is no way to hide it from her much longer, she was expecting to see these people when she woke up afterall. 

She looks up at you groggily, wordlessly as she huddles in the blanket, clouds of vapour rushing from her pert little lips every time she exhales. You think fast and tell her that has been an accident and you're trying to rescue yourself and her from a crashed Hildegard, she only realizes the extent of the danger when you calmly explain to her that you need the password for the main computer or you will both freeze to death. Miriallia tries to mouth the password to you, too weak to talk louder than a whisper… 

You lean in closer to try to hear and her smooth, supple lips gently brush your [pc.ear] as she says. "P-p-pineapple92, no-caps."
You turn back to the cryogenic pod and lower her back onto the bed she slumbered in for centuries, you tell her to hold tight while you get the heat on and the comms up and head over to the pilot's seat again. You unbuckle Carmelo's harness and try to gently lower him onto the floor, then you hit the button to open the inner airlock door beside you and roll both corpses inside. You don't want her seeing the bodies of her family until she's fully awoken besides, you don't really want to be the one to tell her that her father and brother killed each other and her sister and mother are in critical condition in centuries old cold sleep tubes while you still need her help.

The old-school terminal with the funky old qwerty style English keyboard is far cry from what you'd normally use to interact with a computer but you manage to key in the password and gain administrative access to the system after a short wait. A brief scan over the various systems tells you things aren't looking good… Virtually every system including communications and environmental control is down for the count and there is virtually no power left; however you do have some fuel left in the gas tank in manner of speaking and gravity control is functioning.

You head back over to Miriallia to break the news that you're probably both really fucking screwed but looking into those saucer-like deep emerald eyes, you're suddenly struck with a wave of determination to bring you both through this. This poor young thing survived floating
through space through who knows long, slamming into the side of a planet-sized ice cube and being rapidly reanimated after centuries in stasis, only to die here and now? Hell, you're better than that and you know it.

"So… Miriallia, we don't have heat or comms and just about everything is fried... but the upside is we do have fuel and we do have access to the gravity plating for artificial gravity... but we're trapped in a hell of a lot of ice and snow…" You say, trying to sound confident though you're pretty sure it came off the opposite based on the tears that are rapidly beginning to well up in her eyes. 

"Hey, hey, hey! We've still got ONE shot but it's a CRAZY idea…"

Who are you doing this for? 

[For her] <Tooltip> You won't let her down
[For your pride] <Tooltip> You won't give up this easily

For Her
You won't let her down. //  Yeah, I watch too much anime but this is the song I wrote this shit to. This option dedicates the act to her.

"We're going to use vent what fuel is left and then ignite it, hoping the explosion blasts us free AND hoping that the gravity control system manages to protect us from the both the blast AND the following impact I know it's dangerous but I won't let you down, I can't let you down..." Miriallia blushes when you tell that you won't let her down and nods slowly understanding that this is your only option, you gather her up in your [pc.race] arms and carry her past the muck and gore on the floor before strapping her into the harness. 

She gasps when she realizes you intend to dump the fuel and ignite it without a harness but she doesn't give you a word of protest knowing that if you did change your mind, she would be the one left being bounced off the wall and possibly killed upon landing.  You hit a few buttons and the fuel begins to vent, the old pump noisily forcing it through the frozen engines where it corrodes the ice and begins to pool beneath the ship. It's a good thing the Hildegard's nose is pointed up, if it wasn't this would have even slimmer sliver of a hope of a chance of ever possibly working.

"T-thank you… b-but before we do this, can you please tell me your name?" Miriallia speaks to you for the first time outloud and her voice is very cute, you think you hear a tinge of what they used to call Australian but you can't really be sure. Her sparkling emerald eyes drill deep into your [pc.eyes], it's almost mesmerizing but you manage a response. 
"[]." you respond just as slam the ignition key, the reaction is instantaneous and time seems to slow to a crawl as you are thrown violently backward into darkness by the force of the bridge of the ship being wrenched from the rear of the ship and thrown several hundreds meters into the air; the last thing you see before you hit your head on something hard is Miriallia's awestruck expression, you just made this budding young maiden swoon.

//Encounter/Quest basically ends here.  Will write more after feedback if anyone is interested… Could be a sexy hospital thank you, could be the introduction to a new follower/lover/whatever. Not sure. Tried to think up something cool for TITS after I realized CoC is basically dead now

For your pride:
You won't give up this easily. // Yeah, I watch too much anime but this is the song I wrote this shit to. This option dedicates the action to your badassery.

"We're going to use vent what fuel is left and then ignite it, hoping the explosion blasts us free AND hoping that the gravity control system manages to protect us from the both the blast AND the following impact. I know it's dangerous but there is no way in hell I'm fading silently into the night this easily! I'm not going to lay down and die just because that's what any sane person would do... I'll die a shattered jewel rather than slowly freeze to death like an intact tile by letting fate walk all over me, over us like this!" Miriallia blushes when you tell that you brazen, bold declaration irrepressible determination as you you gather her up in your [pc.race] arms and carry her past the muck and gore on the floor before sitting her down in the pilot's seat and strapping her into it's flight harness.  She gasps when she realizes you intend to dump the fuel and ignite it without a harness or a seat but she doesn't give you a word of protest knowing that if you did change your mind, she would be the one left being bounced off the wall and possibly killed upon landing.  You hit a few buttons and the fuel begins to vent, the old pump noisily forcing it through the frozen engines where it corrodes the ice and begins to pool beneath the ship. It's a good thing the Hildegard's nose is pointed up, if it wasn't this would have even slimmer sliver of a hope of a chance of ever possibly working.
"T-thank you… b-but before we do this, can you please tell me your name?" Miriallia speaks to you for the first time outloud and her voice is very cute, you think you hear a tinge of what they used to call Australian but you can't really be sure. Her sparkling emerald eyes drill deep into your [pc.eyes], it's almost mesmerizing but you manage a response. 
"[]." you respond just as slam the ignition key, the reaction is instantaneous and time seems to slow to a crawl as you are thrown violently backward into darkness by the force of the bridge of the ship being wrenched from the rear of the ship and thrown several hundreds meters into the air; the last thing you see before you hit your head on something hard is Miriallia's awestruck expression, you just made this budding young maiden swoon.

//Encounter/Quest basically ends here right now.  Will write more after feedback if anyone is interested… Could be a sexy hospital thank you, could be the introduction to a new follower/lover/whatever. Not sure. Tried to think up something cool for TITS after I realized CoC is basically dead now.

[Next - Blink/Hospital bed]

Irestead General Hospital, Intensive Care Unit

Gingerly, you open your [pc.eyes], you’re lying in a comfortable hospital bed tucked into the quilt you wrapped Miriallia with on the Hildegard to keep to her warm; how strange. Your eyes are stung by the bright overhead lighting and everything is blurry for the first a few seconds. The last thing you remember doing was hitting the ignition button on navigation console abord the Hildegard and being thrown backwards and the last thing you seeing before everything went black was Miriallia beautiful green eyes boring straight through your eyes and into your soul as you floated backwards in slow motion. What were you thinking strapping her into that chair with no regard for your own safety? Was it the cold getting to your mind? Was it the foul air on the bridge  of the Hildegard weakening your senses? Was it those sparkling emerald eyes that seemed to gaze straight through your eyes and into your soul? 

You’re not sure but now that your very mortal [pc.race] body is all beaten up and bruised, you sort of regret acting so… brashly. You’ve heard some strange stories about what people slowly freezing to death do shortly before death like how some people feel an unstoppable urge to strip off all of their clothes and try to burrow into the ground or force themselves into tight nooks and crannies, like some sort of ancient hibernation mechanism gone wrong. Whatever you want to think about it, one day you’ll be able to decide which one of WHY you did what you did but today you just shift your [pc.legs] gingerly as you mumble something about the pain.
Just as your vision starts to come into focus, you realize you’re still Miriallia is sitting beside you, your [pc.skinFurScale] hand clasped tightly in her own little hand, her thumb gently, affectionately rubbing the top of your [pc.race] hand. Miriallia is beaming at you, her curly brunette locks bouncing as she squeals with happiness and throws herself at you the second she realizes you’re awake. 

“T-t-thank you, []!!!!!!” Miriallia hugs you so tightly that you’re so that your wound will re-open, she only stops to pull away and shower your face what seems like a thousand little kisses of affection, her pert, supple lips grazing your [pc.lips] more than enough time to be accidental. Now that she’s no longer crushing your tender rib cage, you can see that Miriallia is dressed in a patient’s grown, that her left forearm hung in a loose sling and her cheeks are covered with faded scratches and bruises. You give her a weak smile and she blushes bright red with embarrassment about the level of affection she displayed completely out of nowhere towards you.

“S-sorry, I shouldn’t have done that… You’re probably still sore and besides but a [] has NEVER done something… something… so heroic before in front of me!” Miriallia, her bottom lip trembling as she squeezes your hand tighter before sitting back down in the chair beside your hospital bed.

“I’ve been waiting here, holding your hand so I could be here when you woke up… So I could thank you properly, I would’ve thought your family would be here but no one has arrived looking for yet. “ Miriallia seems saddened by the fact no one has come to see you but her sadness vanishes when she is reminded of how you got into the hospital in the first place. 

“You were in coma for almost a week, the doctors and nurses said you’d come out of it when you were ready and that it helped to have someone you talk to you… I don’t know you very well but I-I-I haven’t left the room except to shower and eat since I woke up in hospital.” You see something in her eyes that worries her or maybe she is worried you will find out, maybe? You’re not sure.

“This planet, Uveto VII is very strange. There are aliens EVERYWHERE and they’re all so strange, even the people here are strange and every seems way too fine with it all... It’s okay though, I made sure they didn’t do anything weird to you when you were sleeping, not even those big doggie orderlies could force me to leave! They HAD to let me stay in here, haha!” Miriallia’s worried looking is gone now and is now replaced with an expression you’ve seen in many people in many places, she’s completely enamoured by you. 

You try to tell her that she didn’t need to do any of that, that you did what you did because it was what needed to be done and that she shouldn’t think that much of it, say this either out of a sense of humility or because you can sense just how gut-bustingly happy she is that you’re alive and well after rescuing her like that.

Miriallia lets go of your hand and brushes a few rogue strands of your [] and of your [pc.eyes] and gently caresses one of your [pc.skinFurScales] cheeks with almost overwhelming physical affection. “You save my life and now I will have the chance to save the life of my sister and mother… I just wish my father and brother could’ve survived the crash that stranded us here, the rescue team told me that their bodies were smashed beyond all recognition after the Hildegard was blown clear of the ice.” Tears begin to well up in the corners of her eyes but she fights them back as she concentrates on stroking your cheek every so softly. 

A pang of empathy if not guilt strikes you as you realize that the people who have interacted with her have not yet revealed the true cause of the crash to her either because there was little time forensics when they found you or because they knew better than to tell a young girl freshly awoken from a two-century catnap that her father and brother killed each other fighting for control of the ship and drift through space for until the Hildegard slammed into Uveto VII. 
“Y-you were just so cool, so (if [] = male/masculine then dashing, (if) [] = female/feminine = enchanting) when you fearlessly hit that button and sent us hurtling towards safety. Even when you were thrown, I didn’t see a hint of fear in your [pc.eyes].” You can almost SEE her heart pounding against her rib cage as she talks and in fact you swear you can faintly hear it going “hubba, bubba, hubba bubba” just like one of those old cartoons with your sharp [pc.ears] although you very sure it’s just your imagination. Miriallia takes you by your left hand and draws it to her plump, perky bosom holding it tightly to her heart as she turns those enchanting green eyes on you again and nervously, her cheeks flushing a distinctly sexual shade of velvet as she forces the words out of her mouth all at once.

“I wish I could do SOMETHING to repay you for all of this! I m-mean, you rescued me and my mother and my sister! You even gave me the only safe seat onboard… I don’t know what I could ever do to make it up to you!.” As nervous, naive and adorably embarrassed as young Miriallia might be, you’re sure she is suggesting something but then again, it also sounds like she is asking you to TELL her how to repay you. Her vaguely Australian confuses you a little bit, her tone slightly rising towards the end of the sentences you know aren’t questions. You’re unsure if it’s her accent or because she’s too insecure to make an out-right statement but you can feel your [pc.crotch] tingling as you think about the implications of her offer; is she really ready for what you have to offer?

[Let her decide] <Tooltip> She knows how to 'repay' you
[Sudden inspiration] <Tooltip> You have a few ideas off the top of your head.
[Tired] <Tooltip> No saxophone lessons
Let her decide
“I think you already know how you want to repay me, you’re just too shy to come out and say it.” You say with a smirk, Miriallia blushes fuscia and squeezes your left hand again as she moves it from her plump bosom to her lap as you undress her with your [pc.eyes]. The blushing teen feels your lusty gaze and shifts her legs nervously, you can feel her plump girlie thighs through her thin white hospital gown so soft against your [pc.skinFurScales], her breathing quickens when your eyes meet and you shoot her a grin. 

“W-well… In all those old timey movies with the brave heroes rescuing the beautiful young maidens, all they usually want is a kiss...” Miriallia stammers in a voice like a whisper as she lets go of your hand and moves nervously towards towards you, sitting beside you on the bed. You can feel your [pc.crotch] tingling with desire, she seems almost painfully naive sometimes but maybe playing along could be fun?

“Am I pretty enough that you would want that from me? I’ve never kissed anyone before so... you’d be my first.(+ I thought my first kiss would be with a human boy, no one had ever seen one when I left Earth but… if it’s going to be with a hero/heroine like [], I don’t mind kissing a [ if female] [pc.race if non-human]. Your [pc.skinFurScales] is so… [if is male/masculine = handsome/if = female/feminine = beautiful], I bet your [pc.race] lips feel like heaven on Earth.” Miriallia’s guard falls as she slips briefly into her vibrant imagination as she thinks about the words coming out of her mouth. 

[You’re a cutie!] She kisses you. <Tooltip> She leads.
[Kiss her already!] You kiss her. <Tooltip> You lead.
[Full Recovery/End] Moar Sleep. <Tooltip> End/If expanded will become a stow away and follow you until you love her or end up throwing her ass out the airlock at the next spaceport/blackhole.)

Miriallia’s first kiss - She leads. 

”You’re cute enough for me, silly. If you want to give me your first kiss, I’m sure it’d be ample repayment…” You say with a smirk as you sit up in your bed, she isn’t sure if you’re serious or if you’re mocking her but she eagerly hops onto your hospital bed, her perky b-cups swaying freely under her loose hospital gown as she throws a freshly waxed leg over you and straddles your legs before scooting forward until her tight little teen ass is pressed tightly up against your [pc.groin].

“I practiced in front of a bathroom mirror all morning for this!” Miriallia says with a giggle as she softly cups your cheek with her one hand and gently takes you by the back of the head with the other, drawing you close as you wrap your [pc.race] arms around her young curvy hips. Her soft pink lips softly brush against yours as she begins to kiss you shyly, her plum-scented perfume filling your nose as her luxurious brown curls brush [pc.skinFurScales] of your cheeks. 

Miriallia sighs happily into her first kiss as you draw her soft, young body tightly up against you, mashing your [pc.fullChest]; you can feel her tiny nipples rapidly hardening against your own [pc.nipples], the pea-sized rock hard nubs stroke you through her clothing making it clear she isn’t wearing a bra under that thin white hospital gown. Miriallia runs her fingers through your [] as she traces the contours of your [pc.skinFursScales] softly with the thumb of the hand cupping your cheek. It isn’t long before her hands move from your head and face to your [pc.hips] as she wraps her arms around your back and squeezing you tightly against her in a plum-scented embrace before she slowly pulls always from the kiss, her deeply intoxicating and impossibly soft supple lips leaving you aching for more.

“A-am I a good kisser?(if {pc.female] or {pc.race] non-human “I never thought I’d like kissing a girl/race so much!) Your [pc.lips] feel so good I want to cry.” Says Miriallia, her face flushed bright crimson with a mixture of arousal and embarrassment. After one look into those big green eyes, shining like polished jade marbles in the flickering warm light of an open fire, you’re pretty sure she will if you let her think that you didn’t enjoy that.

[More!] Kiss and fondle. <Tooltip> She leads.
[Full Recovery/End] Moar Sleep. <Tooltip> Full Recovery/If expanded will become a stow away and follow you until you love her or end up throwing her ass out the airlock at the next spaceport/blackhole.

Miriallia’s first kiss - You lead
Without a word, you take little Miriallia by the hand and pull her towards your bed and into your lap sideways, she lets out a surprised squeak as her tight little butt flops down onto your lap and one of your hands lithely snakes around her waist pulling her tightly up against you as the other cups her milky white, freckle speckled cheek and teasingly slowly coaxes the young girl's pert pink lips towards your own; her green eyes sparkle like smokey emeralds as tears of joy begin to well up in the corners of eyes and like a million tiny diamonds as they catch the light and refract it enchantingly as she draws ever closer. Your [pc.race] lips meet her soft human ones with an explosion of pleasure as her longing for you is conducted through the kiss like rose-coloured lightning, the very second they touched you felt a shiver of erotic satisfaction ripple through her young body like a gentle wave, she’s enjoying the moment so much that her pleasure is contagious; she’s just that adorable. 

The young teen sighs happily as your lips dance across her own, her hands moving to resting your [pc.hips] as you try to make her first kiss simply unforgettable. You’ve never seen someone react quite like this to just a simple kiss and just thinking about what you have in store for her makes your [pc.groin] feel hot and heavy with anticipation for an extremely passionate love-making session with a very inexperienced but extremely eager learner. Miriallia closes her eyes as she loses herself in your [pc.lips] but her first kiss can’t last forever so you decide to leave her wanting more and break contact suddenly with a smirk on your [pc.face] as she regards you with confusion for a moment before she starts blushing more and more furiously as she builds up the courage to ask if you liked it. 

“Well? Reckon I’m a good kisser, []? I practiced in front of the mirror all morning for this…” You can’t believe she said that, she’s so cute that some people would be slightly terrified of her; thinking she was catch to take them off their guard by being so gut-bustingly adorable all the time.

[More!] Kiss and fondle. <Tooltip> She leads.
[Full Recovery/End] Moar Sleep. <Tooltip> Full Recovery/If expanded will become a stow away and follow you until you love her(even if you never do) or end up throwing her ass out the airlock at the next spaceport/blackhole.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2015

Can't fix font, edited like 12 times trying to do that... Haven't used font color functions manually on a board since 2004. Just pasted it back as plain text, will have to go back through rebolding stuff.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
wait >_> I'm in the wrong area

make that very confused, should this be in a doc?
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Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
S-Shouldn't this be in a google doc? I mean... that's one heck of a wall o text even if it's properly spaced and punctuated and all that jazz.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2015

uhh, use google docs, it's better than this :#
It was written in wordpad... I can export it as an rtf file? lol sorry, I haven't done this in six years so all my RP accounts are linked to old shit like AOL Instant Messenger, Yahoo Chat and Hotmail/MSN messenger. Any feedback tips would be handy, I'm kinda outta date. *holds up his Nokia N72* >.>
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It was written in wordpad... I can export it as an rtf file? lol sorry, I haven't done this in six years so all my RP accounts are linked to old shit like AOL Instant Messenger, Yahoo Chat and Hotmail/MSN messenger. Any feedback tips would be handy, I'm kinda outta date. *holds up his Nokia N72* >.>

This should work as a link, just copy and paste things there, create a account if you don't have one, then hit share and get a link people can comment on to said document, then post it here, and make sure it's comment and not edit


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2015
Everything has been completely updated and I'm working on the end scenes now of the scenario/encounter. Take a look and give me your thoughts.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Great so far, only errors really are just some minor formatting



Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
I think it has potential, assuming it hasn't been consigned to the "forgotten memories" section of the internet. I do feel that while she does have appeal as a "young damsel enamored of her hero." she will need some...elaboration to avoid being labeled "another Embry or Bess.". Plus, she is a relatively young lady...what will be her motivation to stay or live with Steele once the initial passion fades? Does she have any talents or skills? Any particular things she might want to learn now that she's waifu to an heir to a system spanning corporate empire?

My main point here is that I love the initial encounter and think it is well written, the hook about her stowing away needs a lot to support it to be viable.


Aug 26, 2015
>last post October 1st

>in the Ideas section

>author last visited the forums at all on October 28th

I'm going to go with my gut here and say that this will not, in fact, be completed.
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