Sister, Sister, Sister Chapter 1


New Member
Jul 14, 2017
First time poster here, but I've been lurking a bit and I can't believe the amount of high quality content that I keep seeing here!

Inspired by other Ren'Py visual novels, I have been working on my own and the first chapter is finally ready for release!

This chapter is more of a demo/proof of concept that serves to set up some of the main characters. I have big things planned for future chapters, including branching pathways based on player choices, multiple endings, including hidden endings, and optional tasks that will open up additional content.

The story centers around the main character (named by you), a recent high school graduate, and his quest to lose his virginity. He is helped (dragged) along by his older identical twin sisters, Zoe and Chloe. Other characters include your fraternal twin sister, Gwen, Gwen's best friend, Jennifer, your mom, and Bethany, the head cheerleader from your high school. Other characters will be added in future chapters.

Most characters in the game have secrets that will be uncovered throughout the course of the game...secrets that could potentially be used against them. (Why is Mom so secretive about her past? Why do Zoe and Chloe seem to be so close? What is Gwen hiding on her computer?)

As the title and characters might suggest, there is lots of taboo content and sexual acts in this game, so if that isn't your thing, you should probably pass this one up...just a fair warning. Fetishes include: incest, twincest, mind control, corruption, and many others. I'm also toying around with the idea of having a secret harem ending.

Here are some screens from the first chapter:





As stated above, this is more a demo/proof of concept that mainly serves as an introduction to the story. I'm planning for future chapters to be much less linear.

Chapter 2 is still in the early planning stages (I've got the story outlined, and I've just today started writing the script and rendering images) so if you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.

You can download the game here:

You can find out more about the game, and follow my devlog at

Thanks for playing! I'm looking forward to your feedback!!



Active Member
May 12, 2016
Very nice start. And a story line that is out of the norm. Very decent models. UI is standart, which isnt a bad thing. All in all, a promising, and good start for a first release. Keep it up.
Edit: Also refreshing to see that not all go the triple H route for all females in a household.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
Looks OK, if generic. Seriously, this genre is getting more and more oversaturated by the day, especially with everyone using the same models. Also, you're not going to catch peoples' interest by talking about "dark secrets" that easily: your elder twin sisters are so close because they're obvious lezzing with each other; your twin sister has porn on her computer; and your mother's secret past could be any number of things but almost certainly have something to do with the things she fucked. Unless the secret turns out that you're adopted, or she's actually your mother's sister, which would just ruin the game. 'course, I haven't played the game yet so I COULD just be talking out of my ass, will have to see. I like the sound of approaching the twins fetish from BOTH angles (fucking your own twin sister and also having a threesome with twins). But I do already have a lot of incest-themed porn games on my plate already...


New Member
Jul 14, 2017
Thanks for the feedback so far! I'm going to try experimenting with the UI in the next chapter, but I wanted to keep things kind of basic for the first release.

I agree that the genre is becoming bit oversaturated, which is why I'm trying to do something a bit different. I'm getting a little tired of the 'spy on mom in the shower, spy on sister in the shower, spy on mom changing clothes, spy on sister masturbating' dynamic that seems so pervasive. Now, some or all of those things will probably be in the game at some point, but I'm trying hard to do something a little different. Maybe the same kinds of tropes with a different presentation that will catch you by surprise.

To answer jash:

Yes, the twins are certainly lezzing out, which is pretty eminent from the beginning, however there is much more to their history than that (as to WHY they are lezzing out) which I'm looking at exploring more fully in a spin-off prequel once I finish this one...though, it will be alluded to in future chapters of this game.
As far as Mom and the Sister, as I stated above, there are some familiar tropes in there, but there is going to be some genuine mystery to uncover (you aren't entirely correct in your assumptions...not even mostly correct, but on the right track). The main focal point is going to be what you, or others, choose to do with that information.

I love this genre, but I'm getting tired of the same thing, different game. I'm genuinely trying to do something different with the story, puzzle solving, endings (including hidden endings and a secret twist ending) that I don't think have been done least not that I've seen.

Anyway, thanks again for the feedback! I hope to have an update in the next month or so!



Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2015
Looks OK, if generic. Seriously, this genre is getting more and more oversaturated by the day, especially with everyone using the same models. Also, you're not going to catch peoples' interest by talking about "dark secrets" that easily: your elder twin sisters are so close because they're obvious lezzing with each other; your twin sister has porn on her computer; and your mother's secret past could be any number of things but almost certainly have something to do with the things she fucked. Unless the secret turns out that you're adopted, or she's actually your mother's sister, which would just ruin the game. 'course, I haven't played the game yet so I COULD just be talking out of my ass, will have to see. I like the sound of approaching the twins fetish from BOTH angles (fucking your own twin sister and also having a threesome with twins). But I do already have a lot of incest-themed porn games on my plate already...

Even you have a point, criticizism about a game you didn't played is just mean.
And maybe is a oversatured genre, but hey, is not the only one and I did not saw people complaining about that in other games thread (not pointing fingers here), and when you ask or try other less popular genres you get (or at least I did) a smirk and told you don't go to get any audience in a condescendent tone.
You never get tired of the same shit if it's your jam, I guess...


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
Well I played it. S'alright. A lot weirder than you promoted it as, which is actually a good thing; I think it'd help if you played up how weird it is, made it sound less generic. Few annoying things that get on my nerves ("choices" with only one option which basically amount to "click a specific spot on the screen to continue" when the game could proceed perfectly easily without them) and the character models from Mom and Gwen are... off-putting (Mom's tits are COMICALLY oversized and seem disproportionate with her shoulders, while Gwen's face is too dead-eyed) but seems pretty interesting.
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