SIMPLE Idea, Codex keeps a log of one-time scenes


New Member
Jul 18, 2016
Basically when you unlock a one-time scene, the codex can keep a "transcript" of whatever it was so that you can revisit it when you like. That way, you never lose out on conversations you may have missed.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It is not simple, actually. Since it would require marking all one-time scenes as one-time scenes.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
The Codex already keeps track of several events. For example, the Dr. Badger "Be a Hero" thing. So it wouldn't be too complicated to let the player re-read viewed (and not repeatable) scenes, but going back and doing it for all of them would be a lot of work.

EDIT: Actually, now that I think about it, aren't most if not all one-off scenes flagged by something that could be used to track them? That way you could just use the flag to let the player re-read them. Maybe make it lore-friendly by incorporating it into the Holo Deck?
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Have the player buy a GoPro.

Equip as an accessory.

Whenever you get a scene with it equipped, it's stored in the Codex for later. Bam.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
The problem is that most of the scenes in the game examine your character and determine what you see based on it.  The difficulty of writing for TiTS is your not writing for a single, static character.  You're writing something that is meant to be as highly varied as the characters that can see it. 

Bellow is a scene i wrote for a pet project of mine.  It checks if you've encountered cunt snakes, if you have a cock or not, if/what your lower underclothes are, and for bimbo/brute speech and has different dialogue (or lack of dialogue) for each variable.   To create a list of one time events, you would need to store the values for each variable for each one time scene, which would quickly require more save space then everything else combined.  And thats not even considering the programming nightmare that it would take to make it happen.  

“Do you have anything that isn’t showing up on the main list i might be interested in?”  You ask.  Jade gives you a knowing smirk. “I have something…  unorthodox if you are interested.”  She moves over to a discrete tank in the corner, holding several colorful, slithery shapes.  “These little fellas are called Cock Snakes!” She exclaims.  {If pc encountered cunt snakes: You recoil, an accusation quickly coming to your lips.  Jade cuts you off “They’re legal, with a permit”}  You pause, and begin to examine the snakes closer.  “They are colorful, sure, but they look rather normal.”  The smirk returns to Jade’s normally cheerful face.  “These little beauties can attach themselves to you, integrate themselves into your body.  They even produce normal cum if you don’t have any junk to begin with.  Some systems use them as a natural alternative for dealing with a lack of dicks to go around.”  Huh.  {If cock: “What if you already have…”  Jade grins. “They’ll replace your current endowment.  Don’t worry, you’ll be null for less than a minute.” } {Not bimbo, not brute: You idly imagine having one of those snakes slithering down in your {If [pc.lowerUndergarments]: [pc.lowerUndergarments].}{else: nether regions.} Maybe this could work after all. {If Brute: It would be awesome to have an actual python between your legs. }{else if Bimbo: Or…  maybe not. }


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
The problem is that most of the scenes in the game examine your character and determine what you see based on it.  The difficulty of writing for TiTS is your not writing for a single, static character.  You're writing something that is meant to be as highly varied as the characters that can see it. 

Bellow is a scene i wrote for a pet project of mine.  It checks if you've encountered cunt snakes, if you have a cock or not, if/what your lower underclothes are, and for bimbo/brute speech and has different dialogue (or lack of dialogue) for each variable.   To create a list of one time events, you would need to store the values for each variable for each one time scene, which would quickly require more save space then everything else combined.  And thats not even considering the programming nightmare that it would take to make it happen.  

Counterpoint: TiTS already stores previous pages as a snapshot; there's a back button you can press to review scenes after you read them. It just only holds 3 pages, is all.


Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Counterpoint: TiTS already stores previous pages as a snapshot; there's a back button you can press to review scenes after you read them. It just only holds 3 pages, is all.

Counterpoint: Doing this effectively requires storing the post-parser scene text in save files. This gets more complicated when we talk about what a scene is- what about scenes that are split into multiple pages? What about scenes that have optional variants? Also we realistically have to at least store the author alongside that, and whilst we're at it we might as well sort the bust display out too and the scene/room name.

Being able to replay the scene because we stored the function that identifies it is one thing. Zevos correctly identified the issue with this, and it's precisely why the mail system works the way it does- when a mail is "sent" to the player, the function that fills in all of the variation in the mail executes and the result of that is what the game keeps around, so random inserts don't change every time you view the mail, or branches that only now apply to your character are displayed even if they would have made no sense at the time the mail was generated.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Is there a way to execute functions in a certain context without having them affect variables?


Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Technically possible, but it would then mean either:

Keeping the entire rest of the game state around at the time of the scenes initial execution which would be even more data.

Requiring careful inspection of the state as-modified by the scene so that it could be effectively summarised down to only the parts that scene touches and used to shim only the subsections of gamestate that it will read/modify (and then allow those touched parts to be swapped back in after).

The latter has potential other uses, but it's a fuckload of work and imo isn't really _that_ useful. If I got the process down fast enough, then presumably we could keep it active all the time and use it as an undo system, but eeeeh.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
Counterpoint: Doing this effectively requires storing the post-parser scene text in save files. This gets more complicated when we talk about what a scene is- what about scenes that are split into multiple pages? What about scenes that have optional variants? Also we realistically have to at least store the author alongside that, and whilst we're at it we might as well sort the bust display out too and the scene/room name.

Counterpoint: Wouldn't it be, relatively, easier on a coding level to simply have a set of stored calls to the story page for said encounter and possibly even a stored set of pc attributes than it would be to store the text of the whole scene?
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Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Counterpoint: Wouldn't it be, relatively, easier on a coding level to simply have a set of stored calls to the story page for said encounter and possibly even a stored set of pc attributes than it would be to store the text of the whole scene?

No, I literally just explained why not.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
haha yeah I see that . . . I was apparently posting as you were having your convo with noob >.<

I don't see this functionality as particularly useful overall though. I mean what is the real return value of such a thing anyway?
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Seems like more work than it's worth. And/or additional data.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Accidental double post.
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New Member
Jul 18, 2016
haha yeah I see that . . . I was apparently posting as you were having your convo with noob >.<

I don't see this functionality as particularly useful overall though. I mean what is the real return value of such a thing anyway?

Basically, if you miss a one-time scene, or just want to revisit it, you can.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Basically, if you miss a one-time scene, or just want to revisit it, you can.

It would be far easier for Gedan to create a limited rewind time power.  But we already have one, its called save/load.

While, on the surface, this sounds like a vary simple idea, it would:

1. balloon the data size of saves to almost mythical amounts

2. Increase the coding time to implement future stuffs, possibly to increasing the development time to double its current wait.

3. And thats not even including the bessload of work it would take to get the current content ready for this


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
If you missed something that important there's a save somewhere you can reload. If there isn't you can always play through again. If none of those work for you . . . Save more often and learn from your mistakes.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
Or, just. Y'know -- read the scene off the github or copy-paste the text the first time you see it and save that on your laptop.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Or, just. Y'know -- read the scene off the github or copy-paste the text the first time you see it and save that on your laptop.

That's almost never as satisfying as playing through the content naturally, but beggars can't be choosers. Plus some NPCs, mobs and events have great scenes and diologue options that never got finalized in the code (e.g. one of the Penny's first time sex variations).