Yay we again running into how drone perk is not used to full extend. And worst of it is that Fen think all is an O.K.
And as always Couch got all the cool ideas on drones.
I would vouch for drone perk somehow buffing drone PC equipping. And ofc due to that for adding some really weak drone buyable always so those techs could get it asap. Ideal would be to make it cost almost nothing but that would mean giving it 0 in all stats and only cuz PC got drone perk it would have any better stats. With that there would be better to make dedicated drone slot for all (and since only drone techs would be additionaly buffing their used drones it will be somehow fair).
What is about TamWolf 2.0 been so much better drone?

Last time I recall it was about change of type of dmg it deal and not inc in dmg mayb by amazing 1 point copared to noraml not damaged TamWolf.
@IVIysteriousPerson Think noone replied to this question of yours: Jac00 said some time ago that game code is done in such way it support only one drone used by PC at once. And if we would want to have been able to use two drones at once it will be needed to rewrite some parts of the code.