Siegewolf w/ Ovilium always showing as egg-pregnated?


Jun 21, 2017
Not sure if this is a bug or just me not reading things properly, but I have Bimbo Siegewolf, and when I did so I added the Ovilium so she can empregnate you with eggs, but it seems that the game always thinks I am empgrenated with eggs, no matter what. I can literally lay eggs from the last time I was with Siegewolf, run over to the Egg Trainer, for example, and it says 'You have no room for eggs', and I've seen a few similar situations where it seems the game is treating my character as if they are egg-nant when nothing in the current appearance or anything I can find for my characters says they should be.

Save file is attached.


  • Samantha (T) - 0Hrs 18Mins, 197 Days - Sidewinder, Kalas.json
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