Shower thought for fourth class(It has nothing to do with psionics)


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
So I was thinking if there could be a biological alternative to being a tech specialist, like some sort of beast master class. I don't expect this to take off but I just wanted to put this here.

Your history will be that your father sent you out on hunting expeditions but after seeing that you'd rather make friends with all manner of planetary beasts than to use them as target practice he has hired several animal handling specialists to specialize your training in taming and training beasts and to use their natural abilities like you would any other tool(Instead of weapons or tech).



Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
I'm confused as to how this would be a biological counterpart to the tech specialist.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
I'm confused as to how this would be a biological counterpart to the tech specialist.
Tech specialists revolve around technological drones and electric damage while this'll revolve around living creatures and whatever damages your equipped creature does. The varmints on new Texus would fit in quite nicely, doing extra damage to enemies who could have silicon in their composition like those sex bots on Tarkus.

New creatures could be gained from rare encounters while in the wilds of planets.
So... Space-druid? I assume that abilities would revolve around Intelligence/Willpower, right?
Sounds about right.
It could make companion/drone slot comming true.
I don't know about that but, maybe.


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
Tech specialists have the option to specialize in drones and they are best at dealing energy damage, which is not necessarily electric. The mainstay of techs is their shield, not the drones or what type of damage they do. Moreover, the perks of the beast-master class would likely revolve around training their pets to do different things, which is a far cry from those of the tech specialist's.

I'm not saying this is a bad idea, I just don't think that a beast-master class should be viewed as an "biological alternative" to the tech specialist.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
I think 'Zoologist' would be a better name for such a class, or 'biologist'; that later opening up more avenues for creativity and perks than the prior though it could be expanded upon to allow for more non-organic companions to be viable. I'm afraid I don't know the terminology.

Frankly the class should be based around a combination of intelligence, willpower, with reflexes playing a much smaller role. Damage dished out by the class via physical blows should be nerfed largely by about 1/2, and possibly 2/3s depending on how the perks/abilities will be set up. There should definitely be a pheromone 'bomb' that will be a mix between the smuggler's lust grenade and tech specialist's disrupter abilities. Something that would cause a very small amount of lust damage over time with what I think would be interesting effects based on varying chances on the turn it is activated:
- Cause multiple enemies to hump one another and be distracted for a turn or two, inflicting more lust damage and potentially distract others who aren't affected by it. This could also cause them to orgasm if their lust maxes out and be 'blissed out' for another turn.
- Cause wildlife to swoop in and start molesting them, distracting them, and possibly attacking them. If the PC gets in close and attacks them then they will get enveloped in the cloud as well and they wildlife will then turn on them, while the PC is affected by their OWN attack.
- Increase effectiveness of tease attacks by a small margin or lust specials such as the gray goo launcher.

Other viable perks for said class (I cannot think of any for a non organic companion):
- A perk that increases the aphrodisiac production of organic 'pets' or any other natural secretion such as the varmints' acid by a large percentage.
- Ability to get armor for the pc's companion.
- Personal shielding for the pc's pet that will bolster their own to an extent through some sort of link.
- Synthesized neurotoxin that the PC can inject into the enemy to stun them for a few rounds or something along those lines.
- An ability to releases a canister of pheromones to cause fear, reducing enemy damage by 25% (costly, single target).
- Small enhancement to evasion but no where near as strong as smuggler is.
- A 'booster' ability that can double the PC's physical damage for 3-4 rounds respectively but will leave them sore and heavily drained of energy afterwards while debuffing their physical damage and applying 'shaky', reducing their accuracy for 2 turns.
- Immunity or heavy resistance to lust inducing drugs (will power and intelligence based) later in the game with a small chance to resist imposed transforms (this will be like level 9/10 and excludes parasites)
- Increased physical damage inflicted by the PC's companion via mod work.
- Increased transformations chance from mods and small decrease in chance related bad ending occurring that are related to mods. Items such as throb that have set dynamics for WHY the bad end should occur should be excluded.
- Difficult to raise 'taming' stat that should be paramount to the amount of damage your organic companion should inflict and a chance for the companion to jump in front of the PC (up to 2 hits per day after shielding fails) or push them out of the way. There should also be a 'loyalty' stat for each pet as well. This mechanic can be expanded upon to affect other organic companions that other classes may utilize at some point or another.
- Non energy melee weapons having a reservoir added to them for aphrodisiacs (VERY small lust damage that can stack up to 4 times and last 2 turns.)

Keep in mind I am just spouting off ideas here, but either way I see this could go 2 ways effectively. A class that uses drugs, chemicals, and etc to screw with and slowly disable and hinder their opponents in order to knock their opponents of kilter and take down which will be based on a mixture of intelligence, willpower, and libido to some minimal extent since the PC can potentially be affected by their own attacks; or reflexes and willpower, with a small helping hand from intelligence for the more offensive with the companion.

Please keep in mind I'm just literally spewing out ideas here.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
The class would probably have a choice between specializing in animal companions or drugs. Either way, the result would need to be more feature rich than current classes to actually work.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
oh hell... I can just see the beast loving community coming out en-mass on something like this, sick your pets on your enemies and watch em be bred. :p Ah no I don't think that would happen really seeing as that's blacklisted content.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
oh hell... I can just see the beast loving community coming out en-mass on something like this, sick your pets on your enemies and watch em be bred. :p Ah no I don't think that would happen really seeing as that's blacklisted content.
-Throws up a little-


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2016
Seattle, WA
As long as pets are kept out of any, ah, funtimes the PC has with enemies, I'd be on board.

More vicious, non-anthropomorphized animals like the Varmints on NT would be neato, anyways. Maybe a tameable Wetra Hound?


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
What, like Nidus from "Warframe"?

I barely know that Warframe is some kind of online game that you play as a team, so I cant really say if that is a fitting comparison.

Since deciding on a class is a permanent choice at the start of the game, I imagine upon selection you would choose to have Steele infested (or at least partner up) with some kind of generic monster/parasite. From there on out, you can safely assume that at least one parasite is present to execute perk attacks/buffs with.

Even at the risk of being a bland design, some kind of retractable slime would offer plenty of possibilities in the way of perks. For example extra HP (similar to Techs extra shields) since the parasite is willing to take some damage to keep Steele safe. Or some smallish healing, a basic attack by swinging the slime like a giant club, maybe buffing the PCs stats by assisting with arm movements (like an exoskeleton) etc.

Other parasites can or maybe even should be referenced, but obviously cannot be required for the class (unfortunately...)

Also, Im aware that this sounds awfully similar to the already implemented Goo Armor, but is it not also a proof of interest? That both devs and fans enjoy content like that and see potential in it? Id like to think so at least.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2017
A space-druid like class would sure be very interesting, but i don't see it being added anytime soon.

I barely know that Warframe is some kind of online game that you play as a team, so I cant really say if that is a fitting comparison.
You should try it out, you can play solo MOST of it, but nothing beats screaming at friends/ppl online for doing shit. (pc version best version, also on Ps4 and Xbox)


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I barely know that Warframe is some kind of online game that you play as a team, so I cant really say if that is a fitting comparison.
Its squad based. Most of the leveling content can be done solo, but you probably won't need to due to the auto-grouping feature. Aside from raids, all the endgame content can be done solo(with varying levels of difficulty) by a well prepared player.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
A space-druid like class would sure be very interesting, but i don't see it being added anytime soon.
Sadly yes, not even the current classes are fully polished or fleshed out so we'll have to wait.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Heh current classes are not fully polished, then we got promise of soon(tm) 4th psionic class. Future look so pink isn't it? xD

Btw why this space-druids one of path would be drugs? I can't feel how it would fit of petmaster class like path for pet using fits. For techs drones and shields do are in a way suggested to bemain focus even from desc of this class at character creation.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
You should try it out, you can play solo MOST of it, but nothing beats screaming at friends/ppl online for doing shit. (pc version best version, also on Ps4 and Xbox)

Its squad based. Most of the leveling content can be done solo, but you probably won't need to due to the auto-grouping feature. Aside from raids, all the endgame content can be done solo(with varying levels of difficulty) by a well prepared player.

So I can put it onto that pile of games, that I dont have time for, over there? Nah, thanks. Also Im not much of an online player anyway.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Heh current classes are not fully polished, then we got promise of soon(tm) 4th psionic class. Future look so pink isn't it? xD

Btw why this space-druids one of path would be drugs? I can't feel how it would fit of petmaster class like path for pet using fits. For techs drones and shields do are in a way suggested to bemain focus even from desc of this class at character creation.
Closer to the top it was suggested that it should rather be name 'zoologist' or something similar in order to allow for the players the option of either specializing in taming animals or making use of their natural abilities in a chemical weapons fashion(like extracted snake venom to be used with the bow for poison damage). This included the manufacturing of drugs.

I imagine one side of the skill(perk) tree would have to do with animals and the other with chemicals.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah when it's put that way it make more sense than the desc I read saying "drugs" for one of this class. hou all those path naming I think aren't so much used ingame so it could be found less confusing word for this path of that 'zoologist' class.


Dec 6, 2017
I think 'Zoologist' would be a better name for such a class, or 'biologist'; that later opening up more avenues for creativity and perks than the prior though it could be expanded upon to allow for more non-organic companions to be viable. I'm afraid I don't know the terminology.

I actually think the name Xenobiologist has more merit, kinda like your follower Azra, who says you're restricted to studying monsters alone? Why not also study the sexy plant life with Azra, and translate alien languages.


Dec 6, 2017
If such a companion is to be used, he shouldn't be like TamWolf (An Un-targetable accessory) your companion should be involved in fights as a group alongside you, kinda like when you fight alongside Saendra in the Fall of the Phoenix distress call just as an example


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2016
I actually think the name Xenobiologist has more merit, kinda like your follower Azra, who says you're restricted to studying monsters alone? Why not also study the sexy plant life with Azra, and translate alien languages.

I agree with this. I also think the idea that you are out on studies with dear ol' dad kicked off slots well into the story. Plus the whole being "attracted to alien life" ... totally get that from dad. Giggity.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2016
Zoology might be cool, but I don’t think there’s enough content out there to make it purely pet-based. Maybe bonuses to having parasites (+1% damage for each parasite hosted?) or coating your weapons with toxic plant extracts (+Lust damage to kinetic weapons.). Either way, I see this as a class meant to do a lot of indirect damage through direct means, if that makes sense.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
If you really want to think about a fourth class (that isn't Psionics), you need to think about what the three original classes bring.

So the Mercenary is the Fighter, the Tech Specialist is the Magic User and the Smuggler is the Thief. These aren't concrete comparisons, they do cover enough bases to build a foundation for a fourth class. We'd want something of a hybrid class, one that takes elements of two classes and brings something new to the table, for example in Fantasy, the Paladin is essentially a hybrid class of the Fighter and Magic User, the Ranger is the Fighter and Thief and so on.

So what would that be in TiTS?
Mercenary + Tech = A combat character with a high level of technical know-how, possibly a frontline type character who uses their tech skills to grant them temporary buffs like Boosting Shields for a couple of rounds. Probably wouldn't have the damage output a specced Mercenary does, but definitely has more survivability. Possibly the Combat Engineer archetype or something to that effect.
Tech + Smuggler = A difficult proposition, combining some criminal tendencies with Tech skills. Not the tankiest character, but probably able to last a while if they need to. Or considering the TiTS universe, a role far more suited to Corporate Espionage Agent, slip in, get the info and get out.
Mercenary + Smuggler = A character that would have that much HP or shield strength. If they're forced to fight, they'd have to deal a high amount of damage. The character could be a sniper of some kind or far more likely, a dedicated Duellist.

Of course, this is just all theory and supposition at 4 in the morning, so make of it what you will.