Shekka Blowjob Scene Parseer Help


Oct 25, 2015
Brooklyn, NY
I wanted to submit this scene but after spending a week-plus trying I've been unable to wrap my head around writing an event with parser as it breaks my train of thought and seems awkward. If someone can help me with this scene and how to do it, in general, it'd be greatly appreciated as I'm in the process of trying to write a Jade penetration scene as well. The google doc explaining it was hard for me to understand.

Shekka BJ Scene


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Parsers are pretty simple once you get used to them. If you want a cock description, you simply type in [pc.cock]. If you want it simple description [pc.cockNounSimple]
You want a description of your cum? Write [pc.cum] or describe it otherwise, like through viscosity and color. F. ex [pc.cumColor] torrent of cum.
If you want to have unclothing options you can have [pc.gear] which will describe any thing you're dressed with.
If you want alternative variations like knot and cumflation, you can write something like {hasKnot: you force in your bulb of cockflesh, tying you together with the lucky bitch //Else: you slam your dick in to the hilt.}
Or {wearing clothes: bla bla bla} as an alternative sentence if you're wearing clothes, which won't appear if you're not.
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