Sexy sexually transmitted diseases ?


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
I actually consider TF's to be one of the least important/appealing aspects of TiTS (and CoC), but I absolutely know I'm in the minority there. :p  FenGames are kind of built around that whole concept.

Honestly, though, I'd be fine if TiTS only let you play as a human that couldn't be anything but a human. It'd be a very different game, but I think the actual content would be able to be significantly deeper and easier to write, while also being more focused on individual kinks or character mentalities, since so much effort would be saved not needing to accommodate an eldritch abomination. ;)  

B-But... hoomans are boring tho.
I'm not gonna lie I probably wouldn't be into TiTS at all if it was like this. >w>; I neeeever stayed human in any of Fens games because I just find them so plain, the ability to play as something other than that was what appealed to me. I've never been into TFs or the process of it all that much, but moreso the end result of all the painful effort. Heh.. :p
Sep 15, 2016
A lot of people really get off on the actual process of TF-ing rather than the end product itself, myself included, and they are the kind of thing that would shake up TiTS' staid and safety-first attitude towards the PC, give the final frontier the frisson of random danger and intrigue that it currently lacks.

Personally, I've found the complete safety aspect off-putting a lot of times. It feels a bit like I've been given a game, but I've been forced to play with god mode on the whole time. There's no challenge or struggle outside of the combat system, so each time I play, the experience is more like exploring the content through debugging tools, rather than actually playing a game.

I assume it's not just me. I see that CoC has a mod that adds a hunger requirement to the game, and that provides a roleplay reason for your character to ingest food that will change them (though they still have some choice in which things to eat). In TiTS, items like Dumbfuck were always a head-scratcher to me, since, while I fully understand why I (as the player) would want to see it used on my character, from her perspective, I just can't imagine a situation where she would choose to use it on herself voluntarily. (Given how it functions, it would make more sense to me if it was something Jack/Jill used on the player after losing a fight, forcing the player to attempt to avoid orgasms until the drug wore off. "Have fun getting past all those Venus Pitchers! Taa!")

With enemies like the cuntsnakes and mimbranes, it didn't seem like the developers were completely opposed to some of this sort of thing, and I'm sure there are quite a few other players out there who would enjoy it.

I respect people's reluctance and misgivings about the concept though. I continue to believe that designing a hardcore mode for those interested in a more TF and bad end-heavy experience is the way to properly explore SSTDs is the way to go.

With all I've said above, I do still understand the difficulty of trying to cater to too many people who like and dislike different things, (particularly if it's content the creators themselves have no interest in). I imagine there are plenty of us who would love to see something like a hardcore mode added, though.

My immediate thought would probably be to have some kind of "difficulty" menu option. Easiest would have that kind of content blocked entirely, while the harder settings could make things like "cures" harder to come by, or more cost-prohibitive to add additional challenge.

balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
One big reason the game feels that way now is the simple fact that it's being built piece by piece and made available while it's being built and so the focus, especially when a significant number of people are paying, is to shove content out there first and then worry about making a game out of it. So inevitably there are a number of areas that feel very basic, hardly started, or lacking despite having plenty of sexual content available. That makes it feel like you're essentially touring through it at the moment without being significantly hindered by the prospect of failure.

That being said there does need to be a vision of how it's going to look and it could well end up being like this simply through the momentum of habit. If TiTS is going to become more of a game and less of a choose-your-fetish parlor then that's going to need to be a concrete decision.


Aug 26, 2015
I actually consider TF's to be one of the least important/appealing aspects of TiTS (and CoC), but I absolutely know I'm in the minority there.

Couldn't agree more.

TFs are gross, period.

See, I'm the opposite.  I'm a huge transformation fetishist and probably wouldn't have started playing Fengames otherwise.  A character who started out short and slender becoming tall and curvaceous is far hotter to me than one who was always that way.  Similarly, an alien species can be sexy, but there's something much more exciting about a human taking alien form and reveling in the differences.  It's sort of a self-improvement thing: the new form is in some way felt to be superior.


See, I'm the opposite.  I'm a huge transformation fetishist and probably wouldn't have started playing Fengames otherwise.  A character who started out short and slender becoming tall and curvaceous is far hotter to me than one who was always that way.  Similarly, an alien species can be sexy, but there's something much more exciting about a human taking alien form and reveling in the differences.  It's sort of a self-improvement thing: the new form is in some way felt to be superior.

This. Nothing better than trying out the horse suit going around mounting everyone and then changing myself into a nyrea or a Myr. Before trying out the Ausar. Or mixing and matching to create some strange hybrid.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
I have always thought of SSTDs as something contracted unwillingly but 100% temporary and was actually looking forward to that...

You see, theres a lot of different stuff in TiTS. For some scenes you have to be a taur, for some you have to be female, male, herm, have lactating breasts etc. and thats great, really.

But like somebody else already wrote, you usually work towards your "perfect" Steele and want to keep it like that once you "fine tuned" everything. A temporary change that wears off on its own after a while and "resets" everything the way it was before, would be a chance to try something new without messing with your...erm setup. Sure, you could just run another character, but do I really have to play through the game again just to try 1-2 new scenes because I think "I might want to be a taur! Maybe not! But maybe I do!"

I understand if nobody feels like writing something like that and maybe I just have a wrong idea about all of this, but still cant help but feel a little bit sad for the lack of enthusiasm here...: /


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016
Wait, would SSTDs even work on Steele?  I mean, they do have those microsurgeon immunobots or what have you in them.  


Aug 26, 2015
Wait, would SSTDs even work on Steele?  I mean, they do have those microsurgeon immunobots or what have you in them.  

Do not resurrect threads from over a month ago.

And the answer is "yes, they do", because that's the entire point of them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Do not resurrect threads from over a month ago.

And the answer is "yes, they do", because that's the entire point of them.

I thought it was because victor steele intentionally put that as a nanomachine feature to only nullify the very bad parts of sstds.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
But then we couldn't share the joy with others.

Except possibly Jill. Note to self: Start writing down these fanfic ideas and send them to Misty.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
But then we couldn't share the joy with others.

Except possibly Jill. Note to self: Start writing down these fanfic ideas and send them to Misty.

Jesus christ no! Outside of intentionally injecting someone with a viral load, infecting anybody with a virus is gonna be a utter mess that will leave any writer traumatized.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Not sure if canon. I don't think it matters though, they're only going to affect the PC's stats.
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Aug 26, 2015
I established very clearly in the SSTD that I wrote, which is the only one that exists, that they cannot be spread from Steele to anyone else.  You will not be infecting NPCs with viruses.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016
 Do not resurrect threads from over a month ago.

And the answer is "yes, they do", because that's the entire point of them.

On the first point, discussions become so riveting to me, I forget to look at the "date posted."  I apologize on that front.

But onto the second, wouldn't that be, I don't know, kinda counter-productive for Vic protecting his child from rampant mutations?  I mean, looking at what happened to him, I would think he'd be more careful in his child/legacy/self-insert, whatever.  It would just feel jarring to me if the microsurgeons didn't protect from STDs of any type, really.  Eating and drinking edibles, I can understand, but transformation through sex?  I don't know...


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think Steele can be infected with sstd and yes codex will be almost from early stage of them keep sending stuff like: Yo PC you are really sick with something weird and not good for your future. Wanna me to start healing this using your magic nanites? Y/N

And only if PC will be so.....clutz and not take Y for a long time sstd can reach stage ot giving some effects on PC.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
When SSTDs hit, i'm gona start carrying around a stack of immunoboosters, just in case.  Its a sexy idea, but i think it will screw with TiTS's mojo. 


Aug 26, 2015
On the first point, discussions become so riveting to me, I forget to look at the "date posted."

Fix this.

But onto the second, wouldn't that be, I don't know, kinda counter-productive for Vic protecting his child from rampant mutations?  I mean, looking at what happened to him, I would think he'd be more careful in his child/legacy/self-insert, whatever.  It would just feel jarring to me if the microsurgeons didn't protect from STDs of any type, really.  Eating and drinking edibles, I can understand, but transformation through sex?  I don't know...

Let me be clear, then: FenCo is contractually obligated to create at least one SSTD at some point in the game's development, because it was part of the Offbeatr campaign that led to the game's creation.  They cannot not be in the game.  That said, when it came time to think about actually doing them, nobody actually wanted to, except Nonesuch and maybe Fen who never weighed in on it that I know of, but both of them have a billion other things on their plates.  I wrote an SSTD myself in order to establish the rules to be as unobtrusive as possible.