Sexy sexually transmitted diseases ?


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
This is an option for upcoming new major content (albeit only fourth out of six in the priority poll), so I was wondering if there is anything known yet about their features.


Aug 26, 2015
I wrote one, it's on the submission pile.  Now we never have to write one again.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
There is floating around forum some bits of info on them. I think one of rumored sstd is Futa Flu. And generaly their seems to be sort of half/fully uncontrolable TF effects forced on PC if s/he not gonna in time cure of those diseases. What more...I not remember atm it so rarely been touched on forum.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
And another peeble for that we got so many stuff waiting I actualy get lost which one sstd it was from Couch god of smut writers :(

Anyway I think just as poll position timeframe when FenCo manage dig throu to this will be quite loooooooong. So I won't be keeping high hopes on your place irioth you can see it anytime soon (as usualy Devs can surprise us all).
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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
I wrote one, it's on the submission pile.  Now we never have to write one again.

Is there a link ? It seems I can't find it.

And another peeble for that we got so many stuff waiting I actualy get lost which one sstd it was from Couch god of smut writers :(

Anyway I think just as poll position timeframe when FenCo manage dig throu to this will be quite loooooooong. So I won't be keeping high hopes on your place irioth you can see it anytime soon (as usualy Devs can surprise us all).

The stuff I really cared for (SSTDs and Factions & Reputations) scored middle in the poll, so I understand they shall not be exactly behind the corner, granted. Unfortunately, I have little interest for the Nursery and for Ship Combat & Travel (except insofar as the latter leads to more ship content, such as room for more crewmates and accessories).


Wasn't the poll more about the next feature to be worked on and not the order in which they should be done?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I not sure if silly if just...well it may ends up that a lil bit too many people in the end feel their not meet the expectations. But that is...the longer we ends up waiting the higher expectaions would be and the higher chance it wil feel like it was unsuccesful try including them.
Sep 15, 2016
Ah. See, I figured that, something like the Treatment, if handled a bit differently, could have easily fit the bill. It's slow acting, goes through stages and all that; would have given players time to go seek out a cure, and the like.

As with anything, I think a writer/coder just has to be struck with an idea that tickles their fancy.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Yeah they don't seem that bad. Not much worse than Lust Draft and Fuck Draft from CoC, with the accompanying blurbs. I'd love to see them, personally.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@IVIysteriousPerson Well if I not wrong Horse Pill also not work at once but over few hours so not like only complicated TF items like Treatment got over time effects rather than instant one. Some of Etis items also count here too for prolonged effects and...leithan charm also counts.

Meantioning Lusts/Fuck Drafts...I wonder if in the end Rut/Heat became part of some SSTD :D Would be totaly akwardly funny I think.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ahh yeah true, true. With even simplest sstd it coplexity wil be no lesser than current one or future one version Treatment (this items isn't yet finished in fen opinion or is it?). It could be unhandy unless would be made some countermeasure that will allow PC cure almsot on spot. Localy gine out to all rushers cures for a specific sstd possible to been infected on particular planet? But then what point could be for some npc been able to cure (well there would be reason aka some unexpected sstd on some planets that wasn;t covered by localy provided cures).


Aug 27, 2015
I have to admit I find the attitude of most of the other writers towards SSTDs a bit depressing, because I think they could be a neat concept if handled well. A lot of people really get off on the actual process of TF-ing rather than the end product itself, myself included, and they are the kind of thing that would shake up TiTS' staid and safety-first attitude towards the PC, give the final frontier the frisson of random danger and intrigue that it currently lacks. I also find it strange how certain people will dismiss concerns about poorly balanced or explicated combat encounters with "just reload" but get very precious about their snowflake receiving reversible changes.

I respect people's reluctance and misgivings about the concept though. I continue to believe that designing a hardcore mode for those interested in a more TF and bad end-heavy experience is the way to properly explore SSTDs is the way to go.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
A lot of the appeal of TiTS is that, main story aside, nothing is really forced on your character. You're given a blob of clay to turn into your dream character.  Or just to dick around the titsverse with.  Or ruin, as you see fit.  SSTDs could impose changes on your character without full consent.  Negligence.  Pretty much the same reasons why some people really don't like Dr. Badger. 



Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I respect people's reluctance and misgivings about the concept though. I continue to believe that designing a hardcore mode for those interested in a more TF and bad end-heavy experience is the way to properly explore SSTDs is the way to go.

That would be pretty cool. If it ever were to be included I guess it'd either be late or post game content though...

But the idea is pretty nice. For such a mode, I also believe having no save file would be the correct way of handling it. Imagine all the weird appearances you could end up with.


Jan 8, 2016
I have to admit I find the attitude of most of the other writers towards SSTDs a bit depressing, because I think they could be a neat concept if handled well.

I don't really see the difference between this and any other content; it's basically ALL "doesn't get me off, won't write it".


Aug 27, 2015
I don't really see the difference between this and any other content; it's basically ALL "doesn't get me off, won't write it".

Well, except Couch, who wrote one whilst simultaneously spitting fucking blood about them. It's the universalness of the distaste and the fact none of you are able to see even an iota of worth in the concept I guess. Very broadly SSTDs are about transformations and dicking with the PC, which I thought we were all in favour of.

And I do think the game should be designed with the intent that people not cheat and/or save edit.

Which is why I brought up said virtually trial-and-error combat encounters like Faell and the Deconstruction Unit. Getting kerbstomped by such encounters because you aren't specced right isn't fun or sexy. SSTDs might be, to some people. I reiterate I think they would be better suited to a slightly different game than baseline TiTS is.

That would be pretty cool. If it ever were to be included I guess it'd either be late or post game content though...

But the idea is pretty nice. For such a mode, I also believe having no save file would be the correct way of handling it. Imagine all the weird appearances you could end up with.

I'll try and bring it up with Fen at some point. No idea if I could make any headway with him about it though, because he tends to have very different ideas about core game concepts from mine.
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Aug 26, 2015
Very broadly SSTDs are about transformations and dicking with the PC, which I thought we were all in favour of.

I'm in favor of transformations yes, dicking with the PC no.

The problem with SSTDs is that they're a nuisance.  You're running around grinding or banging random encounters to read your favorite sex scene, you get the notice you've contracted something, you immediately have to stop what you were enjoying doing and go find the nearest healbot.  With Locofever, this isn't so bad because the effect is temporary and something you can basically just power through if you really want to.

With ones that cause transformations, you run into the problem Mysty describes of character customization being a pain in the ass if you have something you want that isn't a purestrain alien race.  Gabilani and horse-morphs are especially vulnerable to this because they both use multiple-changes-over-time systems that make it a total crapshoot that you'll get what you want, and for extra fun my favorite build uses both because all I want out of gabilani is the pussy.  Coming down with a disease that could potentially undo half an hour of careful item juggling is a huge pain in the ass to even think about.

That's not to say there's no way an SSTD could ever be good, but it's always going to be a tough sell that an SSTD would be a better transformative vector than Steele putting something in their mouth.


Jan 8, 2016
dicking with the PC

I've never seen this as viable. Don't get me wrong, I'd LOVE to fuck with the PC more - undesired transformations, PC giving in to impulses, bad ends, etc. But people prize player agency in TiTS, apparently, and if they don't want it then writing it is just egotism. The poll results aren't a reliable indicator of how many people don't want to fuck with SSTDs, which (though I have no idea) I could foresee being more than the people who do want it, or at least high enough that writing it can sit on the backburner while people work on less controversial options. I feel like CoC was the game for fucking with the PC.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
This is exploitable and should be disabled.

For people with less than 1500 posts.
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Judge Worm

Sep 11, 2016
As much as I love the idea of SSTD's, one of the big problems with them in my eyes (aside from potentially ruining the character you've already TF'd just right) is whatever way the PC would get them. Really, there's only two options: either Steele Junior throws any semblance of common sense right out the window and knowingly bangs someone with an STD... or someone with an STD bangs Junior without Junior being aware of the STD. In the first case, that would destroy immersion for anyone playing without a rock-bottom intelligence stat. In the second case, that could very easily hit Doctor Badger levels of hate, possibly even nearing Treated Steph levels.


Aug 26, 2015
When SSTDs are implemented, I'm sure there will be some kind of preventive measures and a good amount of warning (symptoms, codex blurbs, etc.) before any drastic changes take effect to the character. That means creative ways to make sci-fi condoms, pills, and medical treatments, even straight-out immunity perks. I don't think SSTDs will be so one-sided when it comes to changes to the character. Those who have a fetish for it can let the symptoms get "worse" and enable the changes; those who do not, can go to the doctors or take drugs to rid of it and prevent it from happening again for a duration of time. I don't think the idea of SSTDs is an instant-transformation-effect-after-sex kind of deal.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Which is why I brought up said virtually trial-and-error combat encounters like Faell and the Deconstruction Unit. Getting kerbstomped by such encounters because you aren't specced right isn't fun or sexy. SSTDs might be, to some people. I reiterate I think they would be better suited to a slightly different game than baseline TiTS is.

Well, re-creating the appearance of a snowflake character without cheating usually takes a whole lot more real time than powering back through whatever progress was lost because of losing to an unfair encounter. On top of that, the instincts to save before potentially difficult fights and to be as over-leveled and overpowered as possible at all times are a lot more ubiquitous among the players of any games, so developers relying on all players having them isn't considered to be as big a deal.

I respect people's reluctance and misgivings about the concept though. I continue to believe that designing a hardcore mode for those interested in a more TF and bad end-heavy experience is the way to properly explore SSTDs is the way to go.

That's something I would like to see someday - even though I would most likely end up save-editing periodically to maintain a little bit of core snowfalkeyness. Especially if you will the list of changes will include encounter re-balancing.

 Though I have no idea how popular a feature it would prove to be. CoC might had shifted away from its initial Bad End Central nature and its Failure is Sexy mentality for reasons other than the crappy fundraising model Fen had to use for the time and the looser content gates it had.

In any case, I personally would love to experience a whole slew of sexy space STDs on a dedicated character, because despite always settling on an unbearably snow-flakey character of some description as my main, I really get off to the forced TFs, addiction and PC coping with them.

As for the ways to implement them in the basement game, Jacques is hitting the nail on the head as usual. PC's micro-surgeons provide the perfect in-universe justification for delaying the onset of the actual effects of the disease significantly further than its Codex would suggest, giving the player a very graceful period of only flavour-text level of symptoms; as well as for almost immediately identifying the SSTD in question and firing a Codex warning. Punishing people that ignore such warnings with just about any sort of consequences is something the devs do gleefully and quite often.

Then there are all the potential prevention options he described. Hell, the perk that will grant you total immunity to SSTD's can be one of the starter choices, like the newest one that makes PC infertile.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
When SSTDs are implemented, I'm sure there will be some kind of preventive measures and a good amount of warning (symptoms, codex blurbs, etc.) before any drastic changes take effect to the character. That means creative ways to make sci-fi condoms, pills, and medical treatments, even straight-out immunity perks. I don't think SSTDs will be so one-sided when it comes to changes to the character. Those who have a fetish for it can let the symptoms get "worse" and enable the changes; those who do not, can go to the doctors or take drugs to rid of it and prevent it from happening again for a duration of time. I don't think the idea of SSTDs is an instant-transformation-effect-after-sex kind of deal.

Don't we already have the ImmunoBoost item?


Aug 26, 2015
Don't we already have the ImmunoBoost item?

We do, and that could be one remedy, yes. It doesn't have to be the only remedy since it gets rid of almost everything and some players want to be selective in what they want removed/changed--as commonly illustrated in the concerns.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I actually consider TF's to be one of the least important/appealing aspects of TiTS (and CoC), but I absolutely know I'm in the minority there. :p  FenGames are kind of built around that whole concept.

Honestly, though, I'd be fine if TiTS only let you play as a human that couldn't be anything but a human. It'd be a very different game, but I think the actual content would be able to be significantly deeper and easier to write, while also being more focused on individual kinks or character mentalities, since so much effort would be saved not needing to accommodate an eldritch abomination. ;)  

Couldn't agree more.

TFs are gross, period.