Sexy Exile - Heaven on Earth [Ignemis Promo Anim out now]


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2017
Update 2nd September 2018:
Ignemis Promo Anim

UPDATE 15th December 2017:
v0.1.0 - X-Mode Demo / Prologue Released



Hey there!
I am Cucu from Peachaboo, we are a duo of developers and we just started working on our first major hentai Game, which is called Sexy Exile - Heaven on Earth. We both come from the design/games industry and want to try and do our own thing that we enjoy. We were happy to see how positive and supportive this community is, so we wanted to show what we're working on.


Our game Sexy Exile is combination of a dating sim with board/card game elements that leads up to arcade style playable and fully animated hentai scenes.


The story evolves around you being banished from paradise for seducing the bosses favorite angel.
To put your indecency to use, you are ordered to protect humanity from evil demonic seductresses by "fighting them" to orgasm before they can drain you.
In between, to stay in shape and as a pastime, you may even practice on other girls. So maybe this isn't so bad after all...

There will be multiple ways to go through the dates, with each girl having her own individual date settings, stories and options.
In XXX Mode, you go through up to 3 stages (or sex positions for that matter) to progress, earn experience and win collectable souvenirs like naughty polaroids and sexy stickers of each girl.

We are currently working on a first playable prototype of our XXX Mode so that you can see for yourself what it will play like.
In the meantime, here is a short trailer with some gameplay sequences for you:

You can also find more images and info on our Patreon here.

We hope you like what you see and are looking forward to creating Sexy Exile with your support either by taking part in this thread or as a patron <3

See you around~
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Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
hmmm that login thing makes it look like this game would be put up on a free game website or Nutaku and with that login inevitably that leads to a cash coin micro-transaction system in order to unlock 'things' .


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2017
^ You are clearly on to something here, but let me explain: First of all, the game will be free and online, but on it's own site. There will be little to no restrictions for free users, cause we believe that making the game fun for all users will ultimately pay out more than trying to rip people off. Almost all of the content we create will be available for free and there won't be any paywalls.

That said, there will be a few BONUS things for Patrons and/or available via micro-transactions. Emphasis on "bonus" and "a few". This can be additional girls (again, "a few", so expect 1 or 2 for 10 free girls or something along those lines) or maybe items or whatnot, but nothing that you need to keep on playing! You will also have the opportunity to buy diamonds to get stuff like more booster card packages faster/easier than normal and patrons will restore XXX Mode Energy faster than normal. But our "normal" will not be the "tediously slow" we all know and hate in many Free-to-Play games. Plus, if you're out of XXX Mode Energy, you can still do Dates and collect stuff and XP there while you wait (not long).

TLDR: We want to make a cool game that really is free and no rip-off, while giving supporters something ON TOP. After all, we need a little bit of money to survive, too.

Hope I could clarify a little :)

Not calling this game "sexile"...

We didn't want to ruin the potential for fan-made nicknames ;)
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Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I completely understand the thing you're going for. A good deal of the FTP market has pretty bad setups in terms of how their cashshop works, example of non-adult games, I think one of the worst offenders would be Nexon NA. I used to play Mabinogi back in the day, and the NA part of the company abuses the NA player base a lot. 2/3 of the FTP games out on the market just have terrible, terrible setups that are designed to hinder game fun by paywalling their content by labeling it as premium content and expect ppl to pay and people do and of course you have the worst offenders who have ptw.

What you have setup and plan for is completely reasonable, gotta have some financial support to have to run the site and develop stuff.


Mar 19, 2017
Hentai-themed board game... Well, I haven't seen that before. And what can I say? I like board games mostly the same degree that I like hentai. Color me impressed. You can count on this perve... I mean, this fellow to give his feedback (once a free demo is released :confused:).


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2017
I'm happy to hear that =) We're working on putting something playable out, though it might be a demo of xxx mode first.

^^Yeah, we've played a few hentai/porn games as well as non-adult phone games before and it often is pretty f'in annoying. Really is a terrible trend... I'm glad you got my point!


Aug 28, 2015
This looks neat. As a completionist...will it be possible to get all girls through normal gameplay (premium currency can be gained...i dont know, every 7th day) or will i HAVE to throw money at the screen to get all girls?


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2017
Hey DanielZane, glad you like it!
I'm afraid it won't be possible to get all the girls in free mode, for we will definitely have one girl that is patron-exclusive. As I said above, we may also add a very small fraction of bonus girls that you will also be able to buy like a DLC (additionally to being available for certain patron groups), but we're not settled yet on wether there will be other ways to aquire them, like you said maybe through earning a premium currency or something.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2017
Hi everyone, we've got a few updates for you!

We are now working on a first playable prototype of our XXX Mode to give you all the opportunity to see for yourself what our game will be like. We try to finish and release it as fast as possible.
In the meantime, quite a bunch of new artworks and graphics have been crafted, let me give you an example:



We hope you like it :)
As always, there's more on our patreon of course.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I have to admit, I see huge red flags when something is both crowdfunded and has micro-transactions. It feels like double-dipping, only instead of a corn chip, it's a penis. Especially if some of the exclusives are going to be tied to Patreon, and others to Micro-transactions, rather than... and this is just a suggesiton, Patrons having access to all special girls, and non-patrons have to either pledge, or purchase them individually through microtransactions.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2017
Okay, yeah, you're right.
As I said, we had not yet really thought about how exactly we're gonna handle it, so we did now. We decided to keep the one patron-only girl we promised and if we decide do add more bonus girls later on, they will also be available for certain patrons as well as through individual purchase. It's kinda stupid but I had not realized that it would be pretty unfair towards patrons to have girls be available only on purchase.

thanks for your input!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2017
Hey guys,

we wanted to keep you updated on the recent development of our game (without spamming this thread too much at this early stage) so here comes a small summary of last month‘s progress:


Art Updates:

- We posted WIP Sketch, illustration and animation of one of the XXX scenes with our first demonic seductress Ignemis early in the month. The final animation was also posted in this thread here in addition to patreon.
- Our character Mayu got her first collectible sticker. We made a small process video for our patrons as well. By now, we already revealed quite a lot about the cute high school girl and the patrons seem to like her a lot! Every girl will get several sexy stickers that will tell you more about their personalities.
- We also finished the Artwork for Mayu's first XXX scene – the second one we worked on. She’ll give you a nice blowjob right after returning home from college. As always, a WIP Sketch has been posted to our Patreon stream with the animation yet to come.
- For our angel Anaela, two XXX scenes have been illustrated (+WIP Sketches) and will soon be animated. She’ll let you play with both of her heavenly holes for some exciting action. Anaela will have a special role in the first playable, so stay tuned for more!
- Wallpapers for Mayu and Anaela have been posted containing new background art for both.
- Nikki the circus artist has been introduced as the next girl we work on. She's already got the Portrait with 3 clothing stages of which the first one has been posted. Stickers and XXX scenes are currently being worked on and will soon be revealed in our stream.

Programming Updates:

- Laid foundations for the first playable which will give you the opportunity to try out our XXX Mode for yourself
- A custom audio playback routine has been put in to place in order to control events and movements in synch with the music instead of relying on a global time or frame rates for example.
- Implemented movement and control mechanics as well as physics for the player token including a boost- and cooldown-system
- Constructed a class that holds (for now) 6 types of collectibles (Heart, Superheart, Mine, Ice Cube, Shield and Power-Peach) and their behavior.
- Our newly coded level generator relies PNG png graphics to spawn platforms and items at their according time and place which enables us to do visual level design in Photoshop and the likes
- Dev Diary #3 has been posted for our patrons showing off all those features in a little video with a more in-depth explanation. Dev Diary #1 and #2 show some earlier stages and are available for everyone in our public Patreon stream.

Next Up:

- Artwork: Cucu is creating more and more awesome artwork stuff of course. There's a few open artworks for Mayu and Nikki will get some attention as well in the next weeks. We also still need a few graphics and artworks for the first playable, even though most of it is ready to be implemented.
- Animation: As I'm doing both programming and animating, I am a little bit behind with the animations right now. I arrived at the point where I want to include the first animations in the prototype now, though. At the moment I'm experimenting with a new animation program for the XXX scenes that would allow us to run the animations at the full fps of the game instead of the roughly 20fps-approach we had before while also resulting in smaller file sizes. Sounds too good to be true, right? Even though I'm facing a few technical problems for now, I really hope it will work out in the end, cause that would mean even better, butter-smooth XXX animations.
- Programming: Depending on the success of the current animation tests I will either start implementing those next and make them react to the gameplay or instead set out to finish the game mechanics first, including the UI elements like energy bar, heart counter and such. Both needs to be done anyway.
- Misc: Great News here as well: We've found some help for the audio department so we should soon have the prototype covered sound-wise with custom music and sexy voice acting bits!

So that's it for now, folks! If you've got any questions, feel free to ask. Critique and feedback is also always welcome :)

We'll be back.
Zanzo of Peachaboo


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2017
Hey there!
We wanted to share with you what we accomplished in June! The first playable of our XXX Mode moves closer fast and we'll start some first alpha testing with our higher patrons very soon :)

The month of June was especially successful on the coding side and we (first of all me) are somewhat focussed on getting to a certain milestone right now - which is the XXX Mode prototype or the Alpha version of it for starters - so some other aspects that I'm involved in are not going aquite as fast right now. Nevertheless we had a lot of content and great art from Cucu to share:

Content Updates

- We posted the first sticker of Nikki the circus artist showing her great flexibility as well as her first XXX Artwork of her doing a DP with the help of one her juggling clubs – she's pretty daring, you know ;)
- Then I finally got to finish and share a new XXX animation - this time for the Angel Anaela - using a new software that took forever to get to work with the game but let's us use up to 60 fps for way smoother animations instead of the 18 we had before. At the same time it's even less data since the animations are rendered in real-time now! Oh, and it allows to blend between the motions smoothly, too!
- With a third artwork finished, Mayu's XXX scenes are now complete... BUT Cucu is gonna overhaul the first one, because that was also the first artwork she ever did for Sexy Exile and we feel that it doesn't live up to the style and quality she established in the meantime. We also posted a cumshot version of Mayu's Blowjob scene as well as a second sticker. Very soon, one more of these will be posted before the qualifying patrons will be sent Mayu's then complete artwork.
- We received the first voice-acting tracks ever! They will be used for Anaela, thus the prototype. Of course we showed off a snippet of that in a public Dev Diary (#5) post along with some more details about sound and animations.
- An individual soundtrack for our XXX Mode is almost finished, too and an excerpt of it is included in a video we posted with public Dev Diary #6, which also shows how the animations react to the gameplay now.

Coding updates

- I developed a few routines to generate the levels through reading images pixel by pixel. This way, we can visually design levels in any graphics software which is pretty straight-forward to do. There is more in-depth information about that as well as some early gameplay footage in the public Dev Diary #3
- As stated above, the new animations we're implemented in a tedious process of troubleshooting together with the animation software's developer and I have since managed to sync them and have them react to the gameplay, which can be seen in the public Dev Diary #6
- Finished the HUD Elements (Pressure Bar and Heart Counter + Circular Progress Bar) and underlying score and pressure mechanisms
- Designed a full first level
- Did all kinds of gameplay additions, optimizations and adjustments, started balancing, added visual feedback and effects to lots of things, gave the basic collectibles proper behaviour and so on. Doesn't read like much but there's several hundred lines of code in these little things alone...phew!
- Implemented Turbo Mode (90% done) which will kick in if you don't manage to collect enough hearts during the regular level. Turbo Mode is obviously faster, therefore harder and will randomly spawn hearts you missed before, throw in some extra mines and let's the pressure bar rise faster in a sort of sudden-death manner.

So what's next? ALPHA?

Basically all that's left to do before our higher tier patrons can test the first level in some kind of an ALPHA state are a proper beginning and endings for the level, both audio-visually (text inserts and sounds) and coding-wise as well as some more testing and balancing.

Doesn't sound like much, right? Well, it isn't really and we hope to arrive there within the next two weeks.

After that, we focus on getting the prototype ready (including one more XXX stage, intro and outro as well as everything we couldn't put in yet like more sounds, voices, effects and so on) for a BETA with our patrons and then finally a first public release. We will keep you posted!

Here's the original post on our patreon page where you can also find the other Dev Diaries I mentioned.

In the meantime we appreciate any feedback and I'd be happy to answer any questions :)



Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2017
Hi, Zanzo here with the latest :)


I'm a bit stressed out right now with various projects (gotta pay my rent unfortunately), so I'll get right to the point:

Content Updates

- Most important: We released an alpha version of the very first XXX Mode stage to all patrons with beta access. It has been well received and provided us with valuable input :)

- Earlier, we introduced our new and very own soundtrack for XXX Mode in a public gameplay video early in the Month

- The different clothing Stages of Nikki's Portrait were published, we posted WIPs and full Artworks of 2 XXX Scenes with her. One of those will be replaced though since we thought the upcoming one would fit her character - and physcial flexibility - better. We will try to recycle the pose later on.

- Also, The wallpapers for Nikki were sent to the qualifying patrons.

- Mayu got her third and final sticker along with a painting progress video from Cucu. We sent out her artwork downloads to the according patrons.

- Cucu completely redid the very first XXX Artwork she ever made for Mayu and Sexy Exile in general to bring it up to the style and standard we have now. The Artwork is available for all patron tiers just like the first version was.

Coding Updates

It doesn't make too much sense to try and list the things I accomplished this month since it was mostly technical stuff like optimizing routines and functions, debugging, reorganizing code, balancing and general polishing in order to get the alpha out and be ready for everything after that. I created lots of collectible sound effects and implemented them as well as a mechanism for randomized playback of a variety of moaning sounds for Anaela ;) I added several game animations and status screens for the alpha and ultimately the first playable. Since the closed alpha release I worked on more boring stuff like cleanly resetting the play state, which means that all objects, variables, instances etc. need to be properly recycled in order to not flood the memory with junk data. I've also made some adjustments to the music playback & loop system since I discovered a bug in the framework that would result in multiple layers of music looping over and over again... yay!

However, those last changes may not sound like too much but they allow for multiple stages to be put in a sequence seamlessly and therefore these are essential steps towards the first playable that I'm happy to have conquered.

Whats next?

I'm a bit annoyed that the "regular" work slows me down a bit right now, but I'm still trying to put every spare minute into the first playable, as does Cucu. Among the next steps for me are designing the second level, writing the code for story sequences and working on more music with our guy. And yeah, finishing the second XXX animation of Anaela.. After that, the first playable will finally be pretty much in sight! In the meantime, Cucu is going strong with completing Nikki's stuff and we're already brainstorming about what our the next girl will be like.. Maybe y'all got some input?

As always, we're happy to answer any questions and any feedback is greatly appreciated!

All the best
Zanzo & Cucu - Peachaboo


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2017
It's back! Here's the monthly summary of updates and lookouts into the near future that hasn't been monthly lately ;)
To make up for that, I'm gonna cover the month we missed as well.


First things first:
The first playable finally approaches a releasable state. A closed Beta for all our patrons from 3$ up will start this month if nothing big goes wrong! After the Beta finishes and everything is polished, there will be a first public release. We are already so excited to let you all play the game so far!

Content Updates
  • We introduced a new girl that Cucu is now actively working on. Her Name is Baby and she is a half human, half unicorn girl. We showed her background painting as well as a bunch of sketches that display possible character traits along with a little more info about herself.
  • I very recently finished Anaela's second XXX scene animations which is an important part of the first playable. A video of the different animation cycles was uploaded for patrons of the according tiers.
  • Another pending task has been completed by painting an asian suburb as background for Mayu's introduction within the game. Our patrons could see the according sketch as well as the final outcome.
  • Speaking of Mayu, we put out the cumshot version of her third XXX stage and put together a time lapse video for the painting process of her second sticker.
  • Nikki received a whole lot of updates. Her second XXX scene was finished and posted both mid-act and as cumshot version. Her first scene also received a cumshot version while the third one was shown as a WIP sketch. The finished artwork will drop any day now. Last but not least her second sticker was finished along with another time lapse on the painting process.
  • Thanks to a very good friend, the menu music is now done and partially released to our patrons' enjoyment :) I also created some smaller kind of „remixed“ music loops for the success screen and such

Coding Updates
  • I don't even remember the lots and lots of „smaller“ changes, optimizations and bug fixes I did in the last two months but much of it aimed at making the game properly and most of all cleanly restartable in terms of recycling game elements and not spamming the browser memory unnecessarily. I talked about this in the last updated but it is finally done now :)
  • Building on this, I implemented the second stage with it's individual level (which is also mostly done), graphics and animations.
  • For proper stage endings I adjusted the Game Over screen and added a retry button and introduced a new winning screen that allows to look at this stages XXX animation a little more while being able to control the animations speed in three steps before continuing to the next stage.
  • I set up a proper pause screen with a restart button and a general mute/unmute button as well as individual 10-step volume controls for each music, sound effects and voices. the complete sound playback engine was reorganized in order to make this possible but I figured it had to be done at some point anyways
  • Changed the data format of the XXX animations and adjusted their implementation which saves another 20-25% of file size per animation. Yay! ;)

What's next
As stated at the beginning, we're moving closer to the beta (hopefully this month) and ultimately a first public release. There are a few things left to do before the beta and a few things more before we can put it out there. These are the next on the list:

  • a Combo system that rewards good playing more directly: Collecting multiple hearts in a row will increase a multiplier that will help keeping the pressure bar down and grant more points in later versions as the score system is not planned the first playable. While the only ways to affect the pressure until now were collecting ice-cubes or colliding with mines, the combo-system is meant to make the game feel a little more direct and influenceable.
  • We already started designing nice startup screens for the different stages showing the according girl, her name and the number of the upcoming stage with a few nice optical effects to get you ready. Think of it as a variation of fighting games' loading screens
  • Some additional graphics and sounds need to be created and/or changed and the last 10% of level design need to be done. Except for occasional tweaking, the beta would be pretty much finished at this point.
  • For the public release, a few story sequences need to be coded. Artwork and rough scripts are mostly done. Also, some additional visual and sound effects are planned along with whatever optimizations or changes the patrons' feedback will evoke.
  • On the artwork front, Cucu is just now working on Nikki's last bits so that we can soon send the artwork packs out.
  • Our new character Baby (read above) will get her first artworks next, so lots of cool stuff coming up =)

As always, questions and comments are greatly appreciated! We are working very hard to finally give you something to play soon, so stay tuned!

Zanzo +Cucu


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2017
There is no guarantee but I'm very confident at this point that the first playable will go public this year. The patron-only (3$ and up) beta-test for it will start this month if nothing goes wrong.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2017
Not to dampen your excitement, but just to be perfectly clear: the board game elements will not yet be included in the first playable release. It will constist of the arcade style "XXX Mode" for the first girl in the game. After that, we will work on "Date Mode", which is the board game part.

We are very glad to see your interest in any case =)
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Mar 19, 2017
Meh, no problem, a demo is still a demo. In fact, I'm just excited to experience that beautiful art first-hand... pun totally intended. :yes:
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Reactions: Peachaboo


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2017
Hello you, It's that time of the month again! Or actually it may even be a little bit after that time. ;D


The biggest news from last month certainly was the start of a Beta phase for our X-Mode Demo. All of our patrons have the opportunity to play the two XXX stages starring Anaela that make up the gameplay part of the soon upcoming public X-Mode Demo Release. That will also feature a few story sequences and dialogue and will later basically be the epilogue and also act as a tutorial to our game as a whole. Feedback has been really great so far
Read more about it here and find the patron link here!

So that took quite a lot of our attention and still continues to do so, but nonetheless, Cucu managed to paint some more awesome stuff in between of UI graphics and polishing tasks: Content Updates:

  • Nikki's Artwork has been completed. There was another XXX scene artwork as well as her last sticker for which we also postet a painting process video. Artwork Packages were sent out to the corresponding patron tiers.
  • A final piece of Artwork for the upcoming first public release was also finished: The Boss of Paradise. Spoiler: He catches you fooling around with Anaela, his favorite angel in the Prologue to our game and the main story (which is the upcoming public X-Mode Demo) - and he's not very happy about it.
  • Baby, our freshly introduced unicorn-girl finally got her colors chosen and a beautiful portrait painted.
  • We had a poll to determine which of our 4 already introduced girls our patrons would like to see in a little halloween special – Baby won. The special was of course posted on 31st.

Coding Updates:

  • As stated above, The month was very busy with including and finishing various gameplay parts of the soon coming public X-Mode Demo in order to start the Beta among our patrons.
  • One of the biggest additions certainly is new Combo System that rewards the continous collecting of hearts with increasing points (score system is new, too) and helps keeping the pressure down which makes for a more rewarding and interactive gameplay. The player token got corresponding graphics and effects to visually represent the currently active combo level as you play.
  • Implemented a short tutorial which explains the basic gameplay mechanics
  • Added a new animated stage startscreen that acts as a transition between the XXX stages and their individual XXX animations while showing the character as well as the number of the upcoming stage. Think of it a little bit like a fighting game loading screen.
  • After the release I did some more bugfixing, optimization and polishing and started to make some architectural adjustments to prepare the addition of the mentioned story/dialogue sequences as well as to further increase my workflow, code efficiency and such. Converting things like the pause screen and audio manager system to work in every mode was tedious but worth it
  • The also mentioned story sequence state with included dialogue system is also nearing completion. I will post more about that soon.

What's next:

  • Story sequences and dialogues - intro and outro to be precise – will be finished and implemented now that the mechanics are in place.
  • A success-screen at the end of the second stage will be put in place and show how the xp and reward system will work later.
  • I still plan on adding a proper highscore list in time for the public release, even though it will be a bit tricky
  • More polishing, a few more effects and overall lot's of tiny little things
I still aim for the end of this month as a public release date but don't be mad if it becomes december. We really want it to be as good as possible at this point, since the effect of our first public release is quite important in order to keep development speed at this pace – we basically have been working double shifts for quite a while now to get to that point. However, we are very encouraged and confident and eager to present our hard work very soon!

All the best and stay tuned!

Zanzo + Cucu


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2017
The art is amazing. Baby is such a major cutie. I am excited at the chance to play this when it becomes available. I did notice that it was never stated what gender is the sexy exile. Is that possibly because you get a choice to choose or is the sexile a male, I'm assuming?


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2017
Hey partnerintime,
thanks for the kind words! We really appreciate it :) The protagonist is male for now.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2017
Hello dear people of Fenoxo!
Version 0.1.0 (X-Mode Demo / Prologue) of our game Sexy Exile is finally done!

Yay! We are very happy and excited to show you the first results of our long and hard work with this release.


This is the complete Prologue of our game. It includes an intro sequence, two full stages of our arcade-style X-Mode as well as a short tutorial and another sequence to get the main story going. Not yet included is Date Mode, our other core mode that is currently in development - thanks to our patrons


Note: For most people, performance was best in Google Chrome and pretty bad in Mozilla Firefox, so if you're experiencing low frame rates, stutter or lag, you should give a different browser a try. It also helps to have fewer tabs open, especially complex sites like Youtube or Facebook will occupy a lot of your memory.

Enough talking, now go and play it here!

We hope you enjoy our game so far. In any case, we would be thrilled to hear your feedback and hope you'll leave us a kind rating or maybe even consider supporting us in continuing the development of Sexy Exile.

Read more about us, our game and our plans on our Patreon page:

Cucu & Zanzo
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Reactions: Suiko and Sapphire


Mar 19, 2017
I'm writing this comment as I'm playing the demo.

First impressions: beautiful art, although that was obvious. Nice UI, I like the way the text box and everything else looks. The same can be said about the sound. Speaking of sound, music during X-Mode is kind of catchy, which is always a plus.

First Game Over: not gonna lie, I haven't played a lot of these "hold button to make character/object move up" games, so maybe this is coming from someone who sucks at them, but I think the spawn ratio of those ice cubes is really low. At least compared to the spikey things. I did reach stage 2 on my first try, though. :D Just 3 more hearts and I would have beaten the game D:<! Well, time for a second try...

Start of 2nd Try: okay, it goes back to Stage 1. Wasn't expecting that, but it's fair enough.

Did it!: 51200 points, baby! :cool: BTW, I'm using Firefox and so far the only moment the game lagged was when I reached a 50+ combo... and so far I've only managed to do that one time, so the game lagged only one time. XD Just one thing that's bothering me: at first I thought the necklace was around the penis in the second stage, but looking again it seems like the beads are going inside her anus. Mind trick or intended? (two seconds later) Okay, nevermind, that photo answered my question. :p Nice touch, I like it; I hope in the full game there'll be a gallery of sorts to check those again. (two seconds later, again) Only 2 Stars?! Maaan, I suck at these games. XD

In short: nice demo. Short, but it has quality over quantity. It's worth the wait, no doubt. ;) Good job!


New Member
Dec 17, 2017
First impression: Flappy Bird with porn. R34-ed Flappy Bird? :))) I hope that other kinds of gameplay will be more interesting, I'd hate to see such great art wasted.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2017
R34-ed Flappy Bird? :))) I hope that other kinds of gameplay will be more interesting, I'd hate to see such great art wasted.

Haha :D Later on, with each girl, we will add additional power-ups and dynamic elements to X-Mode to make it more exciting. Also yes, Date Mode will be more complex gameplay-wise.

@Suiko: Glad to hear you liked it! Only 3 hearts left in the first run is actually pretty good! I gotta admit that going back to stage 1 may not be optimal at this point, but it will later be important for the way the reward system works. And yes, there will be a gallery for all you collectibles later on :)

@Mavar4ik: Thanks :)

Rune Alchemist

New Member
Nov 28, 2015
You know, I was really looking forward to liking this game but the rage-inducing controls just kill any fun I could have with it. Can't even beat the first stage without getting to the 'Hurry up' phase because I can't consistently collect the hearts. The heart feels too floaty and inconsistent.

I know the words of a random lurker who doesn't even post much mean anything but damn...

The rest of the game is absolutely amazing though - the art, the animations, everything. You guys keep up the phenomenal work here.

Maybe I'll play it when it's fully done but at the moment I can't get more than a combo of five at a time and I don't see myself getting any better after more than seven attempts.