Sera -Idea, bug, or issue report? hmm


Oct 20, 2017
so. not sure how to classify this, but I wasn't sure where else to place this, if you make sera your sub, and opt to impregnate her, but then you only have ONE dick.... you can't. you can tease her, take her anally, titfuck and oral, or double pen her, but if you only have one dick you cannot screw her vaginally, there's no option for that, just... WHY? double pen gets the job done sure, but do we really NEED to have 2+ dicks just to knock her up? just sayin, I know there was a scene we take her vaginally, the scene where you complete her training and she becomes your sub, so in place of someone wanting to write a whole new scene for "natural" pc's being able to knock her up, maybe just re-purpose 90% of the text from that scene as a placeholder?

It's not like I find it to be an issue for my character, he certainly has the necessary endowments, but maybe not not everyone wants to do that? or spend time and creds growing a second dick, impregnating her, and then removing it again?


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
First off, this doesn't belong in the ideas section, general is where this would go, or one of the other threads dedicated to Sera. Second, if you get Sera to sleep with you in your bed there's a chance after every sleep that she'll stick herself on your dick and get pregnant.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
A dedicated scene wasn't written because reasons.


Oct 20, 2017
First off, this doesn't belong in the ideas section, general is where this would go, or one of the other threads dedicated to Sera. Second, if you get Sera to sleep with you in your bed there's a chance after every sleep that she'll stick herself on your dick and get pregnant.
Ah Sorry, still new to the forums, and I actually couldn't find a general chat aside from the "general bullshit" at the time, didn't think to actually click on the "trials in tainted space" title/link itself *facepalm*, it was super late for me at the time. also second, What? I didn't know that scene existed, I mean sure I've had sera on my ship since they let you recruit/enslave her and I never once came across that scene, but that's probably because I've already got anno as a bed-warmer and she doesn't have a sleep with/don't sleep with interaction option. Also sorry for necroing this inappropriately placed thread, haven't been on in a whiiiile because reasons. That is all, this thread can die.