Savin's CYOA: 015

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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
"Fair enough," you shrug, "Anything else you can tell me? Looks like you've been here a while."

"Only since last night," Sylvia says. "I've said all I know, I'm afraid. And you -- what is it you're here looking for, Remi? You don't strike me as just another tomb robber."

You grin. "Maybe I am. I'm looking for some tomes the Blackscale Queen was supposed to have. Her magic was lost to my people when she died; I want to reclaim it." 

You snap your fingers and conjure forth a spark of blue flame, letting it dance between your claws before closing your fist around it. Sylvia chuckles. "Nice trick. Careful you don't burn those books of yours... if they've survived this long to begin with."

Oh, she's got a sense of humor, too! "Speaking of parlor tricks, that song of yours... I've never heard anything like it."

"You mean you've never seen a song almost call the dead?" she says. "The shamanesses of my tribe have used that ritual dirge for generations to seek guidance from our ancestors. Neva taught it to me before she disappeared."

"That'd sure be useful here," you muse, rubbing a claw on one of your midnight scales. Subtle.

<<Charisma Check: Success (1 vs. 12)!>>

Sylvia laughs again, looking you up and down. "Intend on asking the queen herself where she stashed her treasure? Ha, maybe you would have better luck speaking to the spirits of this place than I have. Bonds of kinship mean more than the entreaties of strangers to the dead. If that's what you want, very well, I will teach you the ritual. But I have a condition."

"Name it."

"If you make contact with a spirit, ask after my sister. I still need to know what's become of her."

You nod. "Deal. So, do I get to play that gallichon of yours?"

Sylvia eyes you for a moment and picks up her instrument, tucking it under an arm. "Not a chance."

Name: Remielle Syrililth
Race: Salamander
Sex: Hermaphrodite
Figure: Amazonian
Class: Mage
Stats: STR (10) CON (16) DEX (14) INT (15) WIS (8) CHA (12)
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Jun 9, 2016
sit back,relax make ready and then summon a salamander  because  you cannot have enough


Jun 24, 2016
Alright, time to summon a water spirit and hope it can manifest as a slime. Water slime familiar, anyone? Heck, ANY familiar? It'd give Remi a nice minion to help with sexy times and technically can't get killed. Seems like a smart idea.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
sit back,relax make ready and then summon a salamander  because  you cannot have enough

And probably interrupt the ritual when we get distracted by the sexy barbarian's appearance one too many times?  Not a good idea.  We really should move on to meet with the harpies now.  Having another companion and a chance to sate our lusts on the willing would be the best course of action.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
And probably interrupt the ritual when we get distracted by the sexy barbarian's appearance one too many times?  Not a good idea.  We really should move on to meet with the harpies now.  Having another companion and a chance to sate our lusts on the willing would be the best course of action.

Sounds like a plan. We'll have her teach us the ritual, but let it wait until a time we're better prepared or really think we need some guidance/help from the afterlife.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Darn... I was hoping we could go big and see some royalty.

EDIT: wait never mind it still has a chance at winning.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I'd like to take a moment to aprecciate the fact that either Sylvia has done some nifty multiclassing or the system we are using allows for a decent enough degree of competence in the skills outside of one's class.

For the choice, I agree with DarkMaster's cautious approach, but would still like to investigate the unknown parts of the castle on our own before meeting the harpies. Maybe bring a bucket of cold water from that well with us, just in case?


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
I'd like to take a moment to aprecciate the fact that either Sylvia has done some nifty multiclassing or the system we are using allows for a decent enough degree of competence in the skills outside of one's class.

For the choice, I agree with DarkMaster's cautious approach, but would still like to investigate the unknown parts of the castle on our own before meeting the harpies. Maybe bring a bucket of cold water from that well with us, just in case?

I'd suggest making the mask, as it could prove useful in avoiding harpy lipstick if that's a thing here, last thing Remi needs is to get breed happy with the harpies and wear herself out as well as technically negating any potential followers she might find.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'd suggest making the mask, as it could prove useful in avoiding harpy lipstick if that's a thing here, last thing Remi needs is to get breed happy with the harpies and wear herself out as well as technically negating any potential followers she might find.

The harpies use sound to attract mates in this setting.  They've been described as singers a few times.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ahahaha so luckly it will go into summoning territory story now xD Damn why now all of sudden I thought about The Mana World webcomic? -_-' Nvm but if outcime of summoning will be same it could be finny to see it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
The harpies use sound to attract mates in this setting.  They've been described as singers a few times.

@Savin, would it be possible to add earmuffs or plugs to the mask to deal with this? Or enchant parts of it to negate the siren call of the Harpies?
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