Savin's CYOA: 008 (LEWD)

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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
"What do you want?" you ask, following the witch inside. Her abode was dark, lit only by a single window, and cramped by a number of tables, desks, and shelves all laden with devices of bronze and glass you couldn't identify. Garlic, herbs, rings of flowers, and other alchemical reagents hung from the ceiling, forcing you to clear the way with a hand lest you get a face-full. A full foot smaller than you, the cabin's owner had no such problems, and gracefully sashayed to one of her tome-laden bookcases. While she searched, you pried further: "Need me to drive off another pack of ler'imps for you? Fetch some rare herb from half a world away?"

"Nothing so dramatic," she chuckled, pulling a volume off the shelf and spreading it open on one of the desks. Flipping the pages with obvious familiarity, she murmured, "Mhm, color is fairly mundane... larger than average size, though. And the texture, the way it swirls, almost like a gas or an admixture. Perhaps there's something in the liquid? Yes, that seems likely, but what?"

"Something in the liquid? Like a potion within a potion?"

She laughed, shook her head. "Oh, no. More like a potion being diluted by something. One formula suspended in what looks like magebane extract -- magical nullification. Whatever this is must be potent indeed... but I won't be able to properly analyze it until I separate them. Here."

The witch popped the cork on the vial and set it at a steep angle in one of the glass apparatuses, letting the contents start to dribble out into a much larger beaker. Once the cerulean elixir is secured and strapped in, she returns her attention to you. "It'll take a few minutes to separate. Now, about that price..."

The witch took one long-legged step closer to you, just enough to let her run a milky-pale hand across the polished mail on your chest. "I wouldn't ask much for such a simple service. It's just... well, you and I both know how lonely it can be, living out here alone..."

A faint smile spread on her pink lips, just enough to show the cute little feline fangs inside. "Just keep me... company... until the potion's done. That's all I ask. You can do that for a poor little witch, hmm? Or have the stories about the salamanders' famous lusts been overstated?"

Well, you didn't have much choice if you wanted your potion back. And you had to admit, the witch was certainly pretty... for a catgirl. You blushed, biting your lip and looking the svelte kitten-girl up and down -- even as her hand continued to roam and tease, rubbing the undersides of your breasts and tracing down your firm belly.

"Hesitating?" she teased, letting her hand wander lower... and lower... "Oh, Remielle, I can feel your heart hammering. I'm not asking too much, am I? Don't you want to?"

A stammered "Y-yes, but-" escaped you... before her other hand rose, pressing a finger to your lips.

"Tell you what: all you need to do is use your mouth. Settle on your knees here, and let your instincts do the work. You'll enjoy it... I promise."

Slowly, you nodded, feeling an intense burn in your cheeks as you slinked down onto your knees as commanded. The witch smirked and stepped back, spinning around on a high heel and reached to the lace on her black corset. It came away easily, followed soon by her belt. All that was left was the dress itself, hugging her slender chest tightly and falling in short, lacy skirts just over her knees. Rather than undress further, though, the witch flashed a little smile over her shoulder and bent down, resting her elbows on one of the table and thrusting her pert behind out at you.

Your instincts told you to reach forward, running your hands up her milky thighs and hooking your claws under the hem of the sheer white panties you found under her skirt. One slow pull has them down around the witch's knees, bearing a pair of perfectly smooth cheeks and a dark star of a behind to you under her raised skirts...

And something you weren't expecting. Just past the dusky ring sat a plump, smooth sack and a slender rod of pale meat, half-hard and ringed with small nubs around its crown. Barely the length of your finger, you'd guess, and about that slender, too. 

"Wait, you're... you're a-!"

"I never claimed to be anything else," she -- he! -- laughed, wiggling his slender hips expectantly. "Though it's flattering you thought so. I rather prefer it. No second thoughts, now!"

You... you guessed not. Taking a deep breath to set aside your surprise, you put your hands on her cheeks and spread them, giving yourself ready access. If this forest witch wanted to come off as a woman, then you could fuck her like one, too.

He gasped, entire body shivering when your tongue flicked out across his lonely hole. The earthy, bitter taste gave you pause, too, but seeing his little cock jump to attention from the fleeting touch was all the encouragement you needed. You'd only ever heard that some boys liked it from behind, but as you slipped your tongue into the surprisingly pliant, warm embrace of his ass, you gained some small enjoyment in seeing it confirmed in front of you. 

The witch-boy gasped and moaned, pushing his hips back against your face to draw you deeper in. "Dirty girl!" he chuckled, "And you looked so innocent, too!"

He's one to talk. You gave one of his soft cheeks a firm squeeze and thrust your tongue deep, in and out through the tight little passage. The witch's backdoor clenched around you, pinching at your tongue until you had to fight to push deeper... but when you did, and your forked tip came up against what felt like a little bulb pressed against the bottom of his hole, it proved to be more than worth it. His kitty-prick jumped, smearing a gooey trail of white along the edge of the desk, and a suddering moan wracked his body so thoroughly that you had to yanks his tail out of your face, it was thrashing so much. 

Grinning into the kitten's tail-hole, you put the pressure on that hidden spot, licking and pressing on it until the witch's voice was a constant chorus of lusty moans and his cock was thumping against the desk to the beat of his hammering heart. But you weren't cruel, oh no... degrading as the act might have been, you still needed the witch to come away happy.

Of course, neither of you noticed the witch's bucking hips and your tail's gay thumps on the floor were slowly but surely causing the apparatus under the vial to shift, shaking and jiggling ever closer to the edge... If only you'd been a little more aware. Instead, your attention was wholly focused on the witch's ass and cock, devoted to his pleasure.

Your muscular tail coiled up between your legs, brushing tantalizingly against your own sex until its slender tip was prodding the witch. He gasped, flashing an unsure look at you over his shoulder. You made a reassuring sound, half-muffled in boypussy, and continued slurping at his dark hole. The tip of your tail slowly, sinuously wrapped around his little member, squeezing just enough to make him moan before starting to coil itself up and down, using the sinfully smooth scales of your underside to rub him off. That much, at least, you knew he should like.

Sure enough, a few moments of that treatment and you could feel him tightening up, breathing hard and squeezing your tongue like a vice. Not to mention the near-constant leak of warm wetness from the crown of his prick, smearing watery seed all over your dark underscales. At least that gave you a little lube to work with, to move faster until he was moaning and bucking his hips frantically against the table, your face, and your tail's firm grasp. 

"L-let me.. let me turn around!" the witch moaned, fighting hard to keep control. "I want... to see..."

Oh, fine. You grab the boy's hips and spin him, popping your tongue out of his ass and onto the nubby crown just barely peeking out of your squeezing tail. Just in time to get your first taste of a man's seed, spurting out in a sudden shot that paints the back of your throat white. You choke, eyes wide; you can't keep from recoiling, which only earns you a masculine marking across your face, smearing your lips and cheeks and chin, and letting the rest squirt out onto the tops of your breasts and neck. 

The shock of the sudden spunk-covering made you all but fall backwards. Your released the witch's, flailing wildly... and crashing heavily against the leg of the table, at the same time that the witch himself flopped bonelessly backwards, knees buckling without you to support him.

Only a moment too late did you realize how big of a mistake you'd made.

All you could do was lunge forward, watching in horror as the cyan vial and its attached device all wobbled with the impacts, teetering on the edge of the desk before toppling. You reached for them, already knowing it was too late; the glass hit the floor with a heavy CRACK!, and glass went flying. 

You face-planted into the misty blue puddle left on the floor, eyes bulging and a scream of horror and loss on your lips. "Gods damn it, NO!"

And just like that, shaken off by a scream, a little drop of cum dripped from your face and plopped wetly into the elixir. No sooner had it than bubbles start forming in the puddle, and a noxious mist rose from it, right into your face. 

You never found out what really happened next, as darkness took you a moment later...

(( Sooo this chapter got kinda super long, sorry. Had to cram in plot and porn, and get to a decision point. If that's an issue, lemme know and I'll try harder to keep 'em short and :V
Anyway, pretty big decision here... talk amongst yourselves and try and decide which Curse is best... or most fun.))

Name: Remielle Syrililth
Race: Salamander
Sex: Female (For now...)
Figure: Amazonian
Class: Mage
Stats: STR (10) CON (16) DEX (14) INT (15) WIS (8) CHA (12)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The first two options are too restrictive for a character. And the third is only one which can justify her being a virgin not even familiar with her own body ( a scene with the harpy mentioned it).


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
As fun as a submisiveness curse would be, i don't think the witch boy is that cruel. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I perfectly fine with all options but I would like if the cute trap was still her ally, not an enemy .


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Hmm looking back at the previous posts I didn't see any submission just "I'm new to this" and despite the desire I have for a submissive Amazon, for the sake of continuity the third choice seems the most fitting.

Vladdie P.

Jul 17, 2016
I personally think that a combination of 2 and 3 would make the most sense, she'd only be able to finish as a sub (but with control over herself before sex), considering she showed no lust towards the Dom mantis but was a sub with Tyroa. Although it would lead to a very restricted character, just like Mysty:

That's muh fetish


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Think of all of these options less as restrictions, and more as... fun penalties that will come up in fun/inconvenient ways.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
This too was a tough question. For me it stood between having her lose her voice of reason from time to time, or to become a full time (?) subby.

My ultimate decision was the increased sex drive. There comes a time where someone has to make the first move for something to happen, and this option improves the chance for at least Remie to be that someone.

+ having her libido take over every now and then might create lots of fun and perhaps sticky situations. 


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Is there any chance we can have a submissive curse without the catboy going all dommy? 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I see nothing wrong with dommy catboy I would just like him as a friend (one you can have sex with XD)


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
What's wrong with dommy catboys?

I feel a bit like thats a trick question. 

I'm just having quite a bit of difficulty picturing a trap catboy, in a dress, with a minuscule endowment going full dom.


Why do i suddenly get the feeling that the catboy is gona dick up Remi, then proceed to powerbottem snu snu her. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
If the witch does win, it could be that he gets intoxicated by the smoke and does something he otherwise wouldn't have to Remi.  Unfortunately afterwards its too late for him to remove the ring.  Alternatively, he's the one that gets possessed by the demon and puts the curse on Remi as a result.  Regardless, she's forced to run away afterwards and never actually has sex with the witch for the sake of continuity.  However, in this dream she envisions having sex with all kinds before waking up.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I feel a bit like thats a trick question. 

I'm just having quite a bit of difficulty picturing a trap catboy, in a dress, with a minuscule endowment going full dom.


Well, it's like a femdom, but better - with a femboy!

Why do i suddenly get the feeling that the catboy is gona dick up Remi, then proceed to powerbottem snu snu her. 


Now I want it...


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I was thinking of proposing mechanics for our lady's man-bits to post when I got home and it looks like my original suggestion might not quite work.  Still, I'll just throw it out for the moment.

Cursed cock: When presented with a shapely someone that is not immediately hostile to you, become erect if not already.  If that someone expresses an interest in your cock going inside them, roll wisdom (~8-12?) to resist the ring's power.  On fail, increase difficulty (~+2-4?) on any rolls (maybe just str, dex, and wis) attempting to avoid submitting to sex with that someone for the next 10 minutes or until you cum.  On success, you don't need to attempt any cursed cock rolls for 10 minutes.  Cumming while under the effects of your cursed cock causes your str and con scores to be halved, but never low enough to paralyze or kill you, and you don't need to attempt any cursed cock rolls for 10 minutes.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I'd like to stay as far away as possible from anything demonic, and don't want our new friend to turn out to be a dick.

So my suggestion: the potion is originally some sort of elven fertility draft, that causes a breeding overdrive in any species with normal or high natural libido. It also prevents a person who drank it from cumming without a partner.

The submission-inducing ring our lovely catboi witch used to prevent Remi from going berserk fused with the elixir. Now she has those breeding urges, can't relieve herself, but becomes a putty in the hands of any partner that tries to assert any form of control during their encounter and always tries her best to pleasure them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Darn it, five more votes for the demon since I was asleep and none for submissiveness.

I think it might have been best to have split this one into two votes.  One for what causes the curse, and one for what the curse actually does.  Some of the options on these polls have maybe been a bit too specific, giving detailed results of the choice and I've seen a lot of comments about people wanting to mix and match those choices.  Maybe it would be better to go for simple choices on the main vote and get details from the comment votes?
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