Savin's CYOA: 006

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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015

Chapter II

You weren't always the way you are now. There was a time when you could call yourself a woman only, unburdened by masculine endowment and the base desires that come with it. Now, exhausted and sated in a way you've never known before, sleep takes you quickly. With it come vivid dreams of days gone by...

It had been your first ruins-delve, not six months after your homeland was swallowed up by the Empire. Hunting and foraging had gotten you by this far, but the draw of an old elvish watchtower in the lowlands had been too much to resist. Those old places were always full of treasure: enchanted swords, magic potions, hidden stores of electrum and gemstones. That's what the stories said, anyway. And you'd found just such a place, so overrun with vines that you were sure it had been untouched for a thousand years.

So you'd gone inside, spear at the ready. The tower itself was a ruin, of course, barely ten feet of stone still standing. But what lay below, underneath the secret door you found a few yards away; that's what you'd come for. Letting your tail-flame guide light the way, you dropped the short distance down into a stone passage underneath the tower. Dust and cobwebs and thousands of little bugs greeted you, clinging to the dank stone walls. A shudder wracked your body, enough to make you want to run screaming right back out, but you steeled your will and forced yourself forward. 

The dream blurs for a moment, and you find yourself in a vaulted chamber deep beneath the earth. It had taken you hours to reach the chamber, navigating through winding corridors and fending off overgrown spiders glutted on elf-magic. When you found this chamber, though, you knew you'd hit paydirt. Dozens of coins were scattered about the floor from a shattered chest, glistening in the light of your tail, but your attention was drawn to something far more precious.

A single glass bottle had rolled free and safe from the chest, full of a dark cyan liquid that swirled mistily in the dim light. You walked over and picked it up gingerly between two claws, holding it up to your eye. This is what you'd come for: an enchanted elixir, still potent and intact after ages -- the lost magic of the elves at work. You could make a fortune off this in the city-states of the south, no doubt... but such a potion could also work miracles for you, too. Make you stronger, fleet-footed, grant you powers beyond your reckoning... who knows?

The temptation was almost too much to resist. 

<<Wisdom Saving Throw: Success (1 vs. 8)!>>

But you managed, for now. Equal chance of this thing being cursed or poisoned, right? You knew better than to knock back random potions. Taking a deep breath, you kicked over the chest and set the potion back down, safe and sound, and pulled the old leather-bound grimoire from your satchel.

<<Intelligence Check: Failure (14+3 vs. 15)!>>

You spent an hour flipping through pages of arcane text, trying to match the color and smell and texture of the potion to anything your teacher, or any in the long line that had held the volume, had ever encountered. Nothing. Perhaps now you'd found a reason to add your mark to its collated knowledge... when you figured out what this potion does.

Only one way, right?

(( I only rewrote this one like 3 times its fine :| ))

Name: Remielle Syrililth
Race: Salamander
Sex: Female (For Now...)
Figure: Amazonian
Class: Mage
Stats: STR (10) CON (16) DEX (14) INT (15) WIS (8) CHA (12)
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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
While drinking the potion is my gut decision (what can I say, I like risk taking), I did vote to go to the witch with it. Remi managed not to chug it in the first place, despite the allure of it, so I feel it'd be a little out of character to chug it after research coming up empty. Plus, who knows what the witch may know, or do.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
City folk will hustle our poor wildling 'mander, and in any case they will want our hard stolen money for their services. Fuck that noise.

The witch is clearly the best option. We sadly have no chance of boning her, lest we brake the continuity, but female spell casters are always a great asset. Zero trouble can stem from interacting with them, just ask that Geralt fellow.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Can this witch be trusted? Do we know anything about her? heck drinking the potion could very well be the safer choice between the two. Going to the city seems safer so that's my vote.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Oh man! Piercing should be from some Ceraph-like character. Ehehe.

I actually specifically decided not to suggest that she'd been given that by a monster-girl who wanted a sex slave stud to see what you had in mind on your own.  Seems that might end up being the case after all.

Edit: Interthread quotes are hard, especially on your phone.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Given that its Savin thats doing the writing, i expect the witch to expect compensation of a sexual nature.   Maybe she dicks up Remi and goes full blown Tamini    And to add insult to injury, the potion is mundane dye. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Let see world bur....en ok just go to town and do...mander stuff ^^


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Can the city be trusted? Unlike the witch, we know something about the city, and that is that they don't care for 'manders. I see no more risk in going to the witch than going to the city. In fact, I'd say it's safer. If we run into trouble in the city, it's very likely it would be a gang of troublemakers that don't like Remi because of who and what she is. If the witch tries to pull something, the odds are much better that it would be 1v1, and Remi could probably escape out into the woods more easily than running through a city, if need be.

But that 1v1 is going to involve magic on both sides, I'd prefer it if there is a fight (which in all likelihood we could just avoid the dingy alleyway that you know will have the obligatory thugs) we were the only ones capable of throwing fire, even if it's a 4v1.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
But that 1v1 is going to involve magic on both sides, I'd prefer it if there is a fight (which in all likelihood we could just avoid the dingy alleyway that you know will have the obligatory thugs) we were the only ones capable of throwing fire, even if it's a 4v1.

A witch who can appear to be someone like Flemeth, or some miserable city thugs? It's not even a question.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
A witch who can appear to be someone like Flemeth, or some miserable city thugs? It's not even a question.

Exactly with magic you can do anything, but a thug is just a thug. You have a good idea of what their capable of.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Most hermits and societal pariahs live the way they do to protect themselves from the intolerance of "proper" society. It doesn't immediately mean they're violent monsters.


Not violent monsters, maybe. But very likely dangerous.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Or a lone witch that's totally harmless versus several hardened bandits/criminals with a chip on their shoulder and no morals to speak of. That hypothetical goes both ways very easily.

Because using dangerous, fire-based combat magic within a populated city as an individual that faces known discrimination can't possibly go wrong, let alone the fact that just having magic is hardly a guaranteed victory.

Alright it's pretty obvious that we fundamentally disagree what's the best course of action. Not that it matters since going to the city is in third place. Let's just agree to no "I told you so" moments.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Alright it's pretty obvious that we fundamentally disagree what's the best course of action. Not that it matters since going to the city is in third place. Let's just agree to no "I told you so" moments.

Or, we can agree that whatever path Remi chooses, she is gona end up getting dicked.  :shibe:


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Or, we can agree that whatever path Remi chooses, she is gona end up getting dicked.  :shibe:

I'd never dream! All three of these choices are risks, and using the bit of meta-knowledge we unavoidably have because we know this is a dream sequence, all of them are going to end fairly badly in one way or another. 

hope the witch is the least-bad choice, but there's no real way to know that until after the fact.

True this is Savin we're talking about.


Mar 6, 2016
yikes, bloody hell update already. i missed much. but yay remi. is good name. punchy.

anyway, i vote recklessness of a beverage-oriented persuasion
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Heh those new chaps getting more and more predictable at least in best answer section xD
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