Savin's CYOA: 004

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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
You watch the mantis go for a long moment -- long enough to make sure that she isn't circling back around. Satisfied you aren't about to suffer a counter-attack, you turn back to the prone harpy in time to see her groggily rising up to a sitting position. She rubs at her head with her feather-shrouded hands and groans, looking up at you with big, golden eyes.

"W-who're you..." the harpy groans, blinking. "Oh! You saved me!"

You walk over and offer her a hand, careful to keep your staff close at hand. Harpies are well known to jump travelers -- especially those with dicks -- after all. She takes your hand gingerly and you haul her up, ending with her wobbling on her leg-talons a little closer than you'd intended. You're left suddenly aware of how naked she is: aside from the little patch of down around her sex and the feathers of her wings, she's bare as a babe, leaving broad egg-bearing hips, a plump behind, and perky breasts all on display; the latter so close now that her rosy little teats brush against the front of your robe, stiff as spearpoints after her encounter with the beast. 

"What was that thing?" you ask, slowly peeling your gaze off the harpy's chest. It's not easy, especially with tight bulge forming in the front of your robes to match the dampness still staining the other woman's thighs.

"I don't know," she shrugs. "Been here since before my sisters and I moved into the castle, though! Makes it real scary to go anywhere on your own, knowing she's stalking around. Guess I got careless!"

The harpy manages an uncertain laugh and chews on her lower lip, not quite meeting your gaze. "I'm Tyroa, by the way. Thanks for saving me... the last thing I needed was to get pumped full of her eggs before I got any of my own."

"Remielle," you say, tapping a claw to your chest. "You said you and your... sisters... live in the castle there?"

"Uh-huh! We got driven out of our old nest by a bunch of nasty cat-folk, but Queen Miria found us a new place to live in the ruins. Nobody bothers us there... except the minotaurs. And sometimes ogres. But none of them can climb up the towers, cuz there's no stairs anymore, so we're safe there!"

Ogres and minotaurs? Uh-oh.

Before you can think too much on the new problems you'll be facing, Tyroa takes a step back and bounces expectantly on her avian legs, which does some truly amazing things to her jiggly behind and unbound breasts. 

Your attention is suddenly and completely drawn back to the stiffness in your loins. You can feel your pierced crown grinding urgently against the soft fabric of your panties, mere inches away from the dampened, steamy flesh of the harpy's spread sex. You shift your legs uncomfortably, but can't quite hide your growing bulge before the harpy's gaze wanders down.

Her eyes go wide. "O-oh! You..."

Awkwardly, you rub the back of your head and mumble something about salamander battle-lust. As if that's the cause, and not the perky, naked ball of feathers so close that you can feel the heat of her nethers on your legs, not to mention having gotten to see her all but split open on the mantis's strange organ mere moments ago...

"No, I mean, wow!" Tyroa beams, bouncing giddily. "All my sisters said there wasn't anything but nasty monsters for miles around, but I didn't believe them. I told them I could totally find a really good egg-daddy and look!"

Before you can blink, one of her feathery hands is pressed against the front of your robe, groping at your turgid 'mander-cock through the sheer fabric. "Well, egg-momma in this case. Even better! Why don't you let me thank you proper for saving me, Remi? How about it?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
This is really tough to deal with, such a sexy creature, she seems so nice, and your curse is starting to get the better of you.  Wouldn't it be nice to just let go, if only for a little while?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
In option 5 are we fucking her ass with our tail or using our tail for something else?

Well given that 3rd option is using tail on her ass to make it alsmot dp sex 5 should be something else...well should as it wouldn't be put as option if it was jsut the same as 3 just in slight different position.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
This is the part where we learn the Harpy has a deep, dark secret, likely sexual in nature.   A hidden cock is probably not gona happen at this point.  Maybe there's genitals hidden in her feathery tail?  Or hidden tentacles?  Or maybe were-something. 

I'll admit i'll be rather dissapointed if this harpy is nothing more then a  fuzzy Tamini. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
That's what I'd go for, but if anybody has better ideas....

Maybe wrapping around the harpy's waist, holding the harpy on top while her hands play over other parts?  Maybe  the harpy wants to hold hands and the tail can be used for fondling while the hands are unavailable?


Jun 24, 2016
See that we have no.

Immediately missionary gets voted, because fuck no are we not dodging this one.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Regardless of the winner, I hope you play up her lower wisdom (willpower) score in the scene.  I like the idea that our PC's curse makes it hard to think about things other than mating when presented with a shapely woman.  If she's also weak in body as well (assuming sub sex wins), so much the better.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It's supposed to be your reward, so why don't let her do all the work?
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