Saves Gone

Aug 28, 2015
Hey just spent 20 plus hours lvling a character from scratch then the next time i come to the game bam no saves slightly vexing to say the least


FoE Mod
Aug 26, 2015
And would the "next time" be after Fenoxo got his new server? If so, out of my control.

The online saves are kept in your browser cache, if you clear it (or, as was the case with the server move) the domain changes, you're out of luck.

Use save editing to get yourself back up, but in the future it's best to keep your saves on file for backup.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If you don't mind waiting, I can grab some file locations for you so you can check if the saves still exist yourself. So were you playing the game through browser online or did you download the offline version and use that?
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Corrupter of Tainted Space
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
But the domain shouldn't have moved. It's still - there were a few hours were the links got fucked up and went to, which is technically a different domain where adobe is concerned, but that's been rectified.

...I just realized this is an FoE post.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well, I found the save files, but wow is dealing with with these a bitch. 

If you wish to check yourself they are located C:\Users\YourPCAccountNameHere\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Storage\http_www.fenoxo.com_0.localstorage
You will need a SQLite database viewer to get your hands on the insides though... FoE probably didn't even a save editor(???). If this seems like a bother, I suggest just starting all over.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
No save editor, but it's easy enough to edit in notepad. Takes some playing with though.

Quick aside: I hear the newest release made save to file work for offline too, so backing up your stuff is even easier!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
No save editor, but it's easy enough to edit in notepad. Takes some playing with though.

Yeah. I just noticed, I never bothered opening up that local file before. But it sure as heck is easy now that I did.


FoE Mod
Aug 26, 2015
The raw save is a bit hard to get, but put it in a JSON-viewer (Notepad++ and JStool for example) and the format should be relatively selfexplanatory. The one thing that's hard to understand is the flags for everything, pretty much need the code to understand what they actually are, but boosting your stats is trivial.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I guess you could change the file name of http_fenoxo.com_0.localstorage to http_www.fenoxo.com_0.localstorage so your saves work on the new link.
Aug 28, 2015
Aug 28, 2015
I guess you could change the file name of http_fenoxo.com_0.localstorage to http_www.fenoxo.com_0.localstorage so your saves work on the new link.

ok please have the assumption that i am completly stupid and only have use of a computer due to divine intervention and say that step by step ive been messing about and assume i can do a load file from disk thing if only i can find the correct file im using firefox not chrome so going through tons of appdatafolders didnt help either


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm pretty sure there's a cheat mode in the game at your base camp.  Just flip that on and lvl ill you're back where you were.
Aug 28, 2015
ok when i try to load from file what comes up is

C:\Users\YourPCAccountNameHere\Desktop\Old Firefox Data\qpkod4nz.default\sessionstore-backups

bunch of files names like previous recovery recovery.bak upgrade.js all the files say theyre around 8.oddMB but when i try to add them its telling me im only allowed to upload 10MB watever whenever i try to load any of them i get the ERROR LOCATION IS NULL thing im having no trouble with Tits at all loading my save playing saving reloading but ive just noticed with fall of eden saving in any way possible closing firefox then reopening and trying to reload the save its blank again whichever way i try to reload so have i messed up my settings somehow?

Just tried in chrome saved closed it reopenedback to site saves still present would like to know what ive done wrongwith firefox if anyone can help

If you don't mind waiting, I can grab some file locations for you so you can check if the saves still exist yourself. So were you playing the game through browser online or did you download the offline version and use that?

And yeah through browser online it works fine as long as i keep firefox open but as soon as i close it and try again bam wiped which is messing with me bcos like i said its wrking fine for tits just FOE not tried with Coc yet


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It's saving FoE in sessionStorage then...? Strange, perhaps there is setting on firefox for that. I guess I could download the latest firefox and see what it does for me.

Well, this was sort of obvious, but I'm guessing you either have the setting on to not save any history, cookies, cache OR you are using incognito. This was the only option I could find that causes them to go to sessionStorage.
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Aug 28, 2015
It's saving FoE in sessionStorage then...? Strange, perhaps there is setting on firefox for that. I guess I could download the latest firefox and see what it does for me.

Well, this was sort of obvious, but I'm guessing you either have the setting on to not save any history, cookies, cache OR you are using incognito. This was the only option I could find that causes them to go to sessionStorage.

i checked all that still have a history saves cookies using less than my lmit for cached data