Save file location in electron version


New Member
Jan 20, 2023
Hi all, apologies if this has been covered before, but I've spent the better part of a half hour scouring the forum and wiki for an answer to this and have yet to find anything relevant to any non-legacy versions of the game.

More or less as the title says, I'm wondering if we even still have transferable save data anymore. I'm wanting to transfer my saves from one Linux build to another, and I've been unable to find anything that looks like save data in my /home/ directory, and just dragging over all the game data I can find just gives me a save-less game to work with.

I appreciate the time.


Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Saveslots are stored as part of the electron profile data, which is (or should) be seperate from the actual game folder. On windows this ends up being in %appdata%\tits, on linux this will either be $XDG_CONFIG_HOME or default to ~/.config/tits or similar - I don't have a linux test system to dig into it and double check right now. The system is identical to how the web versions saves data, which is to say I think the data is actually stored inside an sqlite db that handles locastorage/indexeddb for the browser instance.

At either rate, save to file is still there and should work, there's nothing stopping you from effectively exporting the save slots to files that you can do with as you please.
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New Member
Jan 20, 2023
on linux this will either be $XDG_CONFIG_HOME or default to ~/.config/tits or similar - I don't have a linux test system to dig into it and double check right now.
Thank you for that, I did try throwing everything I could find in ~/.config over to a fresh user to see if it'd carry save data over before posting here, but that didn't seem to work out. I appreciate the insight into the save system there.

How I completely failed to find the save to file feature is beyond me. I've found it now and that's a perfectly fine solution for my purposes, thank you again for that.